東京医科歯科大学 ウェルビーイング創成センターキックオフシンポジウムを開催 (3/29)/Center for Well-being Research Advancement Kick-off Symposium was held(3/29)
2023年3月29日(水)、東京医科歯科大学はウェルビーイング創成センター(Center for Well-being Research Advancement, CWRA)キックオフシンポジウムを開催しました。
同センター創設を記念してウェルビーイングに関心の高い方々を対象として開催した今回のキックオフシンポジウムでは、ジョンズホプキンス大学コミュニケーションプログラムセンターの前研修・能力開発担当ディレクターである ベンジャミン・ロザーレ先生を招聘し、コロナ・ポストコロナ社会における重要な課題の一つであるクライシス・コミュニケーションに関する特別講演を行なうとともに、同センターや講師陣についても紹介しました。
On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Tokyo Medical and Dental University held the Center for Well-being Research Advancement (CWRA) kick-off symposium.
In 2022, Tokyo Medical and Dental University established the Center with the aim of solving SDG-related issues in corona and post-corona societies. The Center covers eight areas essential for the promotion of social implementation science (Life Course Epidemiology, Behavioral Science, Risk Communication, Implementation Medicine, Health Policy Science, Law and Ethics, Healthcare Business, and Environmental Epidemiology) and works in conjunction with the newly established Clinical Epidemiology Program (CEP) in addition to the existing Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Health Administration (MMA) Course. It was established with the aim of creating evidence by actively promoting domestic and international joint research, implementing it in society based on the obtained evidence, and developing human resources who can work immediately at that time, while working closely with professors with extensive practical experience at Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Benjamin Rosare, former Director for Training and Capacity Building at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs (CCP), was invited to participate in this kick-off symposium, which was held for those interested in the issue of well-being and held to commemorate the founding of the Center. He gave a special lecture on crisis communication, a critically important issue in corona and post-corona societies.
At the beginning of the symposium, President Yujiro Tanaka spoke about the significance of TMDU’s efforts to address well-being and expectations for the Center.
Next, three guest lecturers took stage on behalf of members at the Center. Professor Tetsu Isobe, Professor of Keio University Law School, talked about the significance and expected role of the Center, which promotes social implementation science and conducts human resource development, and Dr. Teppei Banno, President and CEO of ALM Co., Ltd., talks about how the company's public-private medical-engineering collaboration initiatives and achievements will be utilized at the Center to solve social issues. Dr. Yusuke Kakei, representative of issue+design, talked about efforts to solve social issues through design and the opportunities that Crisis provides.
Prior to the special lecture, Dr. Takeo Fujiwara, Director of the Center and Professor of the Department of Global Health Promotion, explained the purpose and initiatives of the Center and introduced the lecturers who will teach at the Center.
Professor Rosare gave a special lecture of about 50 minutes on the theme of "What is Crisis Communication?" and also gave a lecture on how Japan should be a leader in crisis communication and leader communication in the field of public health using leader communication theory. He also talked about the importance of visionary leadership and strategic communication based on profound research.
This symposium was held in a hybrid format that allowed both in-person and online participation. About 80 people attended the event in-person, and about 50 people attended online. The participants listened intently, and during the Q&A period, various questions were raised, including those about the best "orchestra conductor" to realize the social movement, comments on messages by leaders, and training methods for listening.
After the symposium, a social gathering was held to which Prof. Rosare and other related parties were invited, and a lively exchange of opinions ensued regarding the development of the Center.
Overall, the symposium served as an opportunity for people from other fields, including participants from outside, to come together, and proved to be an auspicious start for the Center.
Lastly, the official website of the Wellbeing Creation Center is open, so feel free to explore more about the Center on the website.
