

直腸がんに対するロボット支援手術で日本トップの手術数 という実績を持つ絹 祐介教授の手術を見学するため、英国マンチェスター大学のManchester Royal Infirmary、およびノースミッドランド大学病院に所属する大腸外科医5人が手術見学をしました。  

Five colorectal surgeons from the University of Manchester and North Midland University Hospital visited Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Department of Colorectal Surgery to observe the robotic surgery of Professor Yusuke Kinugasa, who has the top number of robotic surgery for colorectal cancer in Japan.
They were impressed by the skills of the Team Kinugasa's ability to process a large amount of surgical procedures quietly, quickly and accurately.
Many thanks for cooperating to making this video to;

◆Manchester Royal Infirmary https://mft.nhs.uk/mri/
・Dr. Nicholas A. Stylianides, Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary
・Dr. Ben Hornung, Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary

◆University Hospital of North Midlands http://www.uhnm.nhs.uk/Pages/Home.aspx
・Dr. Matthew Kobylarz, Trainee Surgical Care Practitioner, Colorectal Surgery, Royal Stoke University Hospital
・Dr. Philip Vargheset, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Royal Stoke University Hospital
・Dr. Sudipta Roy Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Royal Stoke University Hospital