Notification of Recruitment of Users of the Home Based Research Support System

The activities concerning the “innovative support for female researchers” that we adopted in FY 2008 were developed using the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology provided by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) under the heading “support model activities for female researchers”.
As part of this project, the “home-based research support activities” have been implemented in three institutes (MRI, IBB, Graduate school of Biomedical Science) so far. However, as we intend to extend the scope of our activities to the entire school.

We recruit users of this system. Please read the information noted below regarding the recruitment process.

Recruitment Guidelines

Recruitment Target

All female researchers working full-time and part-time at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

Recruitment Deadline

March 31, 2011

Period of Use

Until March 31, 2011, from the day of being approved (notification will be given at a later date regarding the next academic year).

Recruitment Numbers

Maximum of approximately 100 people (depending on conditions of use and manageability).

Way to Apply

Application Entry Form

  1. Send in Your Entry Form.
  2. After sending in your entry form, fill out the application form below with all the necessary information, and send it to The Support Office for Female Researchers via internal mail with a seal of approval from the head of your department or field (those in a hurry may send a pdf file with the seal of approval to the address below and it will be accepted, but please ensure the original form is sent in at a later date).
    * Sending in an entry and e-mail will not qualify you for recruitment. Sending in the original copy of the application form is mandatory.

    Application Form:
    ●PDF [89KB] ●WORD [40KB]
    Send to:
    The Support Office for Female Researchers

Date of Recruitment Approval

Any time as the occasion demands, upon approval by the executive council.

Regarding Use

Please accept the following six terms prior to making the application:

  1. The cost to access the university server from home via optical, ADSL or other networks shall be incurred by the user.
  2. Users shall be required to cooperate in answering periodical (2 – 3 times/year) questionnaire surveys regarding effectiveness of the Home Based Research Support System.
  3. Time spent using the Home Based Research Support System at home shall not be regarded as work time.
  4. Users must turn up for work on appointed days (please discuss working hours with the head of your department or field).
  5. If you are unable to turn up for work all day due to e.g. your child developing a sudden fever, you must apply for leave (child-care leave; special leave of 5 days or less/year. Or annual paid vacation).
  6. University regulations must be adhered to in using the Home Based Research Support System for research work.

* Any labor-related inquiries may be directed to the Staff Section, General Affairs

Method of Use

Notification by e-mail will be sent to each individual user after approval of use.

Contents of the Home Based Research Support System

1. Collective Management of E-Mail Using a Specialized Mail Server

It is possible to send and receive e-mail at home under the same conditions as at university (maximum capacity of 2.5 GB per user).

  • It is possible to send, receive and manage e-mail using the same e-mail software at home as at university.
  • The e-mail sent and received at home can be managed collectively with the e-mail at university, so there is no division of management.
  • · The mailbox will not become filled in a short period of time like the currently allocated local Web-mail at university.

[Reference] Basic Chart Showing Comparison with Current Situation

University Mail Server Currently Being Used Specialized Home Based Research Support Mail Server
E-Mail Management Division of management (management on a per PC basis) Collective management possible *(using specialized mail server)
E-Mail Capacity 100 MB (MAX.) 2.5 GB (MAX.)
Uploading of E-Mail Data Not possible Possible (possible to upload data saved on the e-mail software of the PC onto the server)

* Upload the saved e-mail data of the PC used most often onto the specialized e-mail server, and they can be managed collectively thereafter.

2. You Will Be Able to Use the Specialized File Server for Centralized Management of Files

Work on documents and materials prepared at university can be continued at home (maximum capacity of 2.5 GB per user)

  • Save the documents and data prepared at university onto this server, then access them from home to continue working on them.
  • All kinds of files can be saved in this file space (there will be no size limit to begin with)
  • It will become unnecessary to carry around data using a USB memory

3. You Will Be Able to Safely Use Online Journals and Databases Normally Only Accessible from within the University

It will become possible to read online journals and the databases of specialized fields at home

  • Carry out analyses of data by accessing databases related to your research
  • Read online journals to help write your paper

Any inquiries regarding the system may be directed to Professor Takeshi Tsubata of the Graduate School of the School of Biomedical Science

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