東京医科歯科大 生体材料工学研究所 研究業績



  1. Loyaga-Rendon RY, Sakamoto S, Aso T, Kurashige K and Azuma H: Mediators involved in decreasing peripheral vascular resistance with carbchol in the rat hind limb perfusion model. J Pharmacol Sci 98: 263-74,2005.
  2. Matsumoto H, Kamm KE, Stull JT and Azuma H: Delphinidin-3-rutinoside relaxes the bovine ciliary smooth muscle through activation of ETB receptor and NO/cGMP pathway. Exp Eye Res 80: 313-22, 2005
  3. Loyaga-Rendon RY, Sakamoto S, Beppu M, Aso T, Ishizaka M, Takahashi R and Azuma H: Accumulated endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, enhanced arginase activity, attenuated dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase activity and intimal hyperplasia in premenopausal human uterine arteries. Atherosclerosis 178: 231-9, 2005
  4. Akanmu MA and Honda K. Selective stimulation of orexin receptor type 2 promotes wakefulness in freely behaving rats. Brain Res 1048: 138-45, 2005.
  5. Akanmu MA, Olayiwola G, Ukponmwan OE and Honda K. Acute toxicity and sleep-wake EEG analysis of Stachtarpheta carynnensis (Verbanaceae) in rodents. Afr J Trad CAM 2: 222-32, 2005.
  6. arashima A, Nakao M, Katayama N and Honda K. Instantaneous acceleration and amplification of hippocampal theta wave coincident with phasic potine activities during REM sleep. Brain Res 1051: 50-6, 2005.
  7. Katayama Y, Noda Y, Hirai K and Honda K. Motilin inhibits ganglionic transmission in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum. Neurosci Res 53: 156-60, 2005.
  8. Katayama Y, Hirai K, Homma T, Noda Y and Honda K. Action of orexins on individual myenteric neurons of the guinea-pig ileum: orexin A or B? Neuroreport 16: 745-9, 2005.
  9. Ikeda M, Ikeda-Sagawa M, Okada T, Clement P, Urade Y, Nagai T, Sugiyama T, Ypshida T, Honda K and Inoue S. Brain oxidation is an initial process in sleep induction. Neurosci 130: 1029-40, 2005.
  10. 松本 均、Kristine E. Kamm, James T. Stull, 東 洋:毛様体平滑筋の収縮・弛緩とエンドセリン受容体. 眼薬理 19: 43-45 ,2005.


  1. Sasaki A, Doi S, Wakimoto H, Mizutani S and Azuma H. Involvement of endogenous NOS inhibitors and arginase activity in impairing NO production in pulmonary arterial hypertension. ATS 2005 San Diego-International Conference, San Diego,CA, USA, May 2005.
  2. Akanmu MA, Ukponmwam OE, Katayam Y, Honda K. Behavioral effects of PYY3-36 on sleep-wake cycle, food intake and water intake in rat. Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Nov 2005



  1. Sasaki A, Doi S, Wakimoto H, Mizutani S and Azuma H. Involvement of endogenous NOS inhibitors and arginase activity in impairing NO production in pulmonary arterial hypertension. ATS 2005 San Diego-International Conference, San Diego,CA, USA, May 2005.
  2. Akanmu MA, Ukponmwam OE, Katayam Y, Honda K. Behavioral effects of PYY3-36 on sleep-wake cycle, food intake and water intake in rat. Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Nov 2005


  1. 東 洋:血管リモデリング制御におけるケミカルバイオロジーの展開.北海道大学21世紀COEプログラム〈バイオとナノを融合する新生命科学拠点〉シンポジウム「創薬をめざしたケミカルバイオロジー研究の最前線」.札幌、2005年11月.
  2. 東 洋:QOA (Quality of ageing) の改善を目指してー前立腺肥大に伴う排尿障害の克服-.第50回国立大学附置研究所・センター長会議 第1回部会シンポジウム. 大阪、2005年10月.
  3. 石橋智子、尾林 聡、坂本秀一、麻生武志、東 洋:卵巣摘出後の内膜肥厚増悪とエストロゲンによる改善効果. 第28回四教室合同研究会.東京,2005年3月.
  4. 本多和樹. 21世紀の睡眠学 ー睡眠障害の克服に向けてー . ハムリー株 式会社 研究所講演会, 筑波,2005年9月.
  5. 本多和樹. 睡眠研究の最新動向 ー睡眠障害の改善に向けてー. 大正製薬 研究所セミナー,大宮,2005年10月.
  6. 片山芳文,本多和樹.“Brain-Gut Axis”と睡眠関連ペプチド.日本睡眠学会第30回定期学術集会シンポジウム,宇都宮,2005年6月.プログラム・抄録集:86.
  7. Katayama Y, Honda K. Brain-gut peptides and sleep phylogeny of gut function. 第28回日本神経科学大会シンポジウム,横浜,2005年7月.プログラム71


  1. Isotani E, Kubota Y, Mizuno Y, Ohno K and Azuma H. Endothelial dysfunction of the pulmonary artery changes the neuro-cardio-endocrine axis after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Pharmacol Sci, 97 (Suppl I), 66P (2005).
  2. Sasaki A, Doi S, Wakimoto H, Takahashi R and Azuma H. Accumulated endogenous NOS inhibitors and accelerated arginase activity are involved in impairing the NO production in pulmonary hypertensive rats. J Pharmacol Sci, 97 (Suppl I), 183P (2005).
  3. Ishibashi T, Obayashi S, Sakamoto S, Aso T and Azuma H. Enhanced intimal hyperplasia after ovariectomy (OVX) is effectively improved by estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in the rat. J Pharmacol Sci, 97 (Suppl I), 189P (2005).
  4. Sakamoto S, Loyaga R, Aso T, Iwasaki-Kurashige K and Azuma H. Involvement of K+ and P450 metabolite but not H2O2 in decreasing perfusion pressure with carbachol (CCh) in the rat hind limb. J Pharmacol Sci, 97 (Suppl I), 288P (2005).
  5. Iwasaki-Kurashig K, Loyaga-Rendon RY, Matsumoto H, Tokunaga T and Azuma H. Mechanism decreasing peripheral vascular resistance with blackcurrant concentrate (BC). J Pharmacol Sci, 97 (Suppl I), 288P (2005).



  1. 東 洋、長野哲雄.「ケミカルバイオロジーフロンティア」第33回薬物活性シンポジウム. 於新潟、2005年10月.
