We are studying educational and evaluation system on how to learn and continue to practice in under- and post-graduate clinical training.
Research on career education for doctors is being conducted with development of entrepreneurship education program for doctors.
Development and verification of a model evaluation program for research ethics education by an interdisciplinary approach.
Research on patient medication and drug swallowing using design thinking is being conducted in search for new treatment strategy for dysphagia.
We are conducting research on team medical care and multidisciplinary collaborative education.
We are conducting research on the development of patient education programs related to
health promotion for the super-elderly. In addition, we are also conducting preventive research on lifestyle-related diseases in Kyo-tango Longevity Cohort Study.
We are also conducting research on cognitive mechanism and cerebral processing in clinical reasoning, on competence evaluation in pre- and post-graduate clinical medical education, on multifaceted evaluation in medical communication and research on community-based medicine.
M&DTower 16th floor
1-5-45 Yushima,Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8510,JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5803-5948
Fax: +81-3-5803-0281