University Recommendation / 大学推薦

University Recommendation / 大学推薦

For international students newly arriving from overseas / 新規に渡日する留学生対象
TMDU will select and recommend qualified students to MEXT as scholarship candidates. You must first contact a professor at TMDU and obtain permission to study at our university.

You could find a department that you prefer in application guidelines of graduate schools posted on the websites below:

Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

Graduate School of Health Care Sciences

Please send an email to the contact person listed there.

As we offer several types of university recommended MEXT scholarship, please choose the appropriate program based on your academic status and background.
Application Timeline
September - December Call for applications
December – January Submit applications to TMDU
January – March Screening by TMDU
March - June Screening by MEXT
June - July Notification of result
July - September Preparation for coming to Japan
- Visa, air ticket, dormitory, graduate school entrance procedures
*Foreign Student Support Unit will provide further details.
October Arrival in Japan & Enrollment to TMDU

Special Selection (Priority Graduate Program) / 特別枠(大学院特別プログラム)

- Research student (graduate level)

You will enter the university as regular graduate students. In case you started as a Master’s degree student, you need to apply for and pass the entrance examinations of doctoral programs in order to extend your MEXT scholarship.

Application guidelines:
・Global Program in Dentistry and Dental Medicine in India and ASEAN /

・TMDU Data-driven Medical Research Global Health Leader Program (DD-GLP) /

・TMDU Data Life Science Global Leader Program(TMDU-DLSP) /