Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo-Trimp, Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction Using Moral Case Deliberation in Japan: A mixed-methods study Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2023;
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Jovelle Fernandez, Laurie Keefer, Hiroaki Ito. Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Self-Efficacy Scale and cross-culture study in Japan and the USA Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2022.09; 1-7.
Kawakami Aki, Tanaka Makoto, Sakagami Kayoko, Choong Lee Meng, Kunisaki Reiko, Maeda Shin, Bjarnason Ingvar, Ito Hiroaki, Hayee Bu'Hussain. Daily life difficulties among patients with ulcerative colitis in Japan and the United Kingdom: A comparative study MEDICINE. 2022.09; 101 (35): e30216.
Yuko Kawamoto, Yumiko Yatomi, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. Understanding the process of people with hypersensitivity pneumonitis Implementing continuous antigen avoidance and their affecting situations: A grounded theory study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2022.06; 1-12.
Owaki N, Tanaka M, Kawakami A. Development of a scale measuring the difficulties faced by nurses who care for patients with delirium in intensive care units. Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses. 2022.05;
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka. Moral distress among critical care nurses: A cross-cultural comparison. Nurs Ethics. 2022.05; 29 (6): 9697330221085773.
吉野靖代, 蘆田薫, 坂木孝輔, 大友千夏子, 白藤尚美. 本邦ICUにおけるEnd of Life Careの現状 単施設における診療録調査. 死の臨床. 2022.06; 44 (1): 158-165.
Yuko Kawamoto, Yuka Nakahama, Nana Oga, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. Healthcare needs in implementing antigen avoidance as perceived by patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis: A qualitative research. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Yuko Kawamoto, Nana Oga, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. The experience of patients’ families in the process of implementing antigen avoidance for patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis: A qualitative study. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo Trimp, Aki Kawakami , Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction using Moral Case Deliberation in critical care nurses in Japan: A mixed methods study. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Hiroaki Ito. Influence of abundant nurse staffing on patient-reported outcomes among patients with inflammatory bowel disease in clinical remission. The 18th Europe Crohn’s and Colitis Organization 2023.03.01
Nana Owaki, Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami. Development of the Japanese Version of the Strain of Care for Delirium Index Among Intensive Care Nurses : A Validation Study. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference 2022.10 Taipei, Taiwan (virtual)
Soichiro Hotta, Kaoru Ashida, Makoto Tanaka. Night-Time Detection and Response in Relation to Deteriorating Inpatients: A Scoping Review. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference 2022.10 Taipei, Taiwan (virtual)
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo Trimp, Aki Kawakami , Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction using Moral Case Deliberation :A mixed methods feasibility study on Japanese nurses. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science 2022.10.18 Taiwan