東京医科歯科大学 ウェルビーイング創成センター キックオフシンポジウム/CWRA Kick-off Symposium
2023年3月29日(水) 17時00分~18時30分頃(開場 16:30)
東京医科歯科大学 鈴木章夫記念講堂(M&Dタワー2階)
東京医科歯科大学 学長 田中 雄二郎
2) 来賓挨拶
慶應義塾大学大学院 法務研究科 教授 磯部 哲
株式会社アルム 代表取締役社長 坂野 哲平
特定非営利活動法人 issue+design 代表 筧 裕介
3) ウェルビーイング創成センターについて(メンバー紹介)
東京医科歯科大学 国際健康推進医学 教授 藤原 武男
4) 特別講演:クライシス・コミュニケーションとは (50分) (逐次通訳あり)
ジョンズホプキンス大学 コミュニケーションプログラムセンター
(Benjamin Lozare, Former Director for Training and Capacity Building, Center for Communication Programs (CCP), Johns Hopkins University)
5) 閉会挨拶
東京医科歯科大学 執行役・副学長 森尾 友宏
Date and Time
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 17:00-18:30 (Doors open 16:30)
Akio Suzuki Memorial Hall, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (M&D Tower 2F)
Simultaneous online (live Zoom webinar)
1) Greetings from the President
President Yujiro Tanaka, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2) Greetings by Guest of Honor
Tetsu Isobe, Professor, Keio University Law School
Teppei Sakano, President and Representative Director, Allm Inc.
Yusuke Kakei, President, issue+design
3) About the Center for Well-being Research Advancemen (Introduction of members)
Takeo Fujiwara, Professor, Department of Global Health Promotion, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
4) Special Lecture: Crisis Communication (50 minutes) (Consecutive interpretation will be provided)
Benjamin Lozare, Former Director for Training and Capacity Building, Center for Communication Programs (CCP), Johns Hopkins University
5) Closing Remarks
Tomohiro Morio, Executive Officer / Vice President, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
特別講演 ベンジャミン・ロザーレ先生 略歴/Biography of Dr. Benjamin Lozare
2019年より東京医科歯科大学 客員教授。
Dr. Lozare received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Wisconsin in 1982 and has been the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of the Philippines Health Sciences Campus where he was responsible for strengthening the humanities and social science orientation of students pursuing careers in the health sciences. He was the First Director-General of the Philippine Information Agency, a national agency that provides development communication services to international development agencies; moved to Johns Hopkins University in 1990 to lead JHU∙CCP training and capacity building activities and the development of training workshops. He has also served as Deputy Executive Director of the Asia Mass Communication Research and Information Center Foundation, a leading NGO in the Asia-Pacific region, and has consulted for UN agencies including the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, World Bank, Economic Commission for Far East Asia, and UNFPA. He is an Eisenhower Fellow and recipient of the first Newsweek International Communications Grant.
He is a Visiting Professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University starting in 2019.
参加応募受付/How to Register
●会場参加をご希望の方 3月22日
●Zoomウェビナー参加をご希望の方 随時受付
※ 参加申し込みいただいた個人情報は、本シンポジウムの実施目的以外には利用いたしません。
※ オンラインで参加申し込みをいただいた方は、メールで送付する視聴URLよりご参加ください。
※ 会場参加者が定員を超えた場合、Zoomウェビナーでの参加をお願いする場合がございます。
※ マスク着用につきまして、3/13以降、個人の判断に委ねることになりますが、会場のある建物が医療機関でもあるため、会場内でのマスク着用のご協力をお願いしております。
※ 駐車場は湯島キャンパス内にございますが、台数が限られていますので、できるだけ公共交通機関をご利用ください。
Students and researchers interested in well-being within and outside of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, as well as members of the press and media
Pre-registration is required (first-come, first-served, free of charge)
250 people at the venue, 500 people online
Deadline for Registration
●For participants at the venue: March 22, 2023
●For participants in the Zoom webinar: Registration will be accepted at any time.
*Please kindly note that applications will close when the maximum number of participants is reached.
How to Register
Please fill in the required items in the following URL.
●For participants at the venue: https://forms.office.com/r/BptSF6Sxpn
●For participants in the Zoom webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8YeFHeUHTviocijm58ILtQ
*The personal information provided by registrations will not be used for any purpose other than the implementation of this symposium.
* For participants in the Zoom webinar, the webinar URL will be sent by email after registration.
* For participants at the venue, if the number of participants at the venue exceeds the capacity, we may ask you to participate via Zoom webinar.
* We will ask for your cooperation in wearing masks in the venue, as the building of the venue is a medical institution.
* Please use public transportation if possible since the number of parking spaces on the Yushima campus is limited.
交通アクセス/Access Map
キャンパスマップ/Campus Map
JD&MPH Unit, International Exchange Section, Institute of Global Affairs