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Director's Messageプログラム責任者ご挨拶


Director, Institute of Global Affairs

東京医科歯科大学 統合国際機構長

Tomohiro Morio

森尾 友宏

In this global era, internationalization of higher education, including increased overseas study opportunities for students and appointment of faculty members, has been accelerating year by year. Considering this, nowadays, universities are actively endeavoring to provide a variety of joint education programs.

Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) also believes that it is important to increase collaboration with overseas universities and to establish attractive international joint degree programs with ensured quality; thereby strengthening our international competitiveness and serving as an important strategy to enhance our overall activity and reputation.

With one of TMDU’s three educational philosophies being to cultivate broadminded international level healthcare professionals, TMDU has devoted extensive effort to establish networks and partnerships with universities and educational institutions around the world. Also, TMDU has been promoting interaction and cooperation with overseas universities and other institutions for many years. Consequently, we were the forerunner of other universities in launching our Joint Degree Program (JDP) in 2016. Since then, we have strategically accepted exceptional international students, while encouraging highly motivated capable Japanese students to study abroad. The JDP now serves as an important international joint educational program.

I strongly believe that by systematically and continuously developing cooperation for international education under the JDP, promotion of TMDU’s international exchange and activities will expand and contribute to increasing our international recognition, and strengthening our international competitiveness. I also believe the JDP shall help TMDU contribute to international society by producing broadminded healthcare professionals with international skills and knowledge.






Division Head, JDP Planning Division


Keiichi Akita

秋田 恵一

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, there is a growing need for joint education that transcends national borders. Against this background, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) is currently offering three major programs in medicine and dentistry, jointly with our partner universities with which we have long had a strong educational cooperation relationship.

These three Joint Degree Programs (JDP) make it possible to offer advanced educational programs that cannot be offered by a single university by utilizing the educational resources of TMDU and our overseas partner universities that work together to provide a single degree certificate.

Through our medical major programs, TMDU collaborates with the University of Chile and Mahidol University in Thailand, respectively, to foster highly skilled medical professionals with a broad knowledge of medical issues in the aging societies in both countries and around the world, especially in cancer treatment, through deepened international understanding. Through our dentistry major program, TMDU, in cooperation with Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, fosters human resources with highly specialized skills, especially as dental clinicians in the field of orthodontics.

As you can see, all of these majors are programs that utilize the unique characteristics of each university. In addition, the curriculum is designed to allow students to study for a certain period of time at the partner university in its respective country, so the program is expected to help students acquire a high level of ethics; understanding of diverse cultures, customs, and disease distribution; and communication skills, as well as internationality. On top of that, JDP offers the unique advantage of being able to earn a degree from two universities in a short period of time, and to have an international career path after completion.

We hope that students enrolled in these programs will be able to build an international network while studying at our universities, broaden their professional medical knowledge, contribute to the development of medicine globally, and become global professionals who can contribute to the health of people and the welfare of society.

JDP is a wonderful program that will provide you access to research, clinical studies, and colleagues from around the world.






まさに、研究も 臨床も そして世界の仲間も得られる、素晴らしいプログラムと言えます。