19th Surugadai International Symposium & Joint Usage/Research Program of Medical Research Institute International Symposium(2021.9.3)

The Medical Research Institute (MRI) of Tokyo Medical and Dental University is focusing on tackling issues in medical science with a hope to understand the basic mechanism of pathogenesis of intractable diseases and further develop measures to diagnose and treat patients.

Since 2002, MRI has been organizing the "Surugadai International Symposium" to bring together the top researchers around the world to discuss the most advanced research in the field of medical science and biological science.

This year, under the theme of "Understanding COVID-19 from Biological Perspectives", we invite world-renowned researchers including Professor Zhang Yongzhen, who was selected as one of Time's 100 most influential people of 2020, and Professor Josef Penninger, a world authority on immunology.

We look forward to your participation.
Date September 3, 2021 9:00-12:10
Venue Online(via Zoom)
Theme "Understanding COVID-19 from Biological Perspectives"
Speakers Dr. Yongzhen Zhang (Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University)
Dr. Josef Penninger (The University of British Columbia)
Dr. Tomozumi Imamichi (Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research)
Dr. Hisashi Arase (Osaka University)
Dr. Takeshi Tsubata (TMDU)
Registration Registration Form  【Registration closed】
Zoom ID will be sent to this address after the registration.
Registration Deadline August 31, 2021 12:00
Entrance Fee No Charge