


外傷出血性ショック(T/HS)後の腸管虚血再潅流障害に続発する急性肺障害 (ALI)/多臓器障害 (MODS)は集中治療が発達した現在においても未だ致死率の高い病態である。われわれの研究室では、そのメカニズムの解明および新たな治療法の開発を目指して研究を行っている。
主な論文:Mikami S, Aiboshi J, Kobayashi T, Kojima M, Morishita K, Otomo Y. Discrete roles of intracellular phospholipases A2 in human neutrophil cytotoxicity. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Aug; 79 (2):238-46.
科学研究費: 相星淳一,基盤(C)課題番号:26462748, 課題名:好中球の活性化におけるカルシウム非依存性ホスホリパーゼA2の役割

2. 迷走神経電気的刺激による外傷出血性ショック後の多臓器障害抑制メカニズムの解明 (研究代表者:森下幸治助教)
主な論文:Morishita K, Costantini TW, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Coimbra R. Vagal nerve stimulation modulates the dendritic cell profile in posthemorrhagic shock mesenteric lymph. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Mar;76(3):610-7; discussion 617-8.
科学研究費:森下幸治,基盤(C),課題番号15K10968, 課題名:腸間膜リンパ液中の脂質メディエーター機能における迷走神経電気刺激の役割

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校との共同研究にてT/HSの腸間膜リンパ液中にエクソソームが存在することを報告した。エクソソームは、直径約100nmの細胞外小胞で、悪性腫瘍等の進展に関わる生体分子として注目を集めているが、ショック後の臓器障害との関連は不明である。 そこでわれわれはT/HSモデルの腸間膜リンパ液中のエクソソームがALI/MODSに果たす役割に注目し研究を行っている。
主な論文:Kojima M, Gimenes-Junior JA, Langness S, Morishita K, Lavoie-Gagne O, Eliceiri B, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. Exosomes, not protein or lipids, in mesenteric lymph activate inflammation: Unlocking the mystery of post-shock multiple organ failure. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Jan;82 (1):42-50.

1. Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC)データベース:
本邦の診療報酬システムとリンクした診断群分類データベースであり、本学医療政策情報学分野の伏見研究班と連携して研究を行っている。1664病院が参加し、救命救急センターの97%以上が含まれる。患者基本情報に病院情報や診療報酬明細情報が組み合わさり、かつ疾患非特異的であるため、様々な分野における臨床疫学研究の強力なデータソースとなる。圧倒的な数の患者の日々の診療プラクティスの解析が可能であり、国内一律レートでの医療費情報が入手できる一方で、時に億単位にも及ぶ複雑なdata handling、マスタ更新、重症度調整や分/時間単位での経過や長期予後情報の欠如などの欠点も存在する。
参考文献: Endo A, Shiraishi A, Fushimi K, et al. Increased Severe Trauma Patient Volume is Associated With Survival Benefit and Reduced Total Health Care Costs: A Retrospective Observational Study Using a Japanese Nationwide Administrative Database. Ann Surg. 2017;Epub ahead of print; 科学研究費:遠藤 彰,若手(B),課題番号17K17045, DPCデータを用いた日本の外傷診療の評価
2. Japan Trauma Data Bank (JTDB):
日本救急医学会、日本外傷学会主導の全国規模の外傷データベースである。外傷に特化しており、256施設から200,000症例以上が登録されている。病院前バイタルサインや受傷機転、詳細な解剖学的損傷度が入手可能である。欠点としては参加施設が限られること、症例入力に強制性がないことからselection biasが考えられること、登録内容のqualityの問題が挙げられる。
参考文献: Endo A, Shiraishi A, Otomo Y, et al. Open-chest versus closed-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation in blunt trauma: analysis of a nationwide trauma registry. Crit Care. 2017;21:169; Endo A, Shiraishi A, Matsui H, et al. The assessment of progress in early trauma care in Japan over the past decade: achievements and areas for future improvement. J Am Coll Surg. 2017;224:191-8; Hondo K, Shiraishi A, Fujie S, et al. In-hospital trauma mortality has decreased in Japan possibly due to trauma education. J Am Coll Surg. 2013;217(5):850-7
3. Japanese Observational study for Coagulation and Thrombolysis in Early Trauma(J-OCTET):
日本外傷学会主導の多施設共同後方視的研究である。15施設の救命救急センターから800例が登録され、重症外傷患者のTrauma induced coagulopathyに焦点を当てた詳細な血液データなどが含まれている。
参考文献: Endo A, Shiraishi A, Otomo Y, et al. Development of Novel Criteria of the "Lethal Triad" as an Indicator of Decision Making in Current Trauma Care: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study in Japan. Crit Care Med. 2016;44 e797-803
4. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest registry
5. Doctor car registry 
参考文献:Ochiai K, Shiraishi A, Otomo Y, et al. Increasing or fluctuating bispectral index values during post-resuscitation targeted temperature management can predict clinical seizures after rewarming. Resuscitation. 2017:114,106–12; Yoshikawa S, Shiraishi A, Kishino M, et al. Predictive ability and interobserver reliability of computed tomography findings for angioembolization in patients with pelvic fracture. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;Epub ahead of print.

