Certificate of Eligibility / 在留資格認定証明書

Certificate of Eligibility / 在留資格認定証明書

TMDU could act as proxy for a “Certificate of Eligibility (COE)” at the Japanese Immigration Bureau upon request. The International Student Support Unit will inform new students of the necessary steps to obtain their student visa.
  • COE app.(for Students)
  • COE app. form SAMPLE
  • 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 記入例
  • NOTE: TMDU will not apply on your behalf for a COE regarding visa status other than “Student.”
    Steps for obtaining a “Student” visa
    Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your home country
    ↓【6】Issue a “Student” visa ↑【5】Apply for a Student visa
    ★Applicant (Student)
    ↓【1】Send all necessary documents to apply for a COE ↑【4】Send a COE Via EMAIL
    TMDU (or other Proxy)
    ↓【2】Apply for a COE ↑【3】Issue a COE
    Japanese Immigration Bureau
    ★For Your Information: Visit Japan Web
