Essential Expertise for Clinical Dentistry 2 (EECD2)

Essential Expertise for Clinical Dentistry 2 (EECD2)

This course offers you up-to-date dental clinical knowledge and techniques that are often publicized in journals or books. Four experts in the fields of Gerodontology, Periodontology, Prosthodontics, and Cariology & Operative Dentistry will provide case study lectures and hands-on sessions.
This course aims at not only 1) updating participants’ dental clinical knowledge (case study lectures) but also 2) developing and brushing up clinical techniques (hands-on sessions). You will have the chance to actually engage in discussions with your peers and join hands-on clinical focused sessions.


EECD2 Syllabus (2016)

Application Form
*Registration is closed because the maximum enrollment of 30 has been reached.


Syllabus (Auditor Status)
EECD2_Auditor Guidlines (2016)

Application Form (Auditor Status)
*Registration is closed because the maximum enrollment of 10 has been reached.


Please check the webpage of our Faculty of Dentistry from following URL.


1Treatment planning for prosthodontics in a multiple tooth lossManabu Kanazawa2016/10/2717:20-18:30Lecture Room 2 (歯学科第2講義室)
Building 7, 2nd floor
2Treatment planning for periodontics with advanced bone lossKoji Mizutani2016/11/2417:30-18:30Lecture Room 2 (歯学科第2講義室)
Building 7, 2nd floor
Elective Hands-on Sessions
3SPEEDY and SIMPLE Direct restoration using flowable compositesKeiichi Hosaka2016/12/1516:30-18:30Pre-clinical training room (5階保存・矯正実習室)
Building 7, 5th floor
4Flap operation: Basic training of periodontal surgeryKoji Mizutani2017/1/1917:30-19:30Pre-clinical training room (5階保存・矯正実習室)
Building 7, 5th floor
5Live: Border molding and impression for mandibular complete dentureManabu Kanazawa2017/2/917:00-18:30*
*Time Changed
Clinic for Prosthodontics (義歯外来)
Dental Hospital, 3rd floor
6Direct resin core build-up method using custom core formWataru Komada2017/3/717:30-19:00Pre-clinical training room (3階補綴実習室)
Building 7, 3rd floor
Extra Lecture3 tips for making a dental clinical case presentationKeiichi Hosaka &
Naoko Seki
2017/3/2712:00-12:50Seminar Room