
本プロジェクトは、超高齢社会を迎えた我が国の最重要課題の一つである難治性慢性疾患を予防するため、成人病胎児起源説(Developmental Origin of Health and Disease, DOHaD)についてそのメカニズムを解明し、生殖・周産期からのアプローチにより先制医療を実現するための基盤を確立することを目的としています。本学附属病院で実施しているTMDU出生前コホート研究(Birth Cohort-Gene Environment Interaction Study in TMDU, BC-GENIST)をベースに、ヒト臨床に即した周産期リスクマウスモデルを作製し、周産期要因による疾患形質形成の分子機序の解明及び発症リスクを抑える周産期要件の科学的根拠の提示に取り組みます。

DOHaD research toward preventive and preemptive approach against chronic non-communicable diseases

Multiple lines of evidence from epidemiological observations have implicated that the quality of fetal development is linked to risks of non-communicable diseases later in life. Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD) is a concept that the developing conditions in utero or the early phase of life will modify the long-lasting bodily function and physiology. In Japan, a super-aged society, the problem of an exceptionally high percentage of low-weight-births has been raised as a serious concern. To implement preemptive medicine from the early stage of life, it is important to elucidate how the environment interacts with the fetal genome and modulates its phenotype. We are currently continuing our Birth Cohort – Gene and ENvironment Interaction Study of TMDU (BC-GENIST). 



1.Sato N, Sudo K, Mori M, Imai C, Muramatsu M, Sugimoto M. Early gestational maternal low-protein diet diminishes hepatic response to fasting in young adult male mice. Sci Rep. 2017.08; 7 (1): 9812

2. Komazaki R, Katagiri S, Takahashi H, Maekawa S, Shiba T, Takeuchi Y, Kitajima Y, Ohtsu A, Udagawa S, Sasaki N, Watanabe K, Sato N, Miyasaka N, Eguchi Y, Anzai K, Izumi Y. Periodontal pathogenic bacteria, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans affect non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by altering gut microbiota and glucose metabolism. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):13950.
3. Udagawa S, Katagiri S, Maekawa S, Takeuchi Y, Komazaki R, Ohtsu A, Sasaki N, Shiba T, Watanabe K, Ishihara K, Sato N, Miyasaka N, Izumi Y. Effect of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection in the placenta and umbilical cord in pregnant mice with low birth weight. Acta Odontol Scand. 2018;76(6):433-441.

1. Sato N. “Perinatal Immunomethylomics towards DOHaD”. 17th Surugadai International Symposium & Joint Usage/Research Program of Medical Research Institute International Symposium. 2018.11.19. Tokyo, Japan.

1.佐藤憲子. 3章. DOHaD の基礎:DOHaD の分子機構、産婦人科の実際. 2017.08; 66(08); 959-966
2.佐藤憲子. 疾患発症前段階の肝臓トランスクリプトーム・メタボローム解析. Medical Science Digest. 2017.12; 43 (12): 637-638
3.佐藤憲子. Developmental Origin of Health and Disease(DOHaD)を理解する新時代の到来―ゲノム・エピゲノムと加齢性慢性疾患の関連性に関する新たな視点. 化学と生物. 2018. Vol.56, No.9, page 613-620. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kagakutoseibutsu/56/9/56_560905/_pdf/-char/ja
4. 佐藤 憲子. 出生前栄養環境がエピゲノムと健康に及ぼす影響. 日本食品免疫学会第13回学術大会シンポジウム. シンポジウム3「長期時間軸における生体変化と食品機能」2017年11月10日
5. 佐藤 憲子. 環境がライフコースエピゲノムに及ぼす影響について. 日本人類遺伝学会第62回大会. シンポジウム“ゲノム・エピゲノム情報から読み解く加齢の生理と病気”2017年11月18日


1. Pavethynath S, Imai C, JIN X, Hichiwa N, Takimoto H, Okamitsu M, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Fudono A, Muramatsu M, Miyasaka N and Sato N. Metabolic and immunological shifts during mid-to-late gestation influence maternal blood methylation of CPT1A and SREBF1, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2019, 20,E1066.
2. Kyaw TZ, Yamaguchi S, Imai C, Uematsu M, Sato N. The utility of post-test newborn blood spot screening cards for epigenetic association analyses: association between HIF3A methylation and birth weight-for-gestational age. J Hum Genet. 2019 Aug;64(8):795-801. 
3. Sato N & Miyasaka N. Heterogeneity in fetal growth velocity. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 5;9(1):11304. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47839-5.
プレスリリース「胎児成長パターンの多様性を発見」― 胎児発育の個別化評価から先制医療へ!―
4. Sato N & Miyasaka N. Stratified analysis of the correlation between gestational weight gain and birth weight for gestational age: a retrospective single-center cohort study in Japan. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2019.11; 19 (1): 402.
5. Imai C, Takimoto H, Fudono A, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Okamitsu M, Sasaki S, Mizutani S, Miyasaka N, Sato N. Application of the Nutrient-Rich Food Index 9.3 and the Dietary Inflammatory Index for Assessing Maternal Dietary Quality in Japan: A Single-Center Birth Cohort Study. Nutrients. 13(8):2854. 2021.
6. Fudono A, Imai C, Takimoto H, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Okamitsu M, Muramatsu M, Sato N,  Miyasaka N. Trimester-specific associations between extracellular vesicle microRNAs and fetal growth. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2021.2000598. Online ahead of print.
7. Sato N, Fudono A, Imai C, Takimoto H, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Okamitsu M, Mizutani S, Miyasaka N. Placenta mediates the effect of maternal hypertension pol;ygenic score on offspring birth weight: a study of birth cohort with fetal growth velocity data. BMC Medicine, 19(1):260. 2021.
プレスリリース「妊婦の遺伝的高血圧リスクは胎盤への影響を介して児の出生体重を低下させる」【佐藤憲子 准教授】:https://www.tmd.ac.jp/press-release/2021.11.05-1/
EurekAlert! The Global Source for Science News. 2021.12.03. "The placenta-the smoking gun in cardiovascular disease": https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/936785

② DOHaDとエピゲノムに関する解説、講演等 
1. 佐藤憲子. “胎児発育トラジェクトリーの多様性” 第30回日本DOHaD学会分科会.寺小屋研究会 -DOHaDからの新たな超音波周産期臨床の展開- 2020.1.25 東京
2. 佐藤憲子: 遺伝子医学MOOK「エピゲノムで新たな解明が進む『先天性疾患』」(副島 英伸, 秦健一郎編), メディカル ドゥ, 東京, 2021, 36号, 182-187頁, 第4章「3. DOHaD分子疫学」
3. 佐藤憲子: 食品免疫学事典(日本食品免疫学会 編), 「9-16. 胎生期の栄養と免疫機能」, 2021年, 朝倉書店, 東京
4. 佐藤憲子.「遺伝子と栄養環境の影響を理解して子々孫々の健康を守る」文京区市民公開講座―最先端生命科学講座シリーズ第29回. 2021.10.22.


Project Leader: Noriko Sato (Molecular Epidemiology)

Collaborators: Naoyuki Miyasaka, Ayako Fudono (Comprehensive Reproductive Medicine), Chihiro Imai (Molecular Epidemiology)

次世代に続く健康社会を築くために、Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD)の考えに基づき、生殖周産期における疾患予防の方法を確立することが重要である
Based on the concept of Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD), it is important to develop methods for disease prevention in the reproductive and perinatal period in order to construct a healthy society for future generations.