AY2021 International Course for Clinical Dentistry (ICCD) Level 1

AY2021 International Course for Clinical Dentistry (ICCD) Level 1

The 1st international exchange session (Level 1)

On 8th September 2021, the first international exchange session, “cultural exchange” of Level 1 was held between SWU and TMDU.
For the first half of the session, students of both SWU and TMDU met online, had presentations and discussion about introduction of their own countries, cultures, and universities, and deepened their mutual understandings.

For the latter half, breakout rooms were prepared, and everyone had small group free talk in a relaxed mood. They introduced themselves and exchanged information about each other’s countries in more detail.

This course will continue in the second international exchange session of Level 1 and in Levels 2 and 3. Beyond academic school years through undergraduate years, students of both universities are expected to mature together as dental students.

The 2nd international exchange session (Level 1)

On 22nd September 2021, the 2nd international exchange session of Level 1 was held between SWU and TMDU.
First, both students attended an online lecture regarding aging/aged societies and oral function by Dr. Komagamine Yuriko, a Junior Associate Professor (Career Track) from the Department of Gerodontology and Oral Rehabilitation at TMDU and a lecture regarding problem-solving methods by Dr. Seki Naoko, a Junior Associate Professor from the Institute of Global Affairs (IGA) at TMDU.

Then, participants moved to 6 breakout rooms where everyone had small group discussion and used the problem-solving method they just learned to brainstorm problems in aging/aged societies and their solutions. The small-group discussions were facilitated by TMDU graduate students and Senior Associate Professor Janelle Moross from IGA, TMDU. Participants considered how dental professionals could contribute to aging/aged societies, exchanged their opinions and 3 groups presented their results.

Students' proposals using a problem-solving method

Students' proposals using a problem-solving method

To conclude this session, Dr. Komagamine gave a lecture introducing evaluation methods of oral function in order to detect oral frailty or hypofunction. Then, Dr. Seki and Prof. Moross gave feedback on participants’ work in the main room session. After that, participants returned to their breakout rooms to deepen what they had learned in this session and realized the motivation to continuing studying together beyond academic years.

This course will continue in Levels 2 and 3, where cultural exchange and learning will help students of both universities to mature together as dental students.