Department of Home Health and Palliative Care Nursing
Professor (Career Track)
Department of Biochemical Pathophysiology
Department of Systems Neurophysiology
Associate Professor (Career Track)
As of April 2024Department of Physiology and Cell BiologyAssociate Professor (Career Track)
Department of Medical Education Research and Development
Department of Oral Health Promotion
Junior Associate Professor (Career Track)
As of August 2024Preventive Oral Health Care SciencesProfessor
Perinatal and Women’s Medicine
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Department of Rheumatology
Cariology and Operative Dentistry
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Curricular Management Division
Department of Molecular Virology
Department of Global Health Promotion
As of April 2024Department of Public HealthAssociate Professor (Career Track)
Oral Health Sciences for Community Welfare
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
As of June 2023The Nippon Dental University HospitalDivision of General Dentistry 4Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine
As of April 2024Department of Forensic MedicineAssociate Professor
Department of Periodontology
As of July 2024Department of Oral BiologyProfessor
As of April 2024Department of Neuroanatomy and Cellular NeurobiologyAssociate Professor
Department of clinical anatomy
As of April 2024Department of clinical anatomyAssociate Professor
Department of Molecular Pathology
As of April 2024Department of Pathology and Anatomical SciencesAssociate Professor
Professional Development Center
As of April 2024Professional Development CenterAssociate Professor
Department of Nursing Health Services Research
As of April 2023Department of Nursing Health Services ResearchAssociate Professor
Orthopaedic Surgery
As of April 2024Orthopaedic SurgeryJunior Associate Professor
Department of Gerodontology and Oral Rehabilitation
As of April 2024Department of Gerodontology and Oral RehabilitationAssociate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
As of April 2024Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo General HospitalHead of Ophthalmology
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
As of April 2023Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative MedicineAssociate Professor