
大学の世界展開力強化事業 ~ASEAN諸国との大学間交流形成支援~

イベント報告(平成26年度)Activities (FY2014)

【受入】歯科研修プログラム【Inbound】TMDU Dental Training Program

2014年10月14日~26日 / October 14th to 26th, 2014

TMDU Dental Training Program 2014ではタイ(チュラロンコン大学・シーナカリンウィロット大学)、インドネシア(インドネシア大学)、ベトナム(ホーチミン医科薬科大学)から合計30名を受入れた。分野見学やリサーチデイの研究発表、ワックスカービング、ワイヤーベンディングのコンテストに加え、以前派遣プログラムに参加した学生も積極的に海外学生との交流を行った。研修最終日には国際シンポジウムを開催し、これにはカリキュラムの一環として本学の歯学科2~4年生も参加した。

In this TMDU Dental Training Program 2014, 30 students participated from Chulalongkorn University, Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand, Universitas Indonesia in Indonesia, and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. The program featured a laboratory visit, research presentations, a contest for wax carving and wire bending. In addition to training, the students who participated in the the outbound program had a positive opportunity to interact with the overseas students. On the final day, an international symposium was held and 2nd through 4th-year TMDU dental students participated in the symposium as part of the curriculum.

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【派遣】歯学部 チュラロンコン大学・シーナカリンウィロット大学派遣【Outbound】Dental exchange program in Thailand
Chulalongkorn University and Shrinakharinwirot University

2014年8月29日~9月7日 / August 29th to September 7th, 2014


Srinakharinwirot University joined as an overseas partner this year, thus strengthening TMDU's ties with its network of partners in Thailand, which includes Chulalongkorn University. This time three 4th-year dental students were sent to these two universities in Thailand where they participated in cultural exchange and learned about the differences in the dental field between Thailand and Japan.

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【派遣】歯学部 インドネシア大学派遣【Outbound】Dental exchange program at Universitas Indonesia

2014年8月27日~9月8日 / August 27th to September 8th, 2014

大学間交流の中で、国を交えて学生同士が寝食を共にしながら合宿形式で研修・交流を行うグローバルリトリートが、今年はインドネシアで開催された。参加国はインドネシア、タイ、日本の3ヵ国で、本学からは歯学科3年生7名、口腔保健衛生学科4年生4名、大学院生2名の計13名を派遣し、お互いの伝統文化を紹介するCultural Nightなどの文化交流や、Group workでのディスカッションやプレゼンテーション、現地の日本人学校での健康教育などの研修等、交流・研修ともにどちらの面でも充実したプログラムとなった。

The stay-over program called "Global Retreat," which featured group work and cultural exchange, was held in Indonesia, where students from three counties-Indonesia, Thailand and Japan- participated this year. Thirteen students altogether, including seven 3rd-year dental students, four 4th-year oral health care students, and two Ph.D course students, participated. The students had a fruitful experience, participating in cultural exchange in which each country introduced its own traditional dance during "Culture Night," and receiving training in group discussion and presentation and health education for children in the local Japanese school in Jakarta.

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【派遣】医学部保健衛生学科 チュラロンコン大学派遣【Outbound】Medical exchange program at Chulalongkorn University

2014年8月18日~27日 / August 18th to 27th, 2014


Following the inbound exchange program for students from the School of Health Care Sciences at Chulalongkorn University, five undergraduate students and one Ph.D students from TMDU's School of Health Care Sciences were sent to Chulalongkorn University for the first time. In Thailand the program included visiting hospitals, attending lectures, learning laboratory skills at the university, and cultural exchange, in which TMDU students demonstrated the art of calligraphy.

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【受入】チュラロンコン大学【Inbound】Exchange program with Chulalongkorn University

2014年7月29日~8月7日 / July 29th to August 7th, 2014


This was the first time that TMDU's School of Health Care Sciences participated in the inbound program. Two Ph.D students and two undergraduate students from Chulalongkorn University joined the program. The program included viewing fireworks, wearing yukata as a cultural experience as well as doing laboratory work and visiting clinics.

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【派遣】歯学部 メルボルン大学派遣Dental Exchange program at University of Melbourne

2014年7月18日~28日 / July 18th to 28th, 2014


Seven sixth-year dental students were sent to the University of Melbourne in Australia for the first time in this project. The program in Australia has achieved considerable success in improving English skills, cross-cultural understanding, reviewing oral health conditions and health problems in both Australia and Japan, realizing the importance of lifelong learning and motivating students to become leaders by developing a global mindset.

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【派遣】リサーチデイ チュラロンコン大学Research Day at Chulalongkorn University

2014年5月14日~18日 / May 14th to 18th, 2014

歯学科5年(D5)に在籍する学生が、D4カリキュラムで行った研究体験実習の成果をチュラロンコン大学の、学部学生複数名が1グループを形成し1年間を通じて行った研究成果の発表会であるResearch Dayにて発表した。今年度はResearch Dayの口演部門にエントリーし、チュ ラロンコン大学及び本学の教員による審査員団か ら活発な質疑応答が行われ、厳正な審査の結果、 本学学生2名が2位を受賞した。

TMDU fifth-year dental students presented their research results on Research Day at CU where groups were able to present the results of their research activities and studies over the past year. This year TMDU students participated in the Oral Competition, which included a panel of faculty members from CU and TMDU that presided over a Q&A session and judged students’ performance. Two students from TMDU won second prize together.

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