著者 | 題名 | 誌名 | 年 | |
182 | Huaze Wu | Lithium-Modified TiO2 Surface by Anodization for Enhanced Protein Adsorption and Cell Adhesion. | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2023 |
181 | 石岡 由理佳 | Morphological Comparison of Residual Ridge in Impression for Removable Partial Denture between Digital and Conventional Techniques: A Preliminary In-Vivo Study. | Journal of Clinical Medicine | 2023 |
180 | SAN WIN THANT | Effect of ultraviolet irradiation treatment on shear bond strength between polymethyl methacrylate and cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy. | Dental Materials Journal | 2023 |
179 | HEIN LINN HTAT | Influence of stress-relieving heat treatments on the efficacy of Co-Cr-Mo-W alloy copings fabricated using selective laser melting. | Journal of Prosthodontic Research | 2023 |
178 | MOHAMED Amr Gamal Ismail | Optimizing the efficiency of digital fabrication techniques in dentistry(Thesis) ・Reusing the Co–Cr–Mo support structures of selective laser melted parts : Evaluation of mechanicalproperties and microstructures. ・Bond strength of CAD/CAM denture teeth to a denture base resin in a milled monolithic unit. ・Physical Properties of Additively Manufactured Tooth-Colored Material Attached to Denture Base-Colored Material in a Printed Monolithic Unit. |
・Sustainable Materials and Technologies ・J Prosthodont Res ・Polymers |
2023 |
177 | Lyu Huaxin | Evaluation of PEEK and zirconia occlusal rest designs for removable partial dentures based on finite element analysis. | J Prosthodont Res | 2023 |
176 | 坂本 一生 | Effect of abutment tooth location on the accuracy of digital impressions obtained using an intraoral scanner for removable partial dentures. | J Prosthodont Res | 2023 |
175 | 松野 瞳 | Effect of tension and compression on dynamic alveolar histomorphometry. | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2023 |
174 | 金 應烈 | Effect of scanning origin location on data accuracy of abutment teeth region in digital impression acquired using intraoral scanner for removable partial denture: a preliminary in vitro study. | Journal of Clinical Medicine | 2022 |
173 | Qian Zhao | Fabrication of micro-/submicro-/nanostructured surfaces on Ti–Zr alloy by varying H2SO4/H2O2 treatment conditions and investigations of fundamental properties of a typical surface. | Surfaces and Interfaces | 2022 |
172 | 内倉 慶一朗 | Fracture resistance of CAD/CAM restorative materials in mismatched removable partial denture rests: an in vitro experimental and finite element analysis. | Dent Mater J | 2022 |
171 | Tianbo TAN | Surface properties and biocompatibility of sandblasted and acid-etched titanium–zirconium binary alloys with various compositions. | Dent Mater J | 2022 |
170 | 七里 侑香 | Ozone ultrafine bubble water inhibits the early formation of Candida albicans biofilms. | PLoS One | 2021 |
169 | 内田 博文 | Effect of night denture on tooth mobility in denture wearers with sleep bruxism: a pilot randomized controlled trial. | J Prosthodont Res | 2021 |
168 | Zuo Wang | Multilevel factor analysis of flipped classroom in dental education: A 3-year randomized controlled trial. | PLoS One | 2021 |
