


Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) Data-driven Medical Research Global Health Leader Program (DD-GLP) equips young health scientists, educators and administrative officers from countries around the world with advanced knowledge and skills of multi-disciplines, from basic life sciences to clinical medicine and implementation medical science, to excel as global, multifaceted leaders in data-driven medical research.The TMDU-DD-GLP is a graduate program consisting of a rigorous yet flexible curricula to satisfy individual training needs.Candidates successfully completing the program requirements will receive a Ph.D.


■留意事項/ Note
Applicants from the countries specified by MEXT can enjoy priority.
Please refer to the following link for the list of priority countries.
【重点地域/ Priority countries】
  • 2024年度重点国一覧
  • ■採用された場合、1年毎の各時点における学業成績係数2.30 を下回ったときは、国費外国人留学生の身分を喪失します。
    After being granted the MEXT scholarship, your scholarship will be canceled if your annual GPA falls below a 2.30.

    2024年度募集/Information for 2024


    国費/Japanese government(MEXT) Scholarship Student

    募集要項/ Call for Application

    提出書類ダウンロード/ Download Forms