Study Abroad
Study English

Study Abroad Opportunities

One of the best ways to improve your English ability is to study in an English-speaking country. We encourage you to participate in a short-term study abroad program during summer and spring breaks. Many of your fellow students have participated in the following study abroad program at Studio Cambridge.

This is not your only choice. There are many opportunities to study abroad. To learn about available programs, come to the following info session. If you missed the info session at Konodai, go to TMDU's Global Gateway Division website or visit a study abroad company on your own (such as Ryugaku Journal).



  • 日時: 4月22日(月曜日)
  • 12:30から13:00まで
  • 場所:1番教室

Studio Cambridge image

Interested in studying English in England? Visit Studio Cambridge website and learn about their Intensive English programs that are held in summer. Studio Cambridge is located in Cambridge, a beautiful city in England.

FAQ: Visit our FAQ page for advice from TMDU's English department on traveling to England.

TMDU Student Voices: Visit Student Voices page to learn about fellow TMDU classmates' experiences at Studio Cambridge.

医科歯科大 TMDU Home

English Language Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0827, Japan
東京医科歯科大学 教養部 英語分野
〒272-0827 千葉県市川市国府台 2-8-30
© 2019 English Language Department