Office for Global Education and Career Development

Office for Global Education and Career Development

Tokyo Medical and Dental University has won the Ministry of Education grant for the Promotion of Global Human Resource Development (Type B).

Office for Global Education and Career Development

With the current mobilized world population and advanced information technology of the 21st century, we must globalize health care. This project aims to enhance the English skills of all health care professionals to the necessary level for providing a global standard of healthcare. It also aims to produce future world leaders in health science research, global health, international cooperation, and healthcare industries such as medical tourism.

Office for Global Education and Career Development Website

FY 2012 Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development

The Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development is a funding project that aims to overcome the Japanese younger generation's "inward tendencies" and to foster human resources who can positively meet the challenges of and succeed in the global field. This will provide a basis for improving Japan's global competitiveness and enhancing the ties between nations. Efforts to promote the internationalization of university education in Japan will be given strong, priority support.
(Excerpt from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website)

We aim to accomplish the following objectives:

Goals / Objectives

With the current mobilized world population and advanced information technology of the 21st century, we must globalize health care. This project aims to enhance the English skills of all health care professionals to the necessary level for providing a global standard of healthcare. It also aims to produce future world leaders in health science research, global health, international cooperation, and healthcare industries such as medical tourism.

Project Overview

In an effort to enhance the English skills of all graduates, we will develop, in collaboration with private sector companies, an integrated English education system through all school years. We will also cultivate students' motivation for learning English by providing multiple opportunities for cultural exchange with foreign students, setting challenging TOEFL score requirements for existing and expanded study-abroad programs, and conducting a portion of all final examinations in English. To produce future leaders in health science, we will establish a new all-year interdisciplinary program, "Global Health Science Program (GHSP)", geared towards motivated and selected students who will, in addition to their undergraduate degree program,
complete compulsory courses for Academic English, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, global perspectives, and global health, and participate in study-abroad programs with credit transfer, all while receiving mentoring and support for long-term global-career development.

Project Overview