Report: The First “Datathon” in Japan

Report: The First “Datathon” in Japan

Chair: Professor Shigemitsu

A first of its kind in Japan, TMDU hosted the first datathon titled “1st Big Data Machine Learning in Healthcare Conference” at TMDU on February 24th and 25th, 2018.

Big data in healthcare is being focused around the world as one of the most powerful areas in research that will transform the way to deliver healthcare.

Workshops were structured to provide hands on learning and acquisition of basic skills with health data analytics. Professor Hidenobu Shigemitsu from TMDU who chaired the conference worked with specialists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School, National University of Singapore, Australian New Zealand Intensive Care Society, University of Philippines, and all over Japan who joined as speakers and facilitators. After the director of research promotion bureau from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan gave the welcome message, 150 participants from all around the world took part in this event. The participants actively engaged in lively discussions and the event was a tremendous success.

*49% physician
27% data scientist, student, researcher, pharmacist, nurse
23% industry staff

The program of datathon

