Kaori Hisa, Masakatsu D Yanagimachi, Takuya Naruto, Takako Miyamae, Masako Kikuchi, Rhoki Hara, Tomoyuki Imagawa, Shumpei Yokota, Masaaki Mori. PADI4 and the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. PLoS ONE. 2017.02; 12(2); e0171961
Tanya I Coulter, Anita Chandra, Chris M Bacon, Judith Babar, James Curtis, Nick Screaton, John R Goodlad, George Farmer, Cathal Laurence Steele, Timothy Ronan Leahy, Rainer Doffinger, Helen Bax-endale, Jolanta Bernatoniene, J David M Edgar, Hilary J Longhurst, Stephan Ehl, Carsten Speckmann, Bodo Grimbacher, Anna Sediva, Tomas Milota, Saul N Faust, Anthony P Williams, Grant Hayman, Zeynep Yesim Kucuk, Rosie Hague, Paul French, Richard Brooker, Peter Forsyth, Richard Herriot, Cate-rina Cancrini, Paolo Palma, Paola Ariganello, Niall Conlon, Conleth Feighery, Patrick J Gavin, Alison Jones, Kohsuke Imai, Mohammad A A Ibrahim, GaŠper Markelj, Mario Abinun, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Sylvain Latour, Isabelle Pellier, Alain Fischer, Fabien Touzot, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Anne Durandy, Siobhan O Burns, Sinisa Savic, D S Kumararatne, Despina Moshous, Sven Kracker, Bart Vanhaesebroeck, Klaus Okkenhaug, Capucine Picard, Sergey Nejentsev, Alison M Condliffe, Andrew James Cant. Clinical spectrum and features of activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome: A large patient cohort study J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2017.02; 139(2); 597-606.e4
Jinhua Piao, Shiori Takai, Takahiro Kamiya, Takeshi Inukai, Kanji Sugita, Kazuma Ohyashiki, Domenico Delia, Mitsuko Masutani, Shuki Mizutani, Masatoshi Takagi. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors selectively induce cytotoxicity in TCF3-HLF-positive leukemic cells. Cancer Lett. 2017.02; 386; 131-140
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Makiko Egawa, Kohsuke Imai, Masaaki Mori, Naoyuki Miyasaka, Tetsuo Kubota. Placental Transfer of Canakinumab in a Patient with Muckle-Wells Syndrome. J. Clin. Immunol.. 2017.04;
Shimpei Baba, Yuji Sugawara, Kengo Moriyama, Motoki Inaji, Taketoshi Maehara, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Tomohiro Morio. Amelioration of intractable epilepsy by adjunct vagus nerve stimulation therapy in a girl with a CDKL5 mutation. Brain Dev. 2017.04; 39(4); 341-344
Amit Rawat, Pandiarajan Vignesh, Avinash Sharma, Jitendra K Shandilya, Madhubala Sharma, Deepti Suri, Anju Gupta, Vikas Gautam, Pallab Ray, Shivaprakash M Rudramurthy, Arunaloke Chakrabarti, Kohsuke Imai, Shigeaki Nonoyama, Osamu Ohara, Yu L Lau, Surjit Singh. Infection Profile in Chronic Granulomatous Disease: a 23-Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Center in North India J. Clin. Im-munol. 2017.04; 37(3); 319-328
