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TMDU×Chulalongkorn UniversityTMDU×チュラロンコーン大学

Why JDP?東京医科歯科大学・チュラロンコーン大学国際連携歯学系専攻とは?

  • This is one of the doctoral programs for those who have at least one year of clinical experience.


  • This International Joint Degree Program (PhD) is offered jointly by Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Chulalongkorn University (CU), which are based in Japan and Thailand, respectively, to provide a wide range of opportunities for students to work as internationally active dental researchers and clinical dentists in Japan, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries


  • Program duration: 5 years. During this period, students are required to take classes in both Japan and Thailand for a certain period of time, and through lectures and practical training conducted in English by faculty members from both Japan and Thailand, students can learn about the latest updates and cutting-edge knowledge from overseas and acquire a global perspective.


  • In addition to the guidance of writing an international-level dissertation, the program provides students with hands-on clinical instruction, participatory class seminars, and research training to learn how to solve problems from a variety of perspectives and to develop the management skills required in the process of conducting research.


  • The student will acquire advanced professional skills as a dental clinician in dental medicine, especially in orthodontics. Specifically, the program aims to train orthodontists with basic clinical skills in the field of orthodontics and the knowledge to back it up. Students will also learn about the normal growth and functions of the teeth, periodontal tissues, maxillofacial cranium and surrounding muscle and soft tissue system, as well as the improvement and prevention of occlusal and morphological abnormalities caused by irregularities in these structures.


  • Japanese students: In Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, there are many patients with general malocclusion as well as congenital anomalies such as cleft lip and palate, which require orthodontic treatment. Therefore during the clinical training at Chulalongkorn University, students will not only learn about orthodontic cases that are rarely seen in Japan, but also gain experience that is difficult to obtain in Japan through an environment that is different from Japan.


  • Foreign students: Students will receive high quality thesis guidance under the research supervision provided by TMDU, which is highly regarded for its research activities around the world.



Welcome to JDP

Takashi Ono 小野 卓史

Takashi Ono小野 卓史

  • The JDP Course Administrative Committee, TMDU representative

    JDPコース管理委員会 東京医科歯科大学責任者

    D.D.S., Ph.D.,
    Department of Orthodontic Science

    咬合機能矯正学分野 教授

  • The Joint Degree Program (JDP) between Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Chulalongkorn University (CU) in dental sciences is a unique multiple-layer program. The faculty members in TMDU and CU involved in the program all well-experienced so that the prospective students can learn high-quality, evidence-based, state-of-the-art skills and knowledges related to Orthodontics and Orthognathics, including teeth, tongue, periodontal tissues, craniofacial structures. In addition to structural biology, the students learn functional aspects of the oral and pharyngeal regions.

  • During the five-year program, the students study clinical and scientific backgrounds as the fundamentals in CU in the first year. In the second year, they move to TMDU to apply their knowledge to pursue the experimental study to write an article to be submitted to the international journal. Then, the students study the clinical skills in Orthodontics and treat the patients on the clinic to be accredited to be the certified orthodontists. In completion of the program, the students receive one official diploma co-jointly issued by TMDU and CU. The TMDU-CU JDP program gives the students the great chance to play the active part globally.

  • Join us!

  • 東京医科歯科大学とチュラロンコーン大学のジョイント・ディグリー・プログラム(東京医科歯科大学・チュラロンコーン大学国際連携歯学系専攻(博士課程))は、多層からなる独自のプログラムです。本プログラムに携わる両大学の教員は豊富な経験を有しますので、プログラムでは、歯、舌、歯周組織、頭蓋顔面構造等、歯科矯正学および顎矯正学に関する、質の高い、エビデンスに基づいた最新のスキルと知識を学ぶことができます。構造生物学に加え、口部および咽頭部の機能面についても学びます。

  • プログラムの期間は5年間で、1年次にはチュラロンコーン大学で基礎科目として臨床的・科学的背景を学びます。2年次には、東京医科歯科大学にて、それまでに学んだ知識を生かして実証研究を実施し、国際学術誌に投稿する論文を作成します。そして、矯正歯科専門医の資格取得に向けて、歯科矯正学の臨床スキルを学び、臨床実習で患者さんの治療に携わります。プログラムを修了すると、東京医科歯科大学とチュラロンコーン大学から正式な共同学位を取得できます。本ジョイント・ディグリー・プログラムは、グローバルに活躍するチャンスを提供するものです。

  • 皆さんをお待ちしています!


