大学統合時の教育・学生生活について(受験生向け)                Regarding education and student life after the integration(For prospective students)

大学統合時の教育・学生生活について(受験生向け)                Regarding education and student life after the integration(For prospective students)


Date: March 29, 2024









On December 13, 2023, the Diet passed an act to partially amend the National University Corporation Act,

which included the integration of National University Corporation Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)

and National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) to

form National University Corporation Institute of Science Tokyo.

As a result, the decision to integrate the two universities and establish
the new “Institute of Science Tokyo” on October 1, 2024 is now official.

Following the decision, we would like to inform all prospective students and their families,

of the matters already decided or still under discussion regarding education and student life at the time of integration.

We look forward to your continued understanding and support for the establishment and prosperity of Institute of Science Tokyo.

【入学者選抜試験等について】Entrance examination, etc

入学者選抜試験実施方法 Entrance examination




Entrance examinations will stay as currently implemented at both universities for the moment.

Any changes in the entrance examinations will be announced promptly.

In particular, any changes that will significantly impact preparations by applicants
for the undergraduate program will be announced about two years in advance.

オープンキャンパス2024等の実施方針 Overview of Open Campus 2024


(東京医科歯科大学)開催日 :2024年8月1日(木),8月2日(金)予定

               開催場所:東京医科歯科大学 湯島キャンパス

(東京工業大学)   開催日 :2024年8月7日(水)予定

               開催場所:東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス



In AY 2024, separate events are planned to be held as “Institute of Science Tokyo Open Campus”
at TMDU and Tokyo Tech campuses as follows.

TMDU: (Date) Thursday, August 1 and Friday, August 2 (tentative)

      (Venue) TMDU Yushima Campus

Tokyo Tech: (Date) Wednesday, August 7 (tentative)

          (Venue) Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus

In addition, we are considering jointly participating as Institute of Science Tokyo in entrance examination explanatory sessions

for prospective students sponsored by outside organizations, such as college-preparatory schools, from AY 2024 onward.

【教育全般,学生の身分等について】 Education in general, student status, etc.

東京科学大に設置する学部等 Academic departments at Institute of Science Tokyo




At the time of integration, names of Tokyo Techs Schools and TMDUs Faculties and Graduate Schools,
campus names and locations, and educational structures (degree programs, curricula, enrollment capacity, etc.)
will remain unchanged. Discussions on possible changes may start after the integration.

学生の身分 Student status



Up to the day before integration, students of Tokyo Tech or TMDU will belong to the university they enrolled at.
As of the day of integration, they will become students of Institute of Science Tokyo.

Students enrolling in October 2024 will be the inaugural students of Institute of Science Tokyo.

卒業や修了の扱い Graduation and diplomas



Those completing their undergraduate and graduate programs on or after the integration day
will be graduates of the new university, and their diplomas will be issued under the name of Institute of Science Tokyo.
However, for those who enroll at either TMDU or Tokyo Tech before the integration,
we plan to include the name of each graduates former university on their diploma.

入学式,学位記授与式(卒業式) Entrance and graduation ceremonies


The dates and venues for future entrance and graduation ceremonies are yet to be decided.

検定料・入学料・授業料 Application fee, enrollment fee, and tuition



For the time being, there will be no change from the current amount set by each School, Faculty, and Graduate School.
However, the amount of tuition and other fees may be adjusted upon possible changes
in the education structure and curriculum after the integration.

年間授業日程(学年暦) Annual class schedule (academic calendar)



Courses at Tokyo Tech are offered based on a quarter system that divides the academic year into four periods,

while TMDU operates on a two-semester basis.
As changes in the academic calendar may have a significant impact on the curriculum,
the current calendar systems at both universities will be maintained for now.

時間割タイムテーブル Timetable



In order to promote cross-registration of courses between science/engineering students
belonging to Schools (hereinafter science/engineering students)
and medical/dental/health care science/oral health care science students
belonging to Faculties or Graduate Schools (hereinafter medical/dental students),
as explained later in this document, we plan to standardize the start time of each class period
for all courses offered in all programs in principle.

However, there are exceptions in some courses at the medical/dental Faculties and Graduate Schools, such as evening programs.

