Oct.6 16:30-17:30 EndNote:Desktop (in Japanese/beginner's level)
TMDU Library Seminar - EndNote:Desktop[X7](in Japanese/beginner's level) - | |
EndNote is a software designed to help students and researchers collect, store, organize and manage references, and to output them as reference lists or bibliographies. *Please click here, if you want to know the difference between EndNote basic and EndNote Desktop. | |
Date and Time | October 6, 2015, 16:30-17:30 |
Venue | PC room in Library 1 (M&D Tower 4F) |
Lecturer | Mr. Masami Hatanaka (USACO corporation) |
Language | Japanese |
Contents | What is EndNote? - Use and function Note: The training is delivered in a demonstration format. There will be no hands-on exercise for this training. |
Targeted for attendance | For beginners (who have never used EndNote Desktop.) |
Document | Handout Support Documentation |
Contact Information | TMDU Library Books and journals clerk E-mail: Phone:03-5803-5598 |