Collaborative Research

Collaborative Research

This system allows for the implementation of collaborative research projects with external organizations. Through it, we are able to achieve superior research results.
The Collaborative Research System involves our institution’s hosting of researchers from external organizations – such as private businesses, who provide research expenses. Though equal collaborative research with our faculty members on subjects of common interest, this system promotes superior research achievements.


1. Application

Leaders of external organizations that wish to apply for Collaborative Research (excluding clinical research) must input the required information on the Collaborative Research Application Form and submit it at least one month prior to the commencement date of the research to the clerical counter (Clerical Department Institute of Research Innovation). The application must be approved by the principle researcher (within the concerned field) as well as the department head who oversees the principle researcher.

2. Determination of Acceptance

Based on the Application for Collaborative Research, approval or disapproval of the outlined Collaborative Research will be determined through deliberation by the Collaborative Research Review Committee. Criteria includes the significance of the research and whether it will interfere with other operations.

3. Collaborative Research Expenses, Etc. (Expense to be covered by the collaborating organization)

Collaborative Research Expenses refers to the sum total amount of direct expenses necessary for the research staff to conduct collaborative research (awards, travel expenses, and research expenses - including equipment, supplies, communication and transportation costs, rent and hiring, Etc.). It also includes equivalent indirect expenses necessary for the management of the institution.
  1. Direct Expenses will be allocated from the budget to the research staff via budgetary manager.
  2. Indirect Expenses are equivalent to 10% of the Direct Expenses. However, if the Collaborative Research is contracted by the National Government or organization such as a local public entity and is difficult to quantify, exclusions will be made.
The payment of expenses must be delivered to the designated bank account of the institution by the deadline set on the Collaborative Research Contract Form, based on the invoice sent from the institution following the finalization of the Collaborative Research Contract.

4. Contract Duration

Essentially, Contract Duration of Commissioned Research ranges from three months to five years.

5. Handling of Inventions and Discoveries, Etc.

Regarding inventions and discoveries made through Collaborative Research, share of Intellectual Property Rights will be determined through a conference between the external organization and this institution. It shall dictate a contribution ratio between researchers from both the external organization and this institution.
Reference: Open Innovation Center Website(opens in new browser window)

For Inquiries regarding Collaborative Research

Institute of Research Innovation
Tel: 03-5803-4823