TMDU Research Activities 2017

TMDU Research Activities 2017


Message from the President
Research at TMDU

 TMDU’s research vision
 :To benefit humanity by bringing together
   the wisdom of diverse disciplines for pioneering research
History and Location of TMDU
 Standing at the sacred birthplace of scholarship in Japan
Cutting-Edge Research
 Mohawk transcription factor:
 A potential target for tissue engineering
Features of TMDU Research
 ・Allergic inflammation
 ・Accurate detection of cavities
 ・Meniscus regeneration
 ・Globe shape evaluation
 ・Ultra-early Alzheimer’s disease
 ・Body cavity sensors
 ・Alternative autophagy
 ・Tissue decellularization
Budding Researchers
 ・Transistor-based sensing
 ・Reducing osteoarthritis
 ・Neurodegenerative disease signals
 ・As a pathologist and a mother
Highlights of Recent Notable Publications
TMDU's International Collaboration & Education

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