James Slack, Michael H Albert, Dmitry Balashov, Bernd H Belohradsky, Alice Bertaina, Jack Bleesing, Claire Booth, Jochen Buechner, Rebecca H Buckley, Marie Ouachée-Chardin, Elena Deripapa, Katarzyna Drabko, Mary Eapen, Tobias Feuchtinger, Andrea Finocchi, H Bobby Gaspar, Sujal Ghosh, Alfred Gillio, Luis I Gonzalez-Granado, Eyal Grunebaum, Tayfun Güngör, Carsten Heilmann, Merja Helminen, Kohei Higuchi, Kohsuke Imai, Krzysztof Kalwak, Nubuo Kanazawa, Gülsün Karasu, Zeynep Y Kucuk, Alexandra Laberko, Andrzej Lange, Nizar Mahlaoui, Roland Meisel, D Moshous, Hideki Muramatsu, Suhag Parikh, Srdjan Pasic, Irene Schmid, Catharina Schuetz, Ansgar Schulz, Kirk R Schultz, Peter J Shaw, Mary A Slatter, Karl-Walter Sykora, Shinobu Tamura, Mervi Taskinen, Angela Wawer, Beata Wolska-Kus Nierz, Morton J Cowan, Alain Fischer, Andrew R Gennery. Outcome of hematopoietic cell transplantation for DNA double-strand break repair disorders J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2017.04;
Nienke J H van Os, Anne F M Jansen, Marcel van Deuren, Asgeir Haraldsson, Nieke T M van Driel, Amos Etzioni, Michiel van der Flier, Charlotte A Haaxma, Tomohiro Morio, Amit Rawat, Michiel H D Schoenaker, Annarosa Soresina, Alexander M R Taylor, Bart P C van de Warrenburg, Corry M R Weemaes, Nel Roeleveld, Michèl A A P Willemsen. Ataxia-telangiectasia: Immunodeficiency and survival. Clin. Immunol.. 2017.05; 178; 45-55
Haruna Yokoyama, Shimpei Baba, Jun Oyama, Kengo Moriyama, Tomohiro Morio. Early hypoperfusion on arterial spin labeling may be a diagnostic marker for acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion. Brain Dev.. 2017.05; 39(8); 722
Manfred Hoenig, Chantal Lagresle-Peyrou, Ulrich Pannicke, Luigi D Notarangelo, Fulvio Porta, Andrew R Gennery, Mary Slatter, Morton J Cowan, Polina Stepensky, Hamoud Al-Mousa, Daifulah Al-Zahrani, Sung-Yun Pai, Waleed Al Herz, Hubert B Gaspar, Paul Veys, Koichi Oshima, Kohsuke Imai, Hiromasa Yabe, Lenora M Noroski, Nico M Wulffraat, Karl-Walter Sykora, Pere Soler-Palacin, Hideki Muramatsu, Mariam Al Hilali, Despina Moshous, Klaus-Michael Debatin, Catharina Schuetz, Eva-Maria Jacobsen, Ansgar S Schulz, Klaus Schwarz, Alain Fischer, Wilhelm Friedrich, Marina Cavazzana. Reticular dysgen-esis: international survey on clinical presentation, transplantation, and outcome Blood. 2017.05; 129(21); 2928-2938
Fumihiro Goto, Toru Uchiyama, Yumiko Nakazawa, Kohsuke Imai, Toshinao Kawai, Masafumi Onodera. Persistent Impairment of T-Cell Regeneration in a Patient with Activated PI3K δ Syndrome J. Clin. Immunol. 2017.05; 37(4); 347-350
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Yoshiko Hosoe-Nagai, Teruo Hidaka, Ayano Sonoda, Yu Sasaki, Kanae Yamamoto-Nonaka, Takuto Seki, Rin Asao, Eriko Tanaka, Juan Alejandro Oliva Trejo, Fumiko Kodama, Miyuki Takagi, Nobuhiro Tada, Takashi Ueno, Ryuichi Nishinakamura, Yasuhiko Tomino, Katsuhiko Asanuma. Re-expression of Sall1 in podocytes protects against adriamycin-induced nephrosis. Lab. Invest.. 2017.07;
Ayumi Kobayashi, Reiko Takasawa, Kei Takasawa, Masato Nishioka, Masahide Kaneko, Hiroshi Ono, Takanobu Maekawa, Tomohiro Morio, Masayuki Shimohira. An infant case of severe hypereosinophilia and systemic symptoms with multiple drug hypersensitivity and reactivation of cytomegalovirus and BK virus. Allergol Int. 2017.07; 66(3); 479-481
Masayuki Nagasawa, Teppei Ohkawa, Masatoshi Takagi, Kohsuke Imai, Tomohiro Morio. A Stable Mixed Chimera After SCT with RIC in an Infant with I κ B α Hypermorphic Mutation. J. Clin. Immunol.. 2017.07; 37(5); 413-414
