AY2022 International Course for Clinical Dentistry (ICCD) Level 3
The 1st international exchange session (Level 3)
On 14th December in 2022, the 1st international exchange session of Level 3 was held between SWU and TMDU.
Students from both universities learnt about critical thinking and critical appraisal of scientific articles.
First, students from both universities were divided into small groups in breakout rooms to consider and appraise critically an assigned case report and discuss various possible treatment plans for the case. Then, the students returned to the main room to share the discussions of each group. The students received feedback on their presentations from Prof. Hosaka Keiichi, a professor of Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokushima University, who was the author of the case report and is an alumnus of TMDU and they were able to further broaden their perspectives.
Students from both universities learnt about critical thinking and critical appraisal of scientific articles.
First, students from both universities were divided into small groups in breakout rooms to consider and appraise critically an assigned case report and discuss various possible treatment plans for the case. Then, the students returned to the main room to share the discussions of each group. The students received feedback on their presentations from Prof. Hosaka Keiichi, a professor of Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokushima University, who was the author of the case report and is an alumnus of TMDU and they were able to further broaden their perspectives.
In addition, they watched a video lecture of supervising dentists discussing the case and also a method of organizing thoughts visually. They learnt the importance of critically appraising information and organizing their thoughts as dentists.
The students from both universities were able to learn more about critical thinking and appraisal while communicating with each other and were motivated to attend the second international exchange session, which was held the following week.
The 2nd international exchange session (Level 3)
On 21st December in 2022, the 2nd international exchange session of Level 3 was held between SWU and TMDU.
This time, both schools’ students attended a session of a clinical course for postgraduate students at TMDU, named “Essential Expertise for Clinical Dentistry” (EECD).
First, both undergraduate and postgraduate students were divided into some breakout rooms and discussed diagnosis and treatment planning for a case suggested by an international postgraduate student.
Then, they returned to the main room bringing presentations to share in small-group discussions and to consider how to approach treatment planning. Undergraduate students could also actively participate in the presentation and discussion, focusing not only on the treatment procedures, but also learning to be more globally and culturally conscious.
After the session of EECD, only the ICCD participants joined a small breakout room and attended an online lecture regarding direct resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis utilizing digital technology by Dr. Hatayama Takashi, a project assistant professor from the Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry in TMDU. Students were able to learn the new treatment method and technique.
This time, both schools’ students attended a session of a clinical course for postgraduate students at TMDU, named “Essential Expertise for Clinical Dentistry” (EECD).
First, both undergraduate and postgraduate students were divided into some breakout rooms and discussed diagnosis and treatment planning for a case suggested by an international postgraduate student.
Then, they returned to the main room bringing presentations to share in small-group discussions and to consider how to approach treatment planning. Undergraduate students could also actively participate in the presentation and discussion, focusing not only on the treatment procedures, but also learning to be more globally and culturally conscious.
After the session of EECD, only the ICCD participants joined a small breakout room and attended an online lecture regarding direct resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis utilizing digital technology by Dr. Hatayama Takashi, a project assistant professor from the Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry in TMDU. Students were able to learn the new treatment method and technique.
The ICCD international sessions of this academic year have ended with EECD. Beyond academic school years through undergraduate years, students of both universities are expected to have matured together as dental students and to work internationally together from now on.