Research Activity 2024
2024/12/26 Selected for the Matching Fund Program between the Institute of Science Tokyo and the Tokyo University of the Arts

Assistant Professor Tamaki Hada has been selected for the Matching Fund of the Institute of Science Tokyo and the Tokyo University of the Arts. In collaboration with Associate Professor Dozan Fujiwara from the Faculty of Music, Department of Traditional Japanese Music at the Tokyo University of the Arts, we are working on the "Development of an Air-Reed Instrument Guide Utilizing Digital Technology."
By utilizing digital dental devices, we aim to develop a guide that allows users to visually confirm the appropriate distance and angle between the lips and the instrument, making air-reed instruments more accessible and enjoyable. We are exploring new possibilities at the intersection of music and digital technology!
2024/12/03 RWTH - Science Tokyo Joint Workshop on "TransMedMat" in Aachen

Inokoshi M. Overview and future perspectives of dental zirconia research. RWTH - Science Tokyo Joint Workshop on "TransMedMat" 2024.12.03 Aachen
2024/11/09 2024 Kanto Regional Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices

#Oral presentation
Iwase R, Inokoshi M, Uo M, Wada T, Kanazawa M. Effect of sandblasting pressure on surface roughness of machinable fully-sintered dental zirconia. 2024 Kanto Regional Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices. 2024.11.9 Matsudo
2024/10/03-2024/10/05 Academy of Dental Materials 2024 in Turin

At the Academy of Dental Materials 2024, our department head, Masanao Inokoshi, served as a speaker in the Meet the Industry Session.
#Invited lecture
Inokoshi M. Current status and future prospects of S-PRG filler-containing dental materials in geriatric dentistry. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.04 Turin
#Poster presentation
1. Sunami A, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Takahashi R, Kanazawa M. Shear bond strength of relining material containing nano S-PRG filler. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
2. Kikuta M, Inokoshi M, Yamamoto M, Kanazawa M. Curing time evaluation of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin as restorative materials. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
3. Iwase R, Inokoshi M, Nakai H, Yoshihara K, Kanazawa M. Grain size distribution of machinable fully-sintered dental zirconia. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
4. Okkar Kyaw, Inokoshi M, Yamaguchi S, Kanazawa M. In silico analysis of cantilevered resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.05 Turin
2. Kitahara S, Shimizu S, Takagaki T, Inokoshi M, Abdou A, Burrow MF, Nikaido T. Dentin bonding durability of four different recently introduced self-etch adhesives. Materials (Basel). 2024.08; 17 4296.
3. Li X, Liang S, Inokoshi M, Zhao S, Hong G, Yao C, Huang C. Different surface treatments and adhesive monomers for zirconia-resin bonds: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2024.12; 60 175-189.
4. Okkar Kyaw, Inokoshi M, Kanazawa M. Tribological aspects of enamel wear caused by zirconia and lithium disilicate: A meta-narrative review. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2024.12; 60 258-270.
5. Xu K, Inokoshi M, Yoshihara K, Kakehata M, Yashiro H, Takahashi R, Yamamoto M, Kamijo S, Ikeda M, Minakuchi S. Bonding efficacy of highly translucent zirconia and lithium disilicate glass ceramics after femtosecond laser irradiation. J Prosthodont Res. 2024.12 (in press)
Conference Presentations and Lectures
2. Okkar Kyaw, Inokoshi M, Yamaguchi S, Minakuchi S. In silico nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis for the evaluation of fracture toughness in zirconia ceramics. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) 2024.07.07 hybrid (web, Makuhari)
3. Sunami A, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Takahashi R, Hatano K, Minakuchi S. Shear bond strength to denture base resin of novel hard relining material containing S-PRG filler. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) 2024.07.07 hybrid (web, Makuhari)
4. Iwase R, Inokoshi M, Okkar Kyaw, Wang B, Minakuchi S. Basic properties of machinable fully-sintered dental zirconia. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) 2024.07.07 hybrid (web, Makuhari)
5. Nakai H, Inokoshi M, Katada H, Iwase R, Okkar Kyaw, Minakuchi S. Evaluation of extra-high translucent zirconia: translucency, crystalline phase, mechanical properties. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) 2024.07.07 hybrid (web, Makuhari)
6. Inokoshi M. Impact of S-PRG filler-containing dental materials. The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) 2024.07.07 hybrid (web, Makuhari)
7. Sunami A, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Takahashi R, Kanazawa M. Shear bond strength of relining material containing nano S-PRG filler. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
8. Kikuta M, Inokoshi M, Yamamoto M, Kanazawa M. Curing time evaluation of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin as restorative materials. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
9. Iwase R, Inokoshi M, Nakai H, Yoshihara K, Kanazawa M. Grain size distribution of machinable fully-sintered dental zirconia. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.03 Turin
10. Inokoshi M. Current status and future prospects of S-PRG filler-containing dental materials in geriatric dentistry. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.04 Turin
11. Okkar Kyaw, Inokoshi M, Yamaguchi S, Kanazawa M. In silico analysis of cantilevered resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses. Academy of Dental Materials 2024 2024.10.05 Turin
12. Iwase R, Inokoshi M, Uo M, Wada T, Kanazawa M. Effect of sandblasting pressure on surface roughness of machinable fully-sintered dental zirconia. 2024 Kanto Regional Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices. 2024.11.9 Matsudo
13. Inokoshi M. Overview and future perspectives of dental zirconia research. RWTH - Science Tokyo Joint Workshop on "TransMedMat" 2024.12.03 Aachen
14. Okkar Kyaw, Inokoshi M, Kanazawa M. Fracture toughness evaluation of zirconia ceramics through multiple in silico chevron-notch beam models. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society 2024.12.06 Tokyo