Dean Pisano, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California San Diego, visited TMDU.
Professor Albert P. Pisano, Dean of Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California San Diego (UCSD), visited TMDU on August 8, 2019. UCSD is one of our overseas affiliated universities; therefore, it was a meaningful opportunity to have discussions concerning increasing collaboration between UCSD and TMDU in the near future, such as in the fields of biomedical engineering and data science.
Prior to the joint meeting, there were opportunities for Professor Pisano to meet with Executive Director Tanaka and Executive Director Watanabe individually.
In the meeting with Executive Director Tanaka, they shared information of activities each UCSD and TMDU.
In another meeting, Executive Director Watanabe explained the programs and activities of TMDU's Institute of Open Innovation and their views were exchanged.
We conducted several laboratory tours at TMDU.