167 | Hla Htoot Wai Cho | Effect of Post-Heat Treatment Cooling Conditions on Microstructures and Fatigue Properties of Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum Alloy Fabricated through Selective Laser Melting. | Metals | 2021 |
166 | Hao Jialin | Flexural and fatigue properties of polyester disk material for milled resin clasps. | Dent Mater J | 2021 |
165 | 大河 原久実 | Effect of load-induced local mechanical strain on peri-implant bone cell activity related to bone resorption and formation in mice: An analysis of histology and strain distributions. | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2021 |
164 | 林 葉子 | Responsiveness of methods to evaluate objective masticatory function in removable partial denture treatments. | J Prosthodont Res | 2021 |
163 | 長山 富治 | Influence of retainer and major connector designs of removable partial dentures on the stabilization of mobile teeth: a preliminary. | Dent Mater J | 2020 |
162 | Myint Oo KZ | Minimal clinically important differences of oral health-related quality of life after removable partial denture treatments. | J Dent | 2020 |
161 | 磯島 慧悟 | The change of surface charge by lithium ion coating enhances protein adsorption on titanium | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2019 |
160 | Nuttaphon Kittikundecha | Fatigue properties of removable partial denture clasps fabricated by selective laser melting followed by heat treatment. | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2019 |
159 | 関 絵里奈 | Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and fatigue strength of CoCrMo alloys fabricated by selective laser melting. | Materials Letters | 2019 |
158 | 山﨑 俊輝 | Influence of block-out on retentive force of thermoplastic resin clasps: an in vitro experimental and finite element analysis. | J Prosthodont Res | 2019 |
157 | 鍋島 玄 | Effect of dietary counselling with prosthetic restoration on fruit and vegetable intake in partially dentate patients: A prospective study. | J Oral Rehabil | 2018 |
156 | 中村 一寿 | Head position affects the direction of occlusal force during tapping movement. | J Oral Rehabil | 2018 |
155 | 稲川 英明 | Potential for estimation of Young's modulus based on computed tomography numbers in bone: A validation study using a nano-indentation test on murine maxilla. | Dent Oral Craniofac Res | 2018 |
154 | 葉山 博工 | Trueness and precision of digital impressions obtained using an intraoral scanner with different head size in the partially edentulous mandible. | J Prosthodont Res | 2018 |
153 | 平澤 正洋 | Superhydrophilic co-polymer coatings on denture surfaces reduce Candida albicans adhesion-An in vitro study. | Arch Oral Biol | 2018 |
152 | 佐戸川 佑弥 | Short-term changes in chewing efficiency and subjective evaluation in normal dentate subjects after insertion of oral appliances with an occlusal flat table. | J Oral Rehabil | 2018 |
151 | 秋本 悌助 | Evaluation of corrosion resistance of implant-use Ti-Zr binary alloys with a range of compositions. | J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater | 2018 |
150 | 髙草木 謙介 | Effect of incorporation of surface pre-reacted glass ionomer filler in tissue conditioner on the inhibition of Candida albicans adhesion. | Dent Mater J | 2018 |
