Call for Application to TMDU WISE Programs (II) for the 2023 Academic Year by Eligible Students (*Autumn admission)
※Please check the Japanese version site as much as possible. Click here for the Japanese version of the application guidelines page.
Application Requirements
To all graduate students:
Yoshikazu Isomura, Deputy Director (in charge of Research Reform), TMDU WISE Program
Call for Application to TMDU WISE Programs (II) for the 2023 Academic Year by Eligible Students (*Autumn admission)
Students who wish to apply to the program should carefully read the following information and submit their application before the deadline (no later than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 18, 2023).
Please check this page for the latest information.
○Fellowships for Students Accepted to TMDU WISE Programs (II)
TMDU has been selected by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the " Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING)" and has started supporting graduate students as TMDU WISE Programs (II) since 2021. Under these funds, selected universities choose outstanding doctoral students in graduate programs who will lead the future of science, technology and innovation, and provide them with a research environment where they can devote themselves to challenging and integrative research while also supporting the development of diverse career paths.
Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation
The aim of TMDU WISE Programs (II) is to strategically foster “clinician scientists” who will lead pioneering and original research of outstanding quality and researchers who will be active in a wide range of fields in academia and industry, based on TMDU’s “Top Science Incubator Concept.”
Specifically, TMDU will select outstanding doctoral students and provide them with a monthly stipend of 160,000 yen to concentrate on their research (equivalent to their living expenses) and an annual research grant of 500,000 yen for research expenses during the term of study. (Students enrolled in TMDU WISE Program (II) may be able to receive an additional grant.)
In addition, the YISC office plays a central function in organizing meetings to present research achievements, seminars to improve research skills or on career development and others, and also provides funds for international travel for research purposes (only for TMDU WISE (II) students).
To be eligible to apply for TMDU WISE Programs (II), you must be a graduate student enrolled in a doctoral course at TMDU who possesses excellent research skills, wishes to dedicate time to research and meets one of the following criteria as of October 1 of the year of application.
[ TMDU WISE Program (II) ] Up to 4 students
(1)Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences / Medical and Dental Sciences (four-year course): 1st year
(Including students from the M.A. program and under TMDU’s MD-PhD/DDS-PhD Course and Researcher Training Course)
(2) Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences / Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (three-year doctoral course): 1st year
(3) Graduate School of Health Care Sciences (five-year integrated course): 3rd year
○Students Ineligible for Application
Students falling under any of the following conditions are not eligible to apply for TMDU WISE Programs (II).
(1) JSPS Research Fellows DC1 or DC2, and government-sponsored international students
(2) Those receiving a sufficient and stable salary, etc. (in principle, those whose annual income or estimated annual income is 2.4 million yen or more for any consecutive 12-month period during the term of enrollment. If the term of enrollment is less than 12 months, those whose 12-month equivalent income of the income is expected to exceed 2.4 million yen).
However, unstable salaries* such as part-time work (including as doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals), salaries as teaching assistants (TA) and research assistants (RA) at TMDU or other universities, salaries as clinical assistants (CA) or health care assistants (HCA) at TMDU, and scholarships stipulated in the scholarship award regulations for students entering the early career development course at TMDU (TMDU’s MD-PhD and DDS-PhD Courses, etc.) do not need to be counted toward the "income or estimated income" (sufficient and stable salary, etc.) above.
*Important: In principle, students who earn more than 2.4 million yen per year are eligible for application for both programs, insofar as the income is unstable and from part-time income that can be explained. However, the scholarship may be terminated if the part-time job were to impede research, career development, or efforts related to training content.
(3) Students who expect to receive a total of 2.4 million yen or more per year in benefit-type scholarships and applicants whose total income or projected income plus benefit-type scholarships will amount to 2.4 million yen or more.
However, benefit-type scholarships that are strictly limited in usage to tuition and research expenses are not included in the “income or estimated income” above.
(4) Students who are receiving or expect to receive a separate scholarship, which cannot be received in conjunction with the fellowship provided by TMDU WISE (I) or (II).
(5) Students who have exceeded the standard term of study due to extension of their education. However, this does not apply to long-term students who have not exceeded the standard term of study.
(6) Students who have already been selected for TMDU WISE Program (I) or (II). However, exceptions may apply depending on the judgment of the project manager regarding transfers between TMDU WISE Programs (I) and (II).
[ TMDU WISE Program (II) ] Up to 4 students
*For details, see the Eligibility section.