授業科目の相互履修 Cross-registration of courses



At Institute of Science Tokyo, we will develop a system that enables cross-registration of courses for science/engineering students
and medical/dental students so that each student can pursue their interests across fields whenever the timetable allows.
For the moment, courses available for cross-registration will be selected in advance for undergraduate, graduate, and professional masters programs alike.
Details such as which courses will be selected and how to treat credits earned from them are still under consideration.
Cross-registration of courses will be possible from the spring semester of AY 2025 in principle.

Integrated education program in medicine/dentistry and science/engineering




As part of the above-mentioned cross-registration of courses, a new education program will be launched in April 2025
for undergraduate and graduate students respectively, in which science/engineering students can systematically study
medical/dental fields in addition to their specialization, and vice versa.
Program details will be announced when they become available.

The program for graduate students will be named Science and Technology for Health Care and Medicine.
For science/engineering graduate students, the program is planned to be launched as an interdisciplinary graduate major
at each School and is an updated version of the current Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering.
For medical/dental graduate students, we are considering it as an additional education program
separate from the degree program, to be offered by each Faculty and Graduate School.

Launch of weekly “Ookayama Day” for new undergraduate students


As part of the above-mentioned cross-registration of courses, we plan to introduce Ookayama Day
for new undergraduate students enrolling in April 2025 or later.
For the two months following enrollment (April through May), all new undergraduate students across Schools and Faculties
will come to Ookayama Campus once a week on the same day to learn and communicate with each other,
and to participate in the Visionary Project a series of key courses that new students are required to take first after enrollment.

Multidisciplinary Program of the Confederation of the Four Universities




While the members of the confederation will change from the current four universities
(TMDU, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Tech, and Hitotsubashi University) to three upon integration,
the multidisciplinary courses will continue without substantial changes to the current framework, completion requirements, or other matters.

Science/engineering students and medical/dental students participating in the multidisciplinary program
will not be treated collectively as students of Institute of Science Tokyo.
The separate completion requirements for the two groups will be maintained due to their different fields of specialization.

The Medical Engineering Course, which is a collaborative multidisciplinary course
between Tokyo Tech and TMDU, will stop calling for students after the integration
(April 2024 will be the last opportunity for registration) and will only continue while there are still registered students.

転系,転学科・転専攻 Change of affiliation


For the time being, transfers of science/engineering students from a Department (under a School)

to a School (under a Faculty) or a course (under a Graduate School), and of medical/dental students
from a School (under a Faculty) or a course (under a Graduate School) to a Department (under a School) will not be possible.

【学生生活について】Student life

入学料免除,授業料免除制度 Exemptions from enrollment fee and tuition




Although the current enrollment fee and tuition exemption schemes may be partially revised,

we do not plan to change the exemption criteria currently in place at Tokyo Tech and TMDU for the moment.

We will also continue discussions on the desired form of exemption schemes following integration.

奨学金制度 Scholarships




The scholarship programs currently in place at Tokyo Tech and TMDU will continue with no changes in eligibility, amounts, etc.

We will also continue discussions on the desired form of post-integration scholarship programs.

Student clubs, extracurricular clubs, and use of facilities for extracurricular activities





Exchanges between both universities extracurricular clubs and groups are already in progress.

Discussions are also underway on possible integration of such clubs, taking individual circumstances

into account such as the associations and competitions each group participates in.

For extracurricular facilities, we are considering a reservation system

and other arrangements that would allow all students to use facilities at any campus.

学園祭実施方針 Policy on school festivals




The current names, timing, and host campuses of festivals organized by Tokyo Tech and TMDU respectively will remain unchanged for now.

However, we are considering the possibility of having a limited number of food stands at each others events.

Additionally, we plan to continue evaluating the future direction of campus festivals even after the integration.

学生寮 University dormitories





For the time being, there will be no major changes in the operation of each dormitory owned by TMDU or Tokyo Tech.

All students at Institute of Science Tokyo will be eligible to apply, regardless of their affiliation,

for any dormitory owned by either of the two former universities, as long as they satisfy the relevant criteria.

However, for the convenience of commuting, we are considering setting a recommended campus(es)

for each dormitory and giving priority to students who commute to the recommended campus

if the number of applications for a dormitory exceeds its capacity.

派遣留学プログラム等の合同利用 Joint use of study abroad programs, etc.



We will consider continuing the short-term overseas exchange programs currently available at Tokyo Tech,

in order to expand the scope of eligible students to medical/dental students expecting to travel in April 2025 or later.

We plan to make extracurricular events, consultation schemes, etc. for language-learning support currently available

at each university open to all students, and are considering when and how the activities can be implemented.