149 | 吉原 千絵 | Inverse response of osteoblasts and fibroblasts to growth on carbon-deposited titanium surfaces. | J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater | 2018 |
148 | 稲用 友佳 | Adaptive change in chewing-related brain activity while wearing a palatal plate: an functional magnetic resonance imaging study.. | J Oral Rehabil | 2017 |
147 | 渡邉 知恵 | Chronological grey scale changes in supporting alveolar bone by removable partial Chronological grey scale changes in supporting alveolar bone by removable partial denture placement on patients with periodontal disease: A 6-month follow-up study using digital subtraction analysis.. | J Dent | 2017 |
146 | 半田 和之 | The ball-on-disk cyclic wear of CAD/CAM machinable dental composite and ceramic materials.. | J Oral Sci | 2017 |
145 | 石山 裕之 | Effect of jaw-opening exercise on prevention of temporomandibular disorders pain associated with oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. | J Prosthodont Res | 2017 |
144 | 井川 泰葉 | Effects of citalopram on jaw-closing muscle activity during sleep and wakefulness in mice. | Neurosci Res | 2016 |
143 | 熊谷 勇人 | Factors associated with mucosal pain in patients with partial removable dental prostheses. | J Oral Rehabil | 2016 |
142 | 李 宗霖 | Titanium-Zirconium Binary Alloy as Dental Implant Material: Analysis of the Influence of Compositional Change on Mechanical Properties and In Vitro Biologic Response. | Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants | 2016 |
141 | 新井 裕貴 | Peptide-induced de novo bone formation after tooth extraction prevents alveolar bone loss in a murine tooth extraction model. | Eur J Pharmacol | 2016 |
140 | 加嶋 佑佳 | Fatigue strength of Co-Cr-Mo alloy clasps prepared by selective laser melting. | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2016 |
139 | 堤 千明 | Reduction of Candida biofilm adhesion by incorporation of prereacted glass ionomer filler in denture base resin. |
J Dent | 2016 |
138 | 鈴木 奈月 | A threshold of mechanical strain intensity for the direct activation of osteoblast function exists in a murine maxilla loading model.. | Biomech Model Mechanobiol | 2015 |
137 | 関西 崇史 | Influence of denture tooth thickness on fracture mode of thin acrylic resin bases: An experimental and finite element analysis | J Prosthet | 2015 |
136 | 林 遼 | Hydrocarbon deposition attenuates osseointegration capability of titanium | J Dent Res | 2014 |
135 | 豊嶋 悠輔 | Load limit of mini implants with reduced abutment height based on fatigue fracture resistance: Experimental and finite element study | Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants | 2014 |
134 | 庄井 和人 | 大臼歯部における咬合の有無が咀嚼時の脳活動に及ぼす影響:fMRI研究 | 口病誌 | 2014 |
133 | 高市 敦士 | Microstructures and mechanical properties of Co-29Cr-6Mo alloy fabricated by selective laser melting process for dental applications |
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2013 |
132 | 村上 奈津子 | Effect of high-pressure polymerization on mechanical properties of PMMA denture base resin | J Mech Behav Biomed Mater | 2013 |
131 | 青 藍一郎 | Clinical and microbiologic effects of lingual cervical coverage by removable partial dentures. | Int J Prosthodont | 2013 |
130 | 岩城 有希 | Dimensional accuracy of optical bite registration in single and multiple unit restorations. | Oper Dent | 2012 |