The payment period shall be within the standard term of study. However, a mid-term evaluation will be conducted before the student advances to the final year of study. If there is a significant delay with the progress of research, the subsequent scholarship may be discontinued.
Submit the following documents by e-mail to the Student Support Office, Student Support General Affairs Unit at by 12:00 noon, October 18 Wednesday. When sending the email, set the subject as "<StudentIDNumber><YourName>_TMDU WISE Application" (e.g., if your name is John Doe and your student ID is 43200000, set the subject as “43200000JohnDoe_TMDU WISE Application”). Please contact us if you do not receive an email confirming our receipt of your message within two business days after you sent it (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). The following are the necessary documents. Please make sure that the file name begins with your student ID number (half-width characters) and your name.
(1) Personal History & Expected Income Declaration [Application Form 1]
The file should be in Excel format with the file name “<StudentIDNumber><YourName>_Form1.xlsx.”
(2) Research Achievement [Application Form 2]
The file should be in Excel format with the filename “<StudentIDNumber><YourName>_Form2.xlsx”
(3) Research Plan & Self-Promotion [Application Form 3]
The file should be saved as a PDF file with the filename “<StudentIDNumber><YourName>_Form3.pdf.
For the documents listed in (1) through (3), please be sure to ask your research supervisor for a review before submitting them.
(4) Supervisor’s confirmation [Application Form 4 (Japanese version only)]
Please make sure to ask your research supervisor in your actual host laboratory (who is in principle the department director) to review documents (1) to (3) above and make a confirmation in this form. Also ask the supervisor to save this form (4) as a PDF file with the file name “<StudentIDNumber><YourName>_Form4.pdf” and send it directly via email.
(5) Attached Literature that Proves Your Research Achievement
A PDF copy of the title page for your published papers (which should include information about the author, title, journal name, date, etc.), the abstract page of your presentation at an academic conference (which should include information about the presenter, title, conference name, etc.), and other documentary evidence.
*Research performance without its literature attached will be excluded from evaluation.
Your ranking in the entrance examination and previous year’s academic performance (GPA) in your undergraduate or M.A. course at TMDU will be used as reference in selection. In the course of screening, we may ask you to submit additional documents (e.g., tax statement, pay statement, college transcripts). Your cooperation in this regard will be appreciated.
The form is posted on this website (Do not use forms for the previous year). Please submit the required documents by e-mail in the file format specified in the above instructions.
Applications will be screened by the screening committee, and the selection results will be separately notified to the applicants chosen to be recruited and their research supervisor.
Information on the procedures for remittance of the monthly stipend to concentrate on research, etc. and the procedures for distributing research grants will also be communicated along with the letter of selection.
Monthly stipend to concentrate on research (as equivalent to living expenses): 160,000 yen
Research grant: 0.5 million yen per year. However, an additional fund for international travel, etc. may be provided upon request (only for students on TMDU WISE Program (II)).
*The monthly stipend to concentrate on research is taxable, so the students must file a tax return for themselves.
*The research grant should be managed by the research supervisor of the actual host laboratory (who is in principle the department director).
*We can be consulted separately regarding subsidization of international travel for research purposes.
During the period of leave of absence from school, the payment of the monthly stipend to concentrate on research will be suspended. After return to school, the payment of the said monthly stipend will be resumed upon notification.
Please follow the instructions in the "TMDU Distinguished Graduate School I/II Guidelines" that will be distributed after recruitment.
If the steering committee for the TMDU WISE Program deems a student to be disqualified for any of the following reasons, or if the student has unenrolled from the university, the student will be disqualified and may possibly be requested to return the monthly stipend, retroactive to the beginning of the year (April).
(1) The student has been subject to a disciplinary procedure or suspension from school
(2) Any falsification has been found in the content of the application and other submissions
(3) The student has failed to submit the required notifications without justifiable reason
(4) The steering committee has deemed the student to be inappropriate as a graduate student on the TMDU WISE Program for other reasons.
■ Application (where to send applications)
Student Support Office, Student Support General Affairs Unit
*Be sure to submit your application by e-mail. Do not forget to include “<Student ID Number><YourName>_TMDU WISE Application” in the email title. Please contact us if you do not receive an email confirming our receipt of your message within two business days after you send it (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
*For any inquiries, please be sure to use email. It may take some time to reply depending on the content of the inquiry, so please contact us well in advance.