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Simple English Wikipedia is made for students. Everyone knows Wikipedia. Whether in Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, or English, this reference is a useful place to begin learning about topics. But, there is another Wikipedia you should try. Simple English Wikipedia uses basic vocabulary and grammar, so it is easier to read. Medical topics tend to be very difficult to read on the main English Wikipedia, so try this site to get a basic idea. Then, make sure you look for more information from other sources.

Simple Wikipedia

Here is an example of a medical topic, Intensive care unit, on Simple English Wikipedia.

医科歯科大 TMDU Home

English Language Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0827, Japan
東京医科歯科大学 教養部 英語分野
〒272-0827 千葉県市川市国府台 2-8-30
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