129 | 石幡 一樹 | Reproducibility of probing depth measurement by an experimental periodontal probe incorporating optical fiber sensor. | J Periodontol | 2012 |
128 | 依田 慶太 | Effects of chromium and nitrogen content on the microstructures and mechanical properties of as-cast Co-Cr-Mo alloys for dental applications. | Acta Biomater | 2012 |
127 | 安部 友佳 | Association of genetic, psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population. | J Sleep Res | 2012 |
126 | 藤木 健吾 | The influence of mechanical stimulation on osteoclast localization in the mouse maxilla: bone histomorphometry and finite element analysis. | Biomech Model Mechanobiol | 2012 |
125 | 梅原 康佑 | Canine oral mucosal fibroblasts differentiate into osteoblastic cells in response to BMP-2. | Anat Rec | 2012 |
124 | 岡野 耕大 | 咀嚼における咬合彎曲の意義 ―健常有歯顎者の咬合彎曲と咀嚼運動との関連― | 口病誌 | 2011 |
123 | 和田 淳一郎 | Influence of the major connector in a maxillary denture on phonetic function. | J Prosthodont Res | 2011 |
122 | 酒井 良幸 | Effects of surface roughness and tapered angle of cone crown telescopic system on retentive force. | Denta Mater J | 2011 |
121 | 古本 博嗣 | 部分床義歯装着者における咀嚼混合能力と口腔関連QoLの関連 | 口病誌 | 2010 |
120 | 土屋 恭子 | 遊離端義歯の支持機構が顎口腔系に及ぼす影響 | 口病誌 | 2010 |
119 | 志村 佳亮 | Influence of removable partial dentures on the formation of dental plaque on abutment teeth. | J Prosthodont Res | 2010 |
118 | 大井田 督仁 | Evaluation of the static frictional coefficients of Co-Cr and gold alloys for cone crown telescope denture retainer applications. | Denta Mater J | 2010 |
117 | Amarsanaa B | Stability of mandibular overdentures before and after attachment wear. An in vitro study | 補綴誌 | 2009 |
116 | 杉浦 建純 | Comparisons between a mixing ability test and masticatory performance tests using a brittle or an elastic test food. | J Oral Rehabil | 2009 |
115 | 加賀谷 健介 | Three-dimensional analysis of occlusal curvature in healthy Japanese young adults. | J Oral Rehabil | 2009 |
114 | 酒井 哲史 | Effect of mold temperatures on interface between primary and secondary castings of cast-on method for precision metal frameworks. | J Prosthodont Res | 2009 |
113 | 峰 健太 | Microbiological risk for periodontitis of abutment teeth in patients with removable partial dentures. | J Oral Rehabil | 2009 |
112 | 永田 浩司 | Reinforcement effects of fiberglass on telescopic dentures using a three-dimensional finite element analysis and fracture test. | Denta Mater J | 2009 |
111 | 白須 健一郎 | Non-linear finite element stress analysis of plastic deformation in Co-Cr wrought-wire clasps. | Dent Mater | 2008 |
110 | Destine D | Metallic artifacts in MRI caused by dental alloys and magnetic keeper. | 補綴誌 | 2008 |
109 | 伊藤 令華 | Effect of direct retainer and major connector designs on RPD and abutment tooth movement dynamics. | J Oral Rehabil | 2008 |
108 | 犬飼 美香 | Does removable partial denture quality affect individuals' oral health? | J Dent Res | 2008 |
107 | 吉田 英子 | Association between food mixing ability and mandibular movements during chewing of a wax cube. | J Oral Rehabil | 2007 |
106 | 北条 明光 | Association between the amount of alcohol intake and masseter muscle activity levels recorded during sleep in healthy young women. | Int J Prosthodont | 2007 |
