1. 財津 崇: 第78 回日本公衆衛生学会総会ポスター賞, 日本公衆衛生学会, 2019 年09 月
1. 財津 崇:第76 回日本公衆衛生学会総会ポスター賞,日本公衆衛生学会,2017 年11 月
1. 植野正之:東京医科歯科大学歯学研究奨励賞
1.Melissa Adiatman: J.Morita Junior Investigator Award for Geriatric Oral Research Second PRIZE
Adiatman M, Takehara S, Ueno M, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y:Functional Tooth Units and Nutritional Status among the Indonesian Elderly. 89th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, March 16-19,2011.
2.柳澤智仁: 平成23年度日本口腔衛生学会論文奨励賞
Yanagisawa T,Ueno M,Shinada K,Ohara S,Kawaguchi Y:
Validity of self-reported masticatory function in a Japanese population
Adiatman M, Takehara S, Ueno M, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y:Functional Tooth Units and Nutritional Status among the Indonesian Elderly. 89th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, March 16-19,2011.
2.柳澤智仁: 平成23年度日本口腔衛生学会論文奨励賞
Yanagisawa T,Ueno M,Shinada K,Ohara S,Kawaguchi Y:
Validity of self-reported masticatory function in a Japanese population
1. 柳澤智仁: 口腔衛生関東地方研究会 会長賞
柳澤智仁, 植野正之, 品田佳世子, 大原里子, 川口陽子: 喫煙,禁煙状況と現在歯数との関連-8020達成を目指して-
柳澤智仁, 植野正之, 品田佳世子, 大原里子, 川口陽子: 喫煙,禁煙状況と現在歯数との関連-8020達成を目指して-
1. 品田佳世子: 平成20年度 日本口腔衛生学会学術賞 LION AWARD
Shinada K, Tagashira M, Watanabe H, Sopapornamorn P, Kanayama A, Kanda T, Ikeda M, Kawaguchi Y: Hop bract polyphenols reduced three-day dental plaque regrowth. Journal of Dental Research, 86: 848-851, 2007.
Shinada K, Tagashira M, Watanabe H, Sopapornamorn P, Kanayama A, Kanda T, Ikeda M, Kawaguchi Y: Hop bract polyphenols reduced three-day dental plaque regrowth. Journal of Dental Research, 86: 848-851, 2007.
1. Jigjid Bilgee: AAPD Morita Award 1st Prize.
Jigjid B, Ueno M, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y: Relationship of Dental Caries with Socio-economic and Behavioral Factors of Preschool Children in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia. 7th Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry, 2006.
Jigjid B, Ueno M, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y: Relationship of Dental Caries with Socio-economic and Behavioral Factors of Preschool Children in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia. 7th Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry, 2006.
1. 南郷里奈: 平成18年度日本口腔衛生学会論文奨励賞.
南郷里奈: わが国における歯科受診状況および診療内容の推移-1994年以降における診療行為別診療報酬額の分析を中心として-. 口腔衛生会雑誌 55(5):586-599, 2005.
2. 杉浦 剛: 第4回日本歯科医学教育学会学術奨励賞.
Sugiura G, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y: Psychological well-being and perception of stress amongst Japanese dental students. European Journal of Dental Education, 9:17-25, 2005.
南郷里奈: わが国における歯科受診状況および診療内容の推移-1994年以降における診療行為別診療報酬額の分析を中心として-. 口腔衛生会雑誌 55(5):586-599, 2005.
2. 杉浦 剛: 第4回日本歯科医学教育学会学術奨励賞.
Sugiura G, Shinada K, Kawaguchi Y: Psychological well-being and perception of stress amongst Japanese dental students. European Journal of Dental Education, 9:17-25, 2005.
1. Khristine M. G. Carino: IADR Lion Award 2001
Khristine M. G. Carino, K. Shinada, Y. Kawaguchi: Risk Factor for Early Childhood Caries among Filipino Pre-School Children
Khristine M. G. Carino, K. Shinada, Y. Kawaguchi: Risk Factor for Early Childhood Caries among Filipino Pre-School Children