Taizo Wada, Satoshi Miyamoto, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Yusuke Matsuda, Tomoko Toma, Kohsuke Imai, Masatoshi Takagi, Tomohiro Morio, Akihiro Yachie. Prolonged neutropenia due to antihuman neutrophil antigen 2 (CD177) antibody after bone marrow transplantation Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017.07; 64(7);
H Takahashi, J Inoue, K Sakaguchi, M Takagi, S Mizutani, J Inazawa. Autophagy is required for cell survival under L-asparaginase-induced metabolic stress in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Oncogene. 2017.07; 36(30); 4267-4276
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Johanna Schepp, Janet Chou, Andrea Skrabl-Baumgartner, Peter D Arkwright, Karin R Engelhardt, Sophie Hambleton, Tomohiro Morio, Ekkehard Röther, Klaus Warnatz, Raif Geha, Bodo Grimbacher. 14 Years after Discovery: Clinical Follow-up on 15 Patients with Inducible Co-Stimulator Deficiency. Front Immunol. 2017.08; 8; 964
Maki Gau, Kei Takasawa. Initial patient choice of a growth hormone device improves child and adolescent adherence to and therapeutic effects of growth hormone replacement therapy. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab.. 2017.08; 30(9); 989-993
Charline Miot, Kohsuke Imai, Chihaya Imai, Anthony J Mancini, Zeynep Yesim Kucuk, Tokomki Kawai, Ryuta Nishikomori, Etsuro Ito, Isabelle Pellier, Sophie Dupuis Girod, Jeremie Rosain, Shinya Sasaki, Shanmuganathan Chandrakasan, Jana Pachlopnik Schmid, Tsubasa Okano, Estelle Colin, Alberto Olaya-Vargas, Marco Yamazaki-Nakashimada, Waseem Qasim, Sara Espinosa Padilla, Andrea Jones, Alfons Krol, Nyree Cole, Stephen Jolles, Jack Bleesing, Thomas Vraetz, Andrew R Gennery, Mario Abinun, Tayfun Güngör, Beatriz Costa-Carvalho, Antonio Condino-Neto, Paul Veys, Steven M Holland, Gulbu Uzel, Despina Moshous, Benedicte Neven, Stéphane Blanche, Stephan Ehl, Rainer Döffinger, Smita Y Patel, Anne Puel, Jacinta Bustamante, Erwin W Gelfand, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Jordan S Orange, Capucine Picard. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in 29 patients hemizygous for hypomorphic IKBKG/NEMO mutations Blood. 2017.09; 130(12); 1456-1467
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Akira Endo, Miko Okamura, Shunsuke Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Otomo, Tomohiro Morio. Multilateral Func-tional Alterations of Human Neutrophils in Sepsis: From the Point of Diagnosis to the Seventh Day. Shock. 2017.10;
Tsubasa Okano, Takuro Nishikawa, Eri Watanabe, Takashi Watanabe, Takehiro Takashima, Tzu-Wen Yeh, Motoi Yamashita, Mari Tanaka-Kubota, Satoshi Miyamoto, Noriko Mitsuiki, Masatoshi Takagi, Yoshifumi Kawano, Yoshiki Mochizuki, Kohsuke Imai, Hirokazu Kanegane, Tomohiro Morio. Maternal T and B cell engraftment in two cases of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency with IgG1 gammopathy. Clin. Immunol. 2017.10;
Shimpei Baba, Ayumi Kobayashi, Haruna Yokoyama, Kengo Moriyama, Ayako Kashimada, Jun Oyama, Ayako Owada, Shoichi Oyama, Tomohiro Morio, Masatoshi Takagi. Slowly progressive leukodystrophy in an adolescent male with phosphoglycerate kinase deficiency. Brain Dev. 2017.10;
Kei Takasawa, Ryuichi Nakagawa, Shigeru Takishima, Kengo Moriyama, Ken Watanabe, Koji Kiyohara, Takeshi Hasegawa, Masahiro Shimohira, