TMDU Research Activities 2017
Message from the President Research at TMDU TMDU’s research vision :To benefit humanity by bringing together the wisdom of diverse disciplines for pioneering research History and Location of TMDU Standing at the sacred birthplace of scholarship in Japan Cutting-Edge Research Mohawk transcription factor: A potential target for tissue engineering Features of TMDU Research ・Allergic inflammation ・Accurate detection of cavities ・Meniscus regeneration ・Globe shape evaluation ・Ultra-early Alzheimer’s disease ・Body cavity sensors ・Alternative autophagy ・Tissue decellularization Budding Researchers ・Transistor-based sensing ・Reducing osteoarthritis ・Neurodegenerative disease signals ・As a pathologist and a mother Highlights of Recent Notable Publications TMDU's International Collaboration & Education |
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- TMDU Research Activities 2017 [view-all-pages]
- Basophil protease and allergic inflammation: Uncovering new links
- New imaging technique for faster and more accurate detection of cavities
- Synovial stem cells: Hope for cartilage and meniscus regeneration in osteoarthritis
- Three-dimensional MRI offers new insights into globe shape evaluation in ocular diseases
- Ultra-early Alzheimer’s disease pathway offers preclinical therapy potential
- Body cavity sensors offer monitoring solutions in daily medicine
- Alternative autophagy pathways conserved from yeast to mammals
- High pressure tissue decellularization offers promise for tissue engineering applications
- Transistor-based sensing system finds ion leakage in cells injured by nanomaterials
- Prevention of knee osteoarthritis: From reducing injury to restoring function
- Study of neurodegenerative diseases and cell death in vivo finds new signaling pathway
- Childcare leave and supportive colleagues make high-level research possible for mothers

Since the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) was established in 1928 as the first national dental school in Japan. TMDU has grown into a comprehensive medical university by expanding into medicine and nursing, and has become one of the most influential medical research institutions in the world.
Our research is goal oriented, based on both medical and dental science. Of course, considering a thesis is important; however, we are focused more on “the benefit” for patients, which can come from new medical methods, medicine, and devices.