Department of Acute Critical Care and Disaster Medicine

Project title:
1: Mechanism and therapeutic intervention of trauma/hemorrhagic shock
2: Epidemiologic research using large-scale clinical database

Pricipal investigator:
Yasuhiro Otomo, Junichi Aiboshi, Koji Morishita, Akira Endo

Subject 1: Studies on elucidation of lipid mediator, Phospholipase A2 (PLA2)
It is known that calcium-independent phospholipase A2 is associated with acute inflammation, but which type plays main role in acute inflammation remains unclear. We mainly focus on the relationship between calcium-independent PLA2 gamma (iPLA2γ). The mechanism of acute lung injury or multiple organ failure after hemorrhagic shock is caused by variable mediators contained in mesenteric lymph. We have identified biologically active lysophospholipids with unsaturated fatty acids that are elaborated through the activation of iPLA2γ. In addition, we have demonstrated that iPLA2γ may be involved in multiple PMN cytotoxic functions (respiratory burst, degranulation. chemotaxis, adherence, and surface expression of adhesion molecules) as well as the adherence cascade in the mesenteric microcirculation 〔1-4〕. Taken together, it is likely that the iPLA2γ enzyme plays crucial roles in acute inflammatory conditions. We are now studying to elucidate the relationship between the enzyme and acute inflammation by using genetic approaches.

Subject 2: The role of vagus nerve stimulation on acute injury model
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS) is known to prevent the gut damage in animal models of acute injury such as trauma/hemorrhagic shock (T/HS). We have demonstrated that VNS alters the dendritic cells profile and T cells response in the gastrointestinal lymphatics after T/HS〔5-8〕. The aim of our study is to investigate the role of VNS on acute inflammation in the post-T/HS mesenteric lymph.

Subject 3: Epidemiologic research using large-scale clinical database
Recently, the importance of clinical research has been recognized in Japan, and various databases were established. We have been published several researches for the clinical questions with regard to trauma care and intensive care using large-scale clinical databases〔9-11〕. In addition to these publications, several researches are under progress. In collaboration with other divisions, the Japan Trauma Data Bank, nationwide database for trauma, and the Japanese Diagnosis Procedure Combination database, nationwide administrative claims and discharge abstract database, are available, if necessary. Emergency physicians and trauma surgeons being familiar with clinical statistics assist the research pertaining to study design, analysing method, and the assessment of the results.

1. Morishita K, et al. Lipidomics analysis of mesenteric lymph after trauma and hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 72 (6):1541-7.
2. Morishita K, et al. Group VIB Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2γ) is associated with acute lung injury following trauma and hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Nov;75(5):767-74.
3. Mikami S, et al. Discrete roles of intracellular phospholipases A2 in human neutrophil cytotoxicity. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Aug;79(2):238-46.
4. Kojima M, et al. Novel role of group VIB Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2γ in leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions: An intravital microscopic study in rat mesentery. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Nov;79(5):782-9.
5. Morishita K, et al. Neuroenteric axis modulates the balance of regulatory T cells and T-helper 17 cells in the mesenteric lymph node following trauma/hemorrhagic shock. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2015 Aug 1;309(3):G202-8.
6. Morishita K, et al. A pharmacologic approach to vagal nerve stimulation prevents mesenteric lymph toxicity after hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jan;78(1):52-8; discussion 58-9.
7. Lowry DM, Morishita K, et al. The vagus nerve alters the pulmonary dendritic cell response to injury. J Surg Res. 2014 Nov;192(1):12-8.
8. Morishita K, et al. Vagal nerve stimulation modulates the dendritic cell profile in posthemorrhagic shock mesenteric lymph. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Mar;76(3):610-7; discussion 617-8.    
9. Endo A et al. Crit Care Med. 2016 doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001731.
10. Inoue J et al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 80:559-66.
11. Hondo K et al. J Am Coll Surg. 2013 217:850-7.