TMDU×Mahidol UniversityTMDU×マヒドン大学
For information about applying to TMDU, please download the following PDF files.
Click here if you are applying for admission at Mahidol Universityマヒドン大学にて入学手続きを希望する方はこちらから
JD & MPH Unit, International Exchange Section, Institute of Global Affairs
統合国際機構 国際交流課 JD・MPH係
《What We Expect of Our Students》
This program aims to foster highly skilled experts as well as global leaders who possess a wealth of knowledge in the fields of biomedical and medical sciences, especially in surgery, not only in Japan and Thailand, but also throughout Southeast Asia. Qualified applicants who meet any of the following criteria are therefore highly encouraged to apply for our program.《求める学生像》
バイオメディカル及びバイオサイエンス分野、特に外科系専門分野において日本・タイ王国のみならず東南アジア等で同分野の優れた知識、技術を有し、国際的なリーダーになりうる研究心旺盛な高度専門医療人を育成するため、下記に該当する者を求める。Eager to acquire advanced clinical ability, basic knowledge and techniques in the field of surgery, or understanding grounded in the latest research in the field of surgery.
Eager to be independent basic-clinical researchers in the fields of surgery with the capacity to take the lead in national/international clinical research projects or clinical education upon completion of this course.
入学者選抜にあたっては、面接試験及び出願書類により本専攻における学問・研究を遂行していく能力の程度及び適性、意欲を評価し、マヒドン大学との総合評価で判定する。3 people per year(including the number of students to be admitted from affiliated university overseas)
Around January or February each year
- Document screening
- TMDU & MU Joint interview (Professors of both university conduct by TV conference system)
・東京医科歯科大学-マヒドン大学 合同面接(テレビ会議システムを使用して、TMDUとマヒドン大学の教員が面接を行う。)
Joint Interview will be conducted in the university you submit your application form.