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  • Bizen N, Inoue T, Shimizu T, Tabu K, Kagawa T, and Taga T. A growth-promoting signaling component cyclin D1 in neural stem cells has anti-astrogliogenic function to execute self-renewal. Stem Cells, 32:1602-1615, 2014
  • Nobuhisa I, Osawa M, Uemura M, Kishikawa Y, Anani M, Harada K, Takagi H, Saito K, Kanai-Azuma M, Kanai Y, Iwama A, and Taga T. Sox17-mediated maintenance of fetal intra-aortic hematopoietic cell clusters. Mol. Cell. Biol., 34:1975-1990, 2014
  • Anani M, Nobuhisa I, Osawa M, Iwama A, Harada K, Saito K, and Taga T. Sox17 as a candidate regulator of myeloid restricted differentiation potential. Dev. Growth Differ., 56:469-479, 2014