105 | 田中 淳 | Influence of cross-sectional shape of the margin, contour and positioning of palatal connectors on oral sensation | Prosthodont Res Pract | 2007 |
104 | 宇野 薫 | Effects of the insertion of unilateral extension base removable partial dentures on the amount of an umami component eluted during mastication | Prosthodont Res Pract | 2007 |
103 | Salleh NM | Objective and subjective hardness of a test item used for evaluating food mixing ability. | J Oral Rehabil | 2007 |
102 | 田中 健久 | Finite element stress analysis of overdenture abutment as a function of crown-to-root ratio. | Prosthodont Res Pract | 2006 |
101 | 安藤 智宏 | Analysis of the relationship between palatal contour and the phonetic function in complete denture wearers using a speech recognition system | Prosthodont Res Pract | 2006 |
著者 | 題名 | 誌名 | 年 | |
100 | 犬飼 周佑 | Analysis of the relationship between the incisal overjet in a maxillary denture and phonetic function usinga speech recognition system | Prosthodont Res Pract | 2006 |
99 | 池田 智之 | Effects of polymerization shrinkage on the interfacial stress at resin-metal joint in denture-base: a non-linear FE stress analysis. | Dent Mater | 2006 |
98 | Tumrasvin W | Factors associated with masticatory performance in unilateral distal extension removable partial denture patients. | J Prosthodont | 2006 |
97 | 小奈 正弘 | Influence of alveolar support on stress in periodontal structures | J Dent Res | 2006 |
96 | 吉村 美枝子 | Influence of food platform width of mandibular removable partial denture on food mixing ability. | J Oral Rehabil | 2006 |
95 | 和田 誠之 | Influence of abutment selection in maxillary Kennedy Class II RPD on elastic stress distribution in oral mucosa: an FEM study. | J Prosthodont. | 2006 |
94 | Pallegama RW, | Do patients have a preference for major connector designs? | J Contemp Dent Pract | 2006 |
93 | 郡司 和彦 | 新たに開発された光重合型床用レジンについての基礎的研究 ―適合性, 曲げ強さ, 接着強さについて― | 口病誌 | 2005 |
92 | Mahmoud A | Deflection fatigue of Ti-6Al-7Nb, Co-Cr, and gold alloy cast clasps. | J Prosthet Dent | 2005 |
91 | 有留 久美子 | Bending properties of strengthened Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy major connectors compared to Co-Cr alloy major connectors. | J Prosthet Dent | 2005 |
90 | 浅川 明典 | Detection of improvement in the masticatory function from old to new removable partial dentures using mixing ability test. | J Oral Rehabil | 2005 |
89 | 清水 肇 | Effect of metal strengthener length on stress distribution in acrylic denture bases: a finite element study. | J Oral Rehabil | 2004 |
88 | 村木 宏 | Finite element contact stress analysis of the RPD abutment tooth and periodontal ligament. | J Dent | 2004 |
87 | 柳川 雅子 | Influence of length of food platform on masticatory performance in patients missing unilateral mandibular molars with distal extension removable partial dentures. | J Med Dent Sci | 2004 |
86 | 中村 輝保 | Electromyographic evaluation of masticatory function in denture wearers in related to existing occlusal support. | J Med Dent Sci | 2004 |
85 | 南 一郎 | Masticatory function for patients with removable partial dentures. | J App Res Clin Dent | 2004 |