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Jovelle Fernandez, Hiroaki Ito.. Difficulty of life among IBD patients in clinical remission.. The 10th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for CROHN’S & COLITIS 2022.06.16
Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka, Lee Meng Choong, Reiko Kunisaki, Shin Maeda, Ingvar Bjarnason, Bu’Hussain Hayee. Self-reported medication adherence among patients with ulcerative colitis in Japan and the United Kingdom: a secondary analysis for cross-cultural comparison. The 10th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for Crohn’s & Colitis 2022.06.16 Virtual congress
Y. Yumoto, C. Okawara, M. Sasaki, Y. Kawamoto and Y. Ogata. Content Analysis of Burdensome Symptoms and States of People with Dementia at End Of Life in Japan. 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics IAGG 2022 2022.06.12 Web開催
田中真琴, 川上明希, 阪上佳誉子, 寺井朋子, Jovelle Fernandez, 伊藤裕章. 臨床的寛解期にあるIBD患者の日常生活における困難感の実態. 第108回日本消化器病学会総会 2022.04.22
染谷彰, 田中真琴.患者が半側空間無視に気付いていくプロセス―エスノグラフィーの手法を用いて―.第42回日本看護科学学会学術集会 2022. 02. 04
大脇那奈, 田中真琴, 川上明希. ICUにおけるせん妄患者をケアする看護師の困難感尺度の開発 第50回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 2023. 03. 02
岩下絵梨香, 伊藤櫻子, 斎藤宝子, 矢吹道子, 三原麻美, 高見浩樹, 野村智久, 杉田学. ICUでの多職種連携による終末期患者家族への緩和ケア~COVID-19感染症の対策をおこないながら~. 第27回日本緩和医療学会学術大会 2022.07.02 神戸(ハイブリット)
川本祐子, Outstanding Poster Presentation Award,26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 2023年03月
蘆田薫,Moral Case Deliberationファシリテータ養成プログラムの開発及び実施可能性の検討.日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援 2022年8月-2024年3月
堀田宗一郎,夜間診療体制における入院患者の臨床的悪化時の看護師と医師の連携に関する困難度評価尺度の開発および関連要因の検討. 2022年度若手研究者育成研究助成. 医療経済研究機構 2022-2023
八鍬類子, HIV感染者の高齢期に望む医療と生活に関する全国実態調査とその関連要因の解明. 2022年度公益財団法人医療科学研究所2022-2023
堀田宗一郎,夜間の入院患者の臨床的悪化への対応における看護師と医師の連携に関する研究ー実践内容の特定と連携実践の程度と関連要因の検討ー. 科学技術振興機構/東京医科歯科大学卓越大学院生 (Ⅱ)
小田清花, 死前喘鳴を有する患者とその家族に対する看護師の実践に関する調査. 笹川保健財団研究助成, 公益財団法人笹川保健財団2022-2023
野澤美奈, 心不全入院患者が持つ退院前の知識の実態と知識を評価する測定用具に関するスコーピングレビュー, 2022.11.
小田清花, 死前喘鳴を有する患者とその家族への病棟での看護実践に関するデルファイ調査, 2022.11.
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo-Trimp, Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction Using Moral Case Deliberation in Japan: A mixed-methods study Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2023;
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Jovelle Fernandez, Laurie Keefer, Hiroaki Ito. Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Self-Efficacy Scale and cross-culture study in Japan and the USA Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2022.09; 1-7.
Kawakami Aki, Tanaka Makoto, Sakagami Kayoko, Choong Lee Meng, Kunisaki Reiko, Maeda Shin, Bjarnason Ingvar, Ito Hiroaki, Hayee Bu'Hussain. Daily life difficulties among patients with ulcerative colitis in Japan and the United Kingdom: A comparative study MEDICINE. 2022.09; 101 (35): e30216.
Yuko Kawamoto, Yumiko Yatomi, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. Understanding the process of people with hypersensitivity pneumonitis Implementing continuous antigen avoidance and their affecting situations: A grounded theory study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2022.06; 1-12.
Owaki N, Tanaka M, Kawakami A. Development of a scale measuring the difficulties faced by nurses who care for patients with delirium in intensive care units. Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses. 2022.05;
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka. Moral distress among critical care nurses: A cross-cultural comparison. Nurs Ethics. 2022.05; 29 (6): 9697330221085773.
吉野靖代, 蘆田薫, 坂木孝輔, 大友千夏子, 白藤尚美. 本邦ICUにおけるEnd of Life Careの現状 単施設における診療録調査. 死の臨床. 2022.06; 44 (1): 158-165.
