Call for Applications for the Clinician Scientist (CS) Training Support Program for Academic Year 2024

The following information is for ALL EMPLOYEES and POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS of our university. 
As for the international students/researchers, If you cannot understand this content, please ask your tutors or supervisors to assist you. 

July 2, 2024
To all graduate students: 

Tetsushi Furukawa, Director for Research Reform

Call for Applications for the Clinician Scientist (CS) Training Support Program for Academic Year 2024

1. CS (Clinician Scientist) Training Support Program
This is a program in which the university provides independent support to graduate students with particularly outstanding grades (evaluations) who intend to continue their research in academia after graduation so that they can devote themselves to their research.

2. Eligible students
  Graduate students with a medical license, dental license, nursing license, clinical laboratory technician license, dental hygienist license and dental technician license.
  Any graduate school is acceptable. (Working graduate students are not eligible.)
 First year of the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences or the Graduate School of Health Sciences (5-year program)
3rd year.

3. Solicitors
 Max. 8 people

4. Selection
 Document review and interview based on application documents.

5. Support
 ・2,500,000yen per year.
 ・Exemption from tuition fees
(Supported only during the standard enrollment period)
  ※Support will continue if you are selected as a TMDU-SPRING student
  ※Support will continue if you are selected as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (PD, DC)

6. Obligation
 ・Apply for a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (PD, DC).
 ・To continue research in academia after graduation.

7. Classes of books presented
 (1) Application form (Application Form 1)
  Please convert the file to PDF format and submit it with the file name as student-ID name CS Form 1.pdf.

 (2) CV (Application Form 2)
  Please submit the form in Excel format with the file name as "Student ID Number CS Form 2.xlsx".and submit it in Excel format.

 (3) Research achievements (Application Form 3)
  Please submit the form in Excel format with the file name as Student ID Number (half-width) Name CS Form 3.xlsx.

 (4) Research Plan (Self-Appeal) (Application Form 4)
  Please convert the file to PDF format and submit it with the file name as Student ID Number (half-width) Name CS Form 4.pdf.
  Please be sure to have your research supervisor review your application for (1) through (4) prior to submission.

 (5) Recommendation Form (Application Form 5)
  Please make sure to convert the file to PDF format and submit it from your research supervisor with the file name as "Student ID Number (half-width) 
   Name CS Form 5.pdf".
  ※Submissions from students are not acceptable.
  In light of the purpose of this program, we ask that you nominate students who you consider to be particularly outstanding.

※(2) through (4) are almost the same format as the SPRING application form, but there are some changes.

8. Application
 ●Students (Application Forms 1-4)

 Application Forms (Deadline: Friday, July 12, strictly by noon).

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

Student Support Office, Student Support General Affairs Section

※For inquiries, please send an e-mail to
 Please use "CS Inquiry Student ID Number(half-width) Name" as the title of the

 It may take some time to reply depending on the content of the inquiry, so please contact us well in advance.


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