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  • Tabu K, Kimura T, Sasai K, Wang L, Bizen N, Nishihara H, Taga T, Tanaka S. Analysis of an alternative human CD133 promoter reveals the implication of Ras/ERK pathway in tumor stem-like hallmarks. Mol. Cancer, 9:39, 2010.
  • Inoue T, Kagawa T, Inoue-Mochita M, Isono K, Ohtsu N, Nobuhisa I, Fukushima M, Tanihara H, Taga T. Wnt3a promotes hippocampal neurogenesis by shortening cell cycle duration of neural progenitor cells. FEBS Lett., 584:3233-8, 2010
  • Yoshinaga Y, Kagawa T, Shimizu T, Inoue T, Takada S, Kuratsu J, Taga T. Involvement of the Hipk family in regulation of eyeball size, lens formation and retinal morphogenesis. Cell Mol Neurobiol., 30:1049-58 2010
  • Ramadan A, Nobuhisa I, Yamasaki S, Nakagata N, Taga T. Cells with hematopoietic activity in the mouse placenta reside in side population. Genes Cells, 15:983-94, 2010