1) Wada J, Fueki K (C), Yatabe M, Takahashi H, Wakabayashi N.
A comparison of the fitting accuracy of thermoplastic denture base resins used in non-metal clasp dentures to a conventional a heat-cured acrylic resin.
ノンメタルクラスプデンチャーに用いる熱可塑性樹脂の適合性に関する基礎的研究 (和田淳一郎,笛木賢治)
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2015, 73:33–37.
A comparison of the fitting accuracy of thermoplastic denture base resins used in non-metal clasp dentures to a conventional a heat-cured acrylic resin.
ノンメタルクラスプデンチャーに用いる熱可塑性樹脂の適合性に関する基礎的研究 (和田淳一郎,笛木賢治)
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2015, 73:33–37.
2) Wada J (C), Hideshima M, Inukai S, Matsuura H, Wakabayashi N.
Influence of the Width and Cross-Sectional Shape of the Major Connector of Maxillary Dentures on the Accuracy of Speech Production
上顎義歯の大連結子の幅および断面形態が発語機能に及ぼす影響 (和田淳一郎)
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 2014; 66 227-236. (published online: 2015.02)
Influence of the Width and Cross-Sectional Shape of the Major Connector of Maxillary Dentures on the Accuracy of Speech Production
上顎義歯の大連結子の幅および断面形態が発語機能に及ぼす影響 (和田淳一郎)
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 2014; 66 227-236. (published online: 2015.02)
3) Shiozawa M, Takahashi H (C), Asakawa Y, Iwasaki N.
Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee.
コーヒー溶液に浸漬した接着性レジンセメントの色調安定性 (塩沢真穂)
Clinical Oral Investigations 2015; 19(2):309-317.
Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee.
コーヒー溶液に浸漬した接着性レジンセメントの色調安定性 (塩沢真穂)
Clinical Oral Investigations 2015; 19(2):309-317.
4) Toyoshima Y, Wakabayashi N (C).
Load limit of mini implants with reduced abutment height based on fatigue fracture resistance: Experimental and finite element study.
オーバーデンチャー用低アンカー型ミニインプラントの疲労強度に基づく荷重限界分析 (豊嶋悠輔,若林則幸)
The International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Implants 2015 Jan-Feb;30(1):e10-6.
Load limit of mini implants with reduced abutment height based on fatigue fracture resistance: Experimental and finite element study.
オーバーデンチャー用低アンカー型ミニインプラントの疲労強度に基づく荷重限界分析 (豊嶋悠輔,若林則幸)
The International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Implants 2015 Jan-Feb;30(1):e10-6.
5) Yoshida E, Fueki K(C),Wakabayashi N
Influence of intra-oral sensory impairment by anaesthesia on food comminution and mixing in dentate subjects
麻酔による口腔感覚の低下が咀嚼粉砕および咀嚼混合能力に及ぼす影響 (河野英子,笛木賢治)
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015; 42(6):401-406.
Influence of intra-oral sensory impairment by anaesthesia on food comminution and mixing in dentate subjects
麻酔による口腔感覚の低下が咀嚼粉砕および咀嚼混合能力に及ぼす影響 (河野英子,笛木賢治)
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015; 42(6):401-406.
6) Sekinishi T, Inukai S(C), Murakami N, Wakabayashi N
Influence of denture tooth thickness on fracture mode of thin acrylic resin bases: An experimental and finite element analysis
レジン床義歯における人工歯の厚みが破折様式に及ぼす影響-実験的解析ならびに有限要素解析- (関西崇史,犬飼周佑)
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015 Jul;114(1):122-9.
Influence of denture tooth thickness on fracture mode of thin acrylic resin bases: An experimental and finite element analysis
レジン床義歯における人工歯の厚みが破折様式に及ぼす影響-実験的解析ならびに有限要素解析- (関西崇史,犬飼周佑)
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015 Jul;114(1):122-9.
7) Fueki K (C), Igarashi Y, Maeda Y, Baba K, Koyano K, Sasaki K, Akagawa Y, Kuboki T, Kasugai S, Garrett NR.
Effect of prosthetic restoration on oral health-related quality of life in patients with shortened dental arches: a multicentre study.
補綴治療が短縮歯列患者の口腔関連QoLに及ぼす影響:多施設共同研究 (笛木賢治)
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015; 42:701-708.
Effect of prosthetic restoration on oral health-related quality of life in patients with shortened dental arches: a multicentre study.
補綴治療が短縮歯列患者の口腔関連QoLに及ぼす影響:多施設共同研究 (笛木賢治)
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015; 42:701-708.
8) Wakabayashi N(C), Wada J.
Structural factors affecting prosthodontic decision making in Japan
我が国における補綴治療の選択と決定に影響を及ぼす構造的因子 (若林則幸,和田淳一郎)
Japanese Dental Science Review 2015; 51(4): 96-104.
Structural factors affecting prosthodontic decision making in Japan
我が国における補綴治療の選択と決定に影響を及ぼす構造的因子 (若林則幸,和田淳一郎)
Japanese Dental Science Review 2015; 51(4): 96-104.
9) Kainose K, Nakajima M (C), Foxton R, Wakabayashi N, Tagami J.
Stress distribution in root filled teeth restored with various post and core techniques: Effect of post length and crown height.
支台築造においてポストおよび歯冠の長さが歯質の応力分布に及ぼす影響 (若林則幸)
International Endodontic Journal 2015 Nov;48(11):1023-32.
10) Katayama K, Mochizuki A, Kato T, Ikeda M, Nogawa Y, Nakamura S, Nakayama K, Wakabayashi N, Baba K, Inoue T.
Dark/light transition and vigilance states modulate jaw-closing muscle activity level in mice.
暗期/明期の移行および睡眠・覚醒状態はマウスの閉口筋活動を調節する (野川泰葉,若林則幸)
Neurosci Res. 2015 Dec;101:24-31.
11) Kato G, Shimizu Y, Arai Y, Suzuki N, Sugamori Y, Maeda M, Takahashi M, Tamura Y, Wakabayashi N, Murali R, Ono T, Ohya K, Mise-Omata S and Aoki K.
The inhibitory effects of a RANKL-binding peptide on articular and periarticular bone loss in a murine model of collagen-induced arthritis: A bone histomorphometric study.
Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2015 Sep 12;17:251.
Stress distribution in root filled teeth restored with various post and core techniques: Effect of post length and crown height.
支台築造においてポストおよび歯冠の長さが歯質の応力分布に及ぼす影響 (若林則幸)
International Endodontic Journal 2015 Nov;48(11):1023-32.
10) Katayama K, Mochizuki A, Kato T, Ikeda M, Nogawa Y, Nakamura S, Nakayama K, Wakabayashi N, Baba K, Inoue T.
Dark/light transition and vigilance states modulate jaw-closing muscle activity level in mice.
暗期/明期の移行および睡眠・覚醒状態はマウスの閉口筋活動を調節する (野川泰葉,若林則幸)
Neurosci Res. 2015 Dec;101:24-31.
11) Kato G, Shimizu Y, Arai Y, Suzuki N, Sugamori Y, Maeda M, Takahashi M, Tamura Y, Wakabayashi N, Murali R, Ono T, Ohya K, Mise-Omata S and Aoki K.
The inhibitory effects of a RANKL-binding peptide on articular and periarticular bone loss in a murine model of collagen-induced arthritis: A bone histomorphometric study.
Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2015 Sep 12;17:251.