  • The globalization of dentistry is gaining momentum. To compete internationally in the future, it is important not only to be in an international environment and learn various research methods, but also to build networks with people overseas, learn foreign languages, and deepen your understanding of other cultures. In addition, the structure of diseases in dentistry is changing remarkably due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and stress. The speed of this change is far beyond prediction, and cutting-edge dental research is required to accurately respond to future social needs. In this major, students can learn both research and clinical skills at first-rate universities in Japan and Thailand. After graduation, they will be able to learn the skills necessary to play an active role both domestically and internationally as researchers and highly specialized medical professionals with the ability to perform advanced and highly specialized dental care.

  • 歯科医療のグローバル化に拍車がかかってきています。今後の国際競争に打ち勝つためには、国際的な環境に身を置いて様々な研究方法を学ぶだけでなく、海外とのネットワークの構築、母国語以外の言語の習得や他国の文化に対する理解を深めることも大切です。また、少子高齢化やストレスなどにより歯科の疾病構造は著しく変化しています。この変化のスピードは予測をはるかに超えており、将来の社会ニーズに的確に対応できるよう、最先端の歯科医療研究が求められています。本専攻では、研究と臨床の両方を、日本とタイの一流大学で学ぶことができ、卒後は、研究者として、かつ、高度で専門性の高い歯科医療を遂行する能力を有する高度専門医療人として、日本・海外問わず活躍する能力をつけることができます。

Human Resource Development Goals

The program is devoted to developing researchers who are well-versed in specialized knowledge that spans the life sciences, especially orthodontics, and who act as global leaders and cooperate closely with their counterparts in other fields; educators who are rich in spirit and have highly developed expertise in devising and implementing effective educational strategies; highly specialized medical professionals who have uncompromising ethical views and passionate interest in research; and opinion leaders who will act as pioneers in a new and more progressive era.


  • 1

    Ability to use English as a common language to understand specialized knowledge and communicate smoothly


  • 2

    Ability to autonomously continue lifelong learning related to the area of expertise


  • 3

    Ability to grasp the current situation in the field of medicine and dentistry (especially orthodontics) not only in Japan and Thailand, but also in other Southeast Asian countries, determine and prioritize the problems that need to be solved, and design and implement researches and measures necessary to solve these problems


  • 4

    Ability to lead research, education, and treatment in the field of medical and dental science, especially orthodontics, in cooperation and collaboration with overseas parties


Career after graduation

Based on the above, the following are possible career prospects after graduation.
  • (1) As a highly specialized medical professional with an international outlook and the ability to demonstrate leadership on an international level, the graduate can use the excellent knowledge and skills in the field acquired in this Joint Degree Program (JDP) to play an active role not only in Japan but also in Thailand and other ASEAN countries where demand for orthodontic treatment is rapidly increasing.
  • (2) As highly specialized medical professionals with an international perspective, graduates can play an active role in international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as internationally active NGOs and NPOs.

About Chulalongkorn University

  • Chulalongkorn University, established in 1917, is the oldest and top-ranked national university in Thailand. There are 19 faculties with a student population of about 39,000.

  • Chulalongkorn University makes World’s Top 100 Universities for Academic Reputation in QS World University Rankings 2021.

  • チュラロンコーン大学は、1917年に設立されたタイ王国において最も古い歴史をもつトップレベルの国立大学です。学部は19学部あり、学生数は約39,000人です。

  • チュラロンコーン大学は、QS世界大学ランキング2021にてAcademic Reputation(学術の評価)の指標で世界トップ100にランクインしています。

  • Technological platform

    Wi-Fi is available with an ID and password.


  • Library

    There are 1,374,374 books, 4,587 journals, 10,320 e-journals, and 26,707 e-books. Internet access is available at the computer station on the second floor.

    1,374,374冊の本、4,587のジャーナル、10,320の電子ジャーナル、26,707の電子書籍があります。 2階のPCコーナーでは、インターネットの利用が可能です。


Chulalongkorn University