Yuko Kawamoto, Yuka Nakahama, Nana Oga, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. Healthcare needs in implementing antigen avoidance as perceived by patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis: A qualitative research. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Yuko Kawamoto, Nana Oga, Haruhiko Furusawa, Satoshi Hanzawa, Yasunari Miyazaki, Makoto Tanaka. The experience of patients’ families in the process of implementing antigen avoidance for patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis: A qualitative study. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo Trimp, Aki Kawakami , Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction using Moral Case Deliberation in critical care nurses in Japan: A mixed methods study. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Mina Nozawa, Soichiro Hotta, Makoto Tanaka. Measurement tools to assess pre-discharge knowledge of patients with heart failure: a scoping review. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03.10 Tokyo
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Hiroaki Ito. Influence of abundant nurse staffing on patient-reported outcomes among patients with inflammatory bowel disease in clinical remission. The 18th Europe Crohn’s and Colitis Organization 2023.03.01
Nana Owaki, Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami. Development of the Japanese Version of the Strain of Care for Delirium Index Among Intensive Care Nurses : A Validation Study. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference 2022.10 Taipei, Taiwan (virtual)
Soichiro Hotta, Kaoru Ashida, Makoto Tanaka. Night-Time Detection and Response in Relation to Deteriorating Inpatients: A Scoping Review. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference 2022.10 Taipei, Taiwan (virtual)
Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, A. C. Molewijk, Janine C de Snoo Trimp, Aki Kawakami , Makoto Tanaka. Moral Distress Reduction using Moral Case Deliberation :A mixed methods feasibility study on Japanese nurses. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science 2022.10.18 Taiwan
Makoto Tanaka, Aki Kawakami, Kayoko Sakagami, Tomoko Terai, Jovelle Fernandez, Hiroaki Ito.. Difficulty of life among IBD patients in clinical remission.. The 10th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for CROHN’S & COLITIS 2022.06.16
Aki Kawakami, Makoto Tanaka, Lee Meng Choong, Reiko Kunisaki, Shin Maeda, Ingvar Bjarnason, Bu’Hussain Hayee. Self-reported medication adherence among patients with ulcerative colitis in Japan and the United Kingdom: a secondary analysis for cross-cultural comparison. The 10th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for Crohn’s & Colitis 2022.06.16 Virtual congress
Y. Yumoto, C. Okawara, M. Sasaki, Y. Kawamoto and Y. Ogata. Content Analysis of Burdensome Symptoms and States of People with Dementia at End Of Life in Japan. 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics IAGG 2022 2022.06.12 Web開催
田中真琴, 川上明希, 阪上佳誉子, 寺井朋子, Jovelle Fernandez, 伊藤裕章. 臨床的寛解期にあるIBD患者の日常生活における困難感の実態. 第108回日本消化器病学会総会 2022.04.22
染谷彰, 田中真琴.患者が半側空間無視に気付いていくプロセス―エスノグラフィーの手法を用いて―.第42回日本看護科学学会学術集会 2022. 02. 04
大脇那奈, 田中真琴, 川上明希. ICUにおけるせん妄患者をケアする看護師の困難感尺度の開発 第50回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 2023. 03. 02
岩下絵梨香, 伊藤櫻子, 斎藤宝子, 矢吹道子, 三原麻美, 高見浩樹, 野村智久, 杉田学. ICUでの多職種連携による終末期患者家族への緩和ケア~COVID-19感染症の対策をおこないながら~. 第27回日本緩和医療学会学術大会 2022.07.02 神戸(ハイブリット)
川本祐子, Outstanding Poster Presentation Award,26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 2023年03月
蘆田薫,Moral Case Deliberationファシリテータ養成プログラムの開発及び実施可能性の検討.日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援 2022年8月-2024年3月
堀田宗一郎,夜間診療体制における入院患者の臨床的悪化時の看護師と医師の連携に関する困難度評価尺度の開発および関連要因の検討. 2022年度若手研究者育成研究助成. 医療経済研究機構 2022-2023
八鍬類子, HIV感染者の高齢期に望む医療と生活に関する全国実態調査とその関連要因の解明. 2022年度公益財団法人医療科学研究所2022-2023
堀田宗一郎,夜間の入院患者の臨床的悪化への対応における看護師と医師の連携に関する研究ー実践内容の特定と連携実践の程度と関連要因の検討ー. 科学技術振興機構/東京医科歯科大学卓越大学院生 (Ⅱ)
小田清花, 死前喘鳴を有する患者とその家族に対する看護師の実践に関する調査. 笹川保健財団研究助成, 公益財団法人笹川保健財団2022-2023
野澤美奈, 心不全入院患者が持つ退院前の知識の実態と知識を評価する測定用具に関するスコーピングレビュー, 2022.11.
小田清花, 死前喘鳴を有する患者とその家族への病棟での看護実践に関するデルファイ調査, 2022.11.