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TMDU×Mahidol UniversityTMDU×マヒドン大学

Why JDP?東京医科歯科大学・マヒドン大学国際連携医学系専攻とは?

  • This is one of our doctoral programs for medical doctors, especially surgeons.


  • This program aims to develop highly skilled medical professionals who will be involved in interdisciplinary treatment of diseases, especially cancer treatment, in a super-aging society.


  • This international joint degree is jointly offered by Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Mahidol University. In parallel with basic research, students can practice clinical skills at medical facilities in your country and abroad.


  • This program consists of basic research and clinical training in your country and abroad, and support from various domestic academic societies for attaining medical specialization.


  • By combining the excellent features of TMDU and Mahidol University into a single curriculum, the curriculum enables students to acquire the ability to conduct high-quality research to obtain a degree and the skills to become a highly specialized medical professional at the level of clinical specialists.


  • The most attractive feature of the program is that it enables global research with an overall view of the entire ASEAN region, taking advantage of the rich experience in research guidance of TMDU and the large number of cases and clinical research achievements of Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.



Welcome to JDP

Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul

Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul

  • Program Administrative Committee, MU representative

    JDPプログラム運営委員会 マヒドン大学責任者

  • Chief of Division of General Surgery
    Minimally Invasive Surgery unit, Department of Surgery,
    Mahidol University


  • Hello, I am Dr. Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul, M.D. I am Program Director of Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences international Program. This program is the Joint Degree Ph.D. Program in Medical Sciences between Tokyo Medical and Dental University or TMDU and Mahidol University.

  • This program aims to develop Ph.D. graduate who will be able to carry on their carrier as the researcher and their can develop the innovations and also continue their own surgical carrier.

  • I wish you to be our part of family, See you.

  • 医学部博士課程国際プログラムのプログラム・ディレクター、Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul(医学博士)です。このプログラムは、東京医科歯科大学とマヒドン大学とで共同で学位を授与するジョイント・ディグリー・プログラム(東京医科歯科大学・マヒドン大学国際連携医学系専攻(博士課程))です。

  • 本専攻の目的は、研究者としてのキャリアを積み、イノベーションを生み出し、また、外科医としてのキャリアを継続していくことができる人材を育成することです。

  • プログラムへの参加を心よりお待ちしています。


Providing medical solutions to the ASEAN region

  • It has been 50 years since Japan entered an aging society. Serious aging is spreading in Thailand, which is now undergoing rapid economic development, and even in the whole ASEAN region.

  • Japan's long-standing issue in the medical field due to the aging society- The number of patients with lifestyle-related diseases, especially cancer, is increasing, and to train doctors who engage in multimodality cancer treatment, and to train leading doctors in the department of surgery - is now common issue in the whole ASEAN regions.

  • Furthermore, as globalization in the medical field is currently progressing, various medical information, medical devices, medical technologies and others are flowing into the ASEAN region, and human resources who carry out research and development to adapt and improve to suit each country are required a lot.

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, which has been devoting itself to training advanced medical engineers to solve medical problems in Japan for many years, and Siriraj Hospital at Mahidol University, which has a large-scale medical environment. Taking advantage of the achievements and environment of both the universities, "Joint Degree Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences between Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Mahidol University” was launched. Based on these achievements and environment. The aim of this program is to train highly specialized medical personnel who engages in especially multimodality cancer treatment corresponding to the super-aging society, and this program provides doctoral education with educational content that enhances advanced knowledge, skills and research abilities in the department of surgery and biomedical sciences related to surgery.

  • After completing this program, you will be able to utilize your high level expertise and ability in hospitals, education and research backbones, government and international organizations.

  • Your knowledge and experience gained in this program will contribute widely to issues in the grobal medical field.

  • Now, let's study together !

  • 日本が高齢化社会へ突入して50年。深刻な高齢化は、今や急速な経済発展を遂げるタイ、更にはASEAN地域全体においても広がりを見せています。

  • 日本が長年抱えてきた高齢化社会による医療分野での課題―生活習慣病、特にがん患者の増加によってがん治療のような集学的治療に携わる医師、外科系専門分野の 指導的医師の育成―は、今やASEAN全地域共通の課題となっています。

  • さらに、医療現場でのグローバル化が進む現在、多様な医療情報、医療機器、医療技術等がASEAN地域にも流入し、各国に合った形に適合・改良していくための研究開発を行う人材が数多く必要となっています。

  • 長年日本の医療問題解決に向けて高度医療技術者の育成に注いできた東京医科歯科大学、そして、大規模な医療環境をもつマヒドン大学シリラート病院という実績と環境を生かして、「東京医科歯科大学・マヒドン大学国際連携医学系専攻」は設立されました。これらの実績と環境を基に。超高齢社会に対応した疾病、特にがん治療のような集学的治療に携わる高度専門医療人材を養成することを目的とし、外科系専門分野及び外科系関連医科学分野の高度な知識・技能及び研究能力を高める教育内容の博士課程教育を実施します。

  • 当プログラム修了後には、その高い専門性を国内外の病院、教育・研究機関、行政・国際機関等において活かすことができます。

  • 当プログラムで学んだ知識・経験は国際的な医療分野の課題に広く貢献する事となるでしょう。

Human Resource Development Goals

This program is designed to foster advanced medical personnel involved in the treatment of diseases in a super aging society,
especially multidisciplinary treatment such as cancer treatment:


  • 1

    Surgeons who can advance the field of cancer treatments;


  • 2

    Skilled medical research scientists who can promptly respond to the needs of society; and


  • 3

    Leaders who can advance the medical sciences and healthcare fields in Japan, Thailand and throughout the ASEAN region


Career after graduation

Career after graduation 卒業後の進路
Thanks for the above, we expect the following prospect of the career path after graduation.
  • ①Surgeons who specialize cancer treatment and have acquired particularly minimally invasive medical technology trained by this program are judged in high demand at specialized core hospitals such as cancer centers where many cancer patients gather, teaching hospitals, university hospitals and others.
  • ②Medical scientists with advanced research abilities trained by this program are always required not only in universities but also in core hospitals and other places where young doctors are instructed, and it is expected that they will be widely active internationally in academic fields.
  • ③With the globalization of medical care, they are expected the ability to utilize and apply specialized knowledge at training courses for acquiring the latest medical equipment, surgical methods, and at many international conferences held around the world, to play an important role as a doctor and instructor who has acquired internationality such as high ethics, understanding of diverse cultures and history and communication skills.

About Mahidol University

  • Mahidol University is the predecessor of Siriraj Hospital, which was first established in Thailand in 1888. It is the oldest and the top level national university in Thailand.

  • Mahidol University makes World’s Top 250 Universities for Academic Reputation in QS World University Rankings 2021

  • マヒドン大学は、1888年にタイにおいて初めて設立されたシリラート病院を前身とし、タイ国内で最も歴史のある、タイ国内トップレベルの国立大学です。

  • マヒドン大学は、QS世界大学ランキング2021にてAcademic Reputation(学術の評価)の指標で世界トップ250にランクインしています。

About Mahidol University マヒドン大学について
  • 6 campuses

    Headquartered in Bangkok, with 6 campuses (Saraya, Phaya Thai, Bangkok Noi, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Sawan, Amnat Charoen)


  • Attractiveness as a university

    It is a university, which consists of 17 faculties, 6 colleges, and 8 research institutes, and with about 30,000 students.


  • 3 faculty of medicine and 5 university hospitals

    It has 3 faculty of medicine (Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, faculty of Tropical Medicine) and 5 university hospitals.



Mahidol University