Contract Researchers

Contract Researchers

Providing research guidance at the graduate level, we accept incumbent researchers and technical specialists from industry.
Through this system, our institution takes on enterprise commissions. After our faculty performs the commissioned business-task related research, we report the results back to the enterprise that commissioned the research. The research costs are charged to the commissioning organization.


1. Qualifications

Contract Researchers must be incumbent researchers or technical specialists at private businesses or similar organizations. Moreover, they must have an academic aptitude suitable for our institution.

2. Application

Private businesses and similar organizations (hereafter referred to as ‘commissioning enterprise’) that wish to commission contract researchers must submit applications and a statement 30 days prior to the commencement of the research. These documents must be submitted to the clerical window (Clerical Department Institute of Research Innovation).

3. Authorization

When a Contract Researcher application is submitted, professors at the department related to the research theme will discuss the proposal and accept the research as long as it does not interference with educational activities and/or other research.

4. Research Duration

The research duration for a contract researcher must not exceed one year. Moreover, research must be conducted within the fiscal year that the commission was accepted.
If the continuation of research becomes necessary, a new formal application and acceptance will be necessary for the next fiscal year.

5. Payment of Research Expenses

When a Contract Researcher is accepted, separately determined research expenses will need to be paid. In the case that research expenses are not paid, permission will be terminated.

Related Information

Resume/C.V. (Format not specified)

Institute of Research Innovation
Tel: 03-5803-4823