Extension of Stay / 在留期間更新

Extension of Stay / 在留期間更新

We only process application for renewing the status of a "Student" visa. If you wish to extend the period of stay, you may apply for an extension at your local Immigration Bureau 3 months before your status expires.


How to apply / 申請方法

***Procedure (in Japanese)***

◆Step 1: Please submit the following documents to the International Student Support Unit via email.

(1) Extension of Period of Stay Request Form
(2) Application for Extension of Period of Stay (For Applicant part 1, 2, 3)Sample English Sample 日本語
(3) Copies of your passport, residence card, student ID card

*If you are receiving the MEXT scholarship/ HONORS scholarship, please submit the Certificate Request Form as well.

International Student Support Unit: fssu@ml.tmd.ac.jp

The International Student Support Unit issues the Application (For Organization part1, 2). In general, it takes about one week - 10 business days to issue this and you will be informed by email when it is ready to be picked up.

◆Step 2: Meanwhile, please prepare the following documents by yourself:

a) Certificate of Enrollment
- For graduate students: Vending Machine or Educational Planning Section (Bldg 1, 1F)
- For graduate research students: Educational Planning Section (Bldg 1, 1F)

b) Transcript
- For graduate Students: Educational Planning Section (Bldg 1, 1F)
- For new students: Please submit the academic transcripts of your previous school(s) before enrolling at TMDU.

c) Certificate of Past Enrollment
- For extending graduate research students only: Educational Planning Section (Bldg 1, 1F)

d) Documentation concerning defraying expenses
- e.g. Certificate of Scholarship, certificate of Remittance, copy of Bank book, or etc.

e) Application of Part-time job: Optional (Only for those who are interested)

*You might be asked to submit additional documents depdending on circumstances.

◆Step 3: Pick up the Application (For Organization part1, 2) at ISSU.

◆Step 4: Go to your local Immigration Bureau and submit all the necessary documents.
*Please remember to bring your passport, residence card and application fee of 4,000 yen with you.

◆Step 5: Once your period of stay is extended, please submit a photocopy of your new residence card (both sides) to ISSU within 14 days through the following form.

Updating Your Residence Status "Student"
*For research students: In general, you could hold a student visa for two years. You might not be able to extend your student visa as a research student in the third year.