東京医科歯科大学・チリ大学共同シンポジウムを開催 / UCh-TMDU Joint Symposium was held

TMDU has an overseas activity center in Chile, and has been engaged in the colorectal cancer screening program (PRENEC) and the exchange of students and researchers for about 25 years. In 2016, the Joint Degree Program (JDP), an international joint degree program between the medical graduate schools of the two universities, was established. This program specializes in the field of digestive system cancer, and has been fostering highly specialized medical professionals at the level of clinical specialists.
The Joint Symposium was held with the aim of strengthening the future collaboration between the two universities in broader areas and providing a good opportunity for lively exchanges of personnel. At the Joint Symposium, professors from the UCh and TMDU delivered presentations on their studies in the areas of strength and interest to both universities.
At the end of the Joint Symposium, Dr. O’Ryan delivered closing remarks, in which he talked about the history of longstanding collaboration initiatives between Chile and Japan initiated in the 1970s. In tackling such challenges as language and cultural differences, physical distance, dramatic time zone difference and differences in academic practice, he stated that the trust between the academic teams of UCh and TMDU has been growing. He also remarked that the symposium brought together high-quality researchers from both institutions, which provided an opportunity to know each other better and recognize areas of strength, and thus it marked a new milestone of an ambitious endeavor to strengthen the ties between the two universities.
On the same day of the Joint Symposium, President Tanaka and Dr. O’Ryan had a luncheon meeting, where they shared the current situations of the both universities and actively exchanged opinions on expanding future collaboration in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
We look forward to a wide range of exchanges between our universities in the future, and that these opportunities will lead to the promotion of human resource development in both.

ジョイントシンポジウムの様子 (G-lab)
Joint Symposium at G-lab

Dr. O’Ryan asking a question regarding presentations

ジョイントシンポジウムの様子 (G-lab)
Joint Symposium at G-lab

Dr. O’Ryan giving the closing remarks

From left: Dr. Katagiri, Dr. Mizutani, Dr. Kanazawa, Dr. O’Ryan (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UCh), UCh presenters (on the screen), Executive Officer / Vice President Morio, Dr. Yamashita, Dr. Ando, Dr, Takada

Dr. O’Ryan and President Tanaka

Dr. O’Ryan and President Tanaka exchanging gifts

日時:2022年11月8日(火)6 時30分~9時30分(日本時間)
Rodrigo Cornejo (MD, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Section)
Marcela Hermoso (PhD, Professor, Institute of Biomedical Sciences)
Katherine Marcelain (D.V.M., PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Basic and Clinical Oncology)
Luis Michea (MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Sciences)
Caroll Beltrán (PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Section)
水谷知裕(講師 消化器病態学分野)
若林健二(教授 生体集中管理学分野)
田中 真二(教授 分子腫瘍医学分野)
安藤史顕(助教 腎臓内科学分野)
松尾浩一郎(教授 地域・福祉口腔機能管理学分野)
片桐さやか(准教授 歯周病学分野)
山下基(非常勤講師 発生発達病態学分野)
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[UCh-TMDU Joint Symposium: Details]
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022, 6:30-9:30 (Japan time)
(Chile time: Monday, November 7, 2022, 18:30-21:30)
Venue: Online (ZOOM)
Language: English
University of Chile
Rodrigo Cornejo (MD, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Section)
Marcela Hermoso (PhD, Professor, Institute of Biomedical Sciences)
Katherine Marcelain (D.V.M., PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Basic and Clinical Oncology)
Luis Michea (MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Sciences)
Caroll Beltrán (PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Section)
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tomohiro Mizutani (Junior Associate Professor, Gastroenterology and Hepatology)
Kenji Wakabayashi (Professor, Intensive Care Medicine)
Shinji Tanaka (Professor, Molecular Oncology)
Fumiaki Ando (Assistant Professor, Nephrology)
Koichiro Matsuo (Professor, Oral Health Sciences for Community Welfare)
Sayaka Katagiri (Associate Professor, Periodontology)
Motoi Yamashita (Adjunct Lecturer, Pediatrics and Developmental Biology)
Institute of Global Affairs, International Exchange Section, JD&MPH Unit
Ex.: 4678
E-mail: jd@ml.tmd.ac.jp