84 | 佐藤 浩史 | A new and simple method for evaluating masticatory function using newly developed artificial test food. | J Oral Rehabil | 2003 |
83 | 佐藤 聖子 | Validity and reliability of a newly developed method for evaluating masticatory function using discriminant analysis. | J Oral Rehabil | 2003 |
82 | 末田 茂 | Influence of working side contacts on masticatory function for mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures. | J Oral Rehabil | 2003 |
81 | 栂野 博 | Reproducibility of interocclusal recording for mandibular removable partial denture in bilateral distal extension cases. | J Med Dent Sci | 2003 |
80 | 山崎 真由美 | Effect of clenching level on mandibular displacement in Kennedy Class II partially edentulous patients. | Int J Prosthodont | 2003 |
79 | 水内 若菜 | The effects of loading locations and direct retainers on the movements of the abutment tooth and denture base of removable partial dentures. | J Med Dent Sci | 2002 |
78 | 江藤 美穂 | Finite element analysis of deflections in major connectors for maxillary RPDs. | Int J Prosthodont | 2002 |
77 | 岡野 伸彦 | The influence of altered occlusal guidance on condylar displacement. | J Oral Rehabil | 2002 |
76 | Park I | Dynamic retentive force of a mandibular unilateral removable partial denture framework with a back-action clasp. | J Med Dent Sci | 2001 |
75 | 上野 剛史 | Influence of protrusive tooth contact on tapping point distribution. | J Oral Rehabil | 2000 |
74 | Guradsapsri W | Influence of clenching level on intercuspal contact area in various regions of dental arch. | J Oral Rehabil | 2000 |
73 | 西山 暁 | 下顎後方滑走運動時の誘導部の変化が顎機能に与える影響. | 口病誌 | 1999 |
72 | 雨森 洋子 | 夜間睡眠時におけるブラキシズムが顎口腔系に及ぼす影響に関する研究 | 口病誌 | 1999 |
71 | 塩崎 智彦 | 下顎片側遊離端義歯の人工歯咬合面間距離が咀嚼機能に及ぼす影響 | 口病誌 | 1999 |
70 | 髙橋 重郎 | 新たに開発した6自由度測定システムを用いた部分床義歯の動揺の測定 | 口病誌 | 1999 |
69 | 佐藤 雅之 | 部分床義歯の印象採得条件の違いが欠損部顎堤粘膜の印象面形態に及ぼす影響について. | 口病誌 | 1996 |
68 | 吉野 敏明 | 左右的な下顎位の変化が咬筋筋活動に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1996 |
67 | 湯上 圭 | 歯牙接触時における筋活動の継時的変化に関する研究. | 補綴誌 | 1996 |
66 | 笛木 賢治 | 咬合位の側方的な変化が習慣性開閉口運動の終末位に及ぼす影響. | 補綴誌 | 1996 |
65 | 榎澤 宗司 | 実験的早期接触が下顎安静位に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1995 |
64 | 三好 光平 | 下顎後方運動誘導部の変化が習慣性開閉口運動の閉口終末位に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1995 |
63 | 屋嘉 智彦 | 咬合位の変化が咀嚼筋活動に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1994 |
62 | 羽毛田 匡 | 人工歯の咬頭傾斜の相違が義歯の安定性と機能に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1993 |
61 | 石川 晋 | 歯科用磁性アタッチメントの力学的研究. | 口病誌 | 1993 |
60 | 耿 哲還 | 部分床義歯における印象採得条件の相違が欠損部顎堤粘膜の微小形態変化に及ぼす影響について. | 口病誌 | 1993 |
59 | 若林 則幸 | 超塑性チタン合金義歯床の力学的特性および適合性に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1992 |
58 | 秋重 智司 | スプリントの咬合接触の違いが咀嚼系に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1992 |
57 | 姜 婷 | 咬みしめ時における顆頭の変位および下顎のたわみ. | 口病誌 | 1992 |
56 | 谷田部 優 | 上顎顎粘膜の動的粘弾性測定に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1991 |
55 | 馬場 一美 | 実験的平衡側咬合干渉が顎機能に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1991 |
54 | 日比 英晴 | 天然歯列咬合小面の傾斜角および面積に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1991 |
53 | 伊藤 実希夫 | チタン合金鋳造床の力学的研究. | 口病誌 | 1990 |
52 | 鯉渕 秀明 | 習慣的閉口運動における実験的早期接触の位置が顎機能に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1990 |
51 | 斉藤 光彦 | 荷重時における欠損歯列の小臼歯の動態. | 口病誌 | 1989 |
50 | 曽根田 兼司 | 上顎犬歯舌面の傾斜角度の違いが咀嚼筋活動に及ぼす影響. | 口病誌 | 1989 |
49 | 加藤 光雄 | 歯の動揺の新しい測定法について. | 口病誌 | 1988 |
48 | 山下 秀一郎 | 咬合高径の変更に伴う歯牙接触の継時的変化に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1988 |
47 | 幸阪 保雄 | 歯の動態に関する研究―下顎歯の水平的変位 | 口病誌 | 1987 |
46 | 川口 武美 | 咬合平面に関する形態学的解析ならびに機能的な関連性についての検討. | 口病誌 | 1987 |
45 | 岡部 良博 | 下顎誘導部位の相違が咀嚼筋活動に及ぼす影響について. | 口病誌 | 1986 |
44 | 小笠原 浩一 | 支持点の違いが下顎の変位,咀嚼筋活動に及ぼす影響に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1986 |
43 | 篠ケ谷 龍哉 | 犬歯の舌面傾斜が咀嚼系に及ぼす影響について. | 口病誌 | 1985 |
42 | 佐々木 三男 | 金属床義歯に関する力学的研究―finishing line およびレジン維持部の形態が金属構造物に及ぼす影響について. | 口病誌 | 1984 |
41 | 中村 和夫 | 下顎欠損顎堤の構造に関する組織学的研究. | 口病誌 | 1983 |
40 | 斉藤 良一 | 荷重時における歯の動態に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1983 |
39 | 河村 哲夫 | 下顎運動時における頸部の筋の活動性に関する筋電図学的検討 | 口病誌 | 1983 |
38 | 腰原 偉旦 | 遊離端義歯における咬合接触状態の継時的変化. | 補綴誌 | 1982 |
37 | 山本 章 | 歯牙咬耗面の形態学的機能的検討 | 補綴誌 | 1982 |
36 | 磯 和博 | 支持点の位置が咬合力,咀嚼筋活動に及ぼす影響に関する研究. | 口病誌 | 1982 |
35 | 細見 洋泰 | 下顎両側性遊離端義歯の人工歯形態が咀嚼時の義歯動揺におよぼす影響. | 補綴誌 | 1980 |
34 | 茂木 知治 | メタクリルレジンと応用Co-Cr合金の接着に関する基礎的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1979 |
33 | 松浦 基一 | 口蓋部軟組織の加圧時の変化ならびにその組織学的研究. | 口病誌 | 1979 |
32 | 宮田 孝義 | 遊離端義歯における義歯床の適合性に関する研究 | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
31 | 細井 紀雄 | 義歯床の適合試験法に関する研究 | 鶴見歯学 | 1976 |
30 | 大山 喬史 | 新しく考案したOring attachmentの臨床研究 | 鶴見歯学 | 1976 |
29 | 健石 照雄 | 顎堤形態と部分床義歯の設計に関する研究 | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
28 | 萩野 章 | 歯根膜によるコントロール機序に関する臨床的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
27 | 大草 洋志 | 下顎両側遊離端義歯の咀嚼時の移動量について | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
26 | 石幡 伸雄 | 臼歯欠損後の歯槽部の形態変化に関する実験的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
25 | 真鍋 顕 | アタッチメント義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1976 |
24 | 五十嵐 順正 | Selection of retainers in lower overlay denture. | Bulletin | 1975 |
23 | 渋谷 隆司 | An analysis stress distribution in the free end saddles on the mandibular model | Bulletin | 1975 |
22 | 地挽 英彦 | 人工歯ならびに歯冠修復材料の衝撃滑走摩耗に関する基礎的研究 | 口病誌 | 1973 |
21 | 水谷 紘 | 歯牙欠損後の顎堤の形態変化ならびに残存歯の位置変化 | 補綴誌 | 1973 |
20 | 石渡 禧弘 | 上顎前歯抜去後の顎堤の形態変化および隣在歯,対合歯の位置的変化に関する実験的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1973 |
19 | 早川 淑子 | 臼歯咬合小面に関する研究 | 補綴誌 | 1971 |
18 | 岡 宏 | 上顎臼歯の欠損による頭蓋骨の形態変化に関する実験的研究 | 口病誌 | 1970 |
17 | 後藤 忠正 | Changes in abutment tooth-mobility by wearing partial denture | Bulletin | 1969 |
16 | 川崎 隆二 | 部分床義歯装着前後の比較研究 | 口病誌 | 1969 |
15 | 奥野 正孝 | 上顎歯抜去後の顎堤の形態変化および下顎歯の位置的変化に関する実験的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1968 |
14 | 嘉村 高 | 上顎歯抜去後におこる顎堤の形態変化 | 補綴誌 | 1968 |
13 | 梶井 徹 | 新しい装置による歯の生理的動揺の大きさとその性質について | 補綴誌 | 1967 |
12 | 河上 正人 | クラスプの維持について | 口病誌 | 1966 |
11 | 河原 俊鎁 | 義歯床下粘膜毛細血管の形態的変化 | 口病誌 | 1966 |
10 | 小林 俊三 | ボタン義歯について | 補綴誌 | 1965 |
9 | 堀田 宏子 | 歯牙硬組織と接着する充填材料に関する研究 | 理工誌 | 1965 |
8 | 原田 義雄 | 義歯床用常温重合樹脂に関する研究 | 口病誌 | 1965 |
7 | 佐藤 俊之 | 上顎義歯床適合性の経時的変化 | 口病誌 | 1965 |
6 | 雨森 洋 | 歯の欠損による頭蓋骨の形態変化に関する実験的研究 | 口病誌 | 1964 |
5 | 佐藤 裕 | 改良を施した顎粘膜被圧縮度測地装置 | 補綴誌 | 1961 |
4 | 松元 誠 | 下顎大臼歯および小臼歯欠損後の下顎骨の形態変化 | 口病誌 | 1961 |
3 | 大島 徹 | 永久歯歯冠および歯列弓状態の家族的傾向に関する研究 | 補綴誌 | 1959 |
2 | 水野 克弥 | 歯列弓曲線, 歯槽弓曲線, 無歯顎堤弓曲線の解析結果に関する比較研究 | 補綴誌 | 1959 |
1 | 平田 幹夫 | 無歯顎粘膜の被圧縮度に関する臨床的研究 | 補綴誌 | 1959 |