業績(List of Publications)
Jitoku D, Yamamoto N, Iwayama Y, Toyota T, Miyagi M, Enokida T, Tasaka Y, Umino M, Umino A, Uezato A, Iwata Y, Suzuki K, Kikuchi M, Hashimoto T, Kanahara N, Kurumaji A, Yoshikawa T, Nishikawa T.: Association study of H2AFZ with schizophrenia in a Japanese case-control sample. J Neural Transm. 2015.06; 122 (6): 915-923.
Takagi S, Balu DT, Coyle JT: Subchronic pharmacological and chronic genetic NMDA receptor hypofunction differentially regulate the Akt signaling pathway and Arc expression in juvenile and adult mice. Schizophr Res. 2015.03; 162 (1-3): 216-221.
Sugihara G, Tajika A: Can we predict switch from unipolar depression to bipolar disorder? The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 2015.01; 206 (1): 79.
Shiwaku H, Okazawa H. Impaired DNA damage repair as a common feature of neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. Curr Mol Med., 2015 15:119-28.
Shiwaku H, Masaki H, Yasugi D, Narushima K. A Case of a Depressed Patient With Major Titanium Cranial Base Reconstruction Successfully Treated by ECT. Am J Psychiatry. 2015; 172:1024-5.
Ito H*, Shiwaku H*, Yoshida C*, Homma H, Luo H, Chen X, Fujita K, Musante L, Fischer U, Frints SG, Romano C, Ikeuchi Y, Shimamura T, Imoto S, Miyano S, Muramatsu SI, Kawauchi T, Hoshino M, Sudol M, Arumughan A, Wanker EE, Rich T, Schwartz C, Matsuzaki F, Bonni A, Kalscheuer VM, Okazawa; H.*contributed equally. In utero gene therapy rescues microcephaly caused by Pqbp1-hypofunction in neural stem progenitor cells. Mol Psychiatry, 2015; 20:459-71.
Isobe M, Tanigaki K, Muraki K, Miyata J, Takemura A, Sugihara G, Takahashi H, Aso T, Fukuyama H, Hazama M, Murai T: Polymorphism within a Neuronal Activity-Dependent Enhancer of NgR1 Is Associated with Corpus Callosum Morphology in Humans. Molecular neuropsychiatry. 2015.07; 1 (2): 105-15.
Yassin W, Sugihara G, Oishi N, Kubota M, Ubukata S, Murai T, Ueda K: Hypothalamic-amygdalar-brainstem volume reduction in a patient with narcolepsy secondary to diffuse axonal injury. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2015.04; 11 (5): 581-2.
Fujino J, Yamasaki N, Miyata J, Sasaki H, Matsukawa N, Takemura A, Tei S, Sugihara G, Aso T, Fukuyama H, Takahashi H, Inoue K, Murai T: Anterior cingulate volume predicts response to cognitive behavioral therapy in major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders. 2015.03; 174 397-9.
Ashizuka A, Mima T, Sawamoto N, Aso T, Oishi N, Sugihara G, Kawada R, Takahashi H, Murai T, Fukuyama H: Functional relevance of the precuneus in verbal politeness. Neuroscience research. 2015.02; 91 48-56.
Tei S, Becker C, Sugihara G, Kawada R, Fujino J, Sozu T, Murai T, Takahashi H: Sense of meaning in work and risk of burnout among medical professionals. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2015.02; 69 (2): 123-4.
Soshi T, Noda T, Ando K, Nakazawa K, Tsumura H, Okada T: Impulsivity is Associated with Early Sensory Inhibition in Neurophysiological Processing of Affective Sounds. Front Psychiatry. 2015; 6 141.
Soshi T, Noda T, Ando K, Nakazawa K, Tsumura H, Okada T: Neurophysiological modulation of rapid emotional face processing is associated with impulsivity traits. BMC Neurosci. 2015; 16 (1): 87.
Uwatoko T, Yoshizumi M, Miyata J, Ubukata S, Fujiwara H, Kawada R, Kubota M, Sasamoto A, Sugihara G, Aso T, Urayama S, Fukuyama H, Murai T, Takahashi H: Insular Gray Matter Volume and Objective Quality of Life in Schizophrenia. PloS one. 2015; 10 (11): e0142018.
Son S, Kubota M, Miyata J, Fukuyama H, Aso T, Urayama S, Murai T, Takahashi H: Creativity and positive symptoms in schizophrenia revisited: Structural connectivity analysis with diffusion tensor imaging. Schizophr Res 2015, 164:221-226.
岡田 幸之, 安藤 久美子: 【治療を進める上での病識、病感II】 精神鑑定場面での、いつわりの病識 詐病 精神科治療学. 2015.10; 30 (10): 1309-1314.
高木 俊輔, 竹内 崇: 【急性薬物中毒 精神疾患を持つ患者の自殺企図へのアプローチ】 この患者ではどう対応する?エキスパートが教えるココがポイント! 自殺未遂を繰り返している患者 薬局. 2015.10; 66 (11): 2806-2810.
田村 赳紘, 光定 博生, 治徳 大介, 阿部 又一郎, 車地 曉生, 西川 徹: 炭酸リチウムの投与回数の変更によって夜間せん妄が惹起された高齢者双極性感情障害の1例 臨床精神医学. 2015.09; 44 (9): 1217-1223.
武藤 仁志, 竹内 崇: 内科医が知っておくべき精神疾患の知識 夜になると急に人が変わって怒りっぽくなったそうですが,まったく覚えていないんです 内科. 2015.05; 115 (5): 849-855.
寺澤 佑哉, 高木 俊輔, 奥野 薫, 安来 大輔, 成島 健二:インターネット関連妄想を呈しFacebook利用中止により改善した妄想性障害の1症例 臨床精神医学. 2015.09; 44 (9): 1231-1236.
後藤 恵: 動機づけ面接法ワークショップを終えて 日本アルコール関連問題学会誌. 2015.08;
後藤 恵: ギャンブル依存症について 依存神経学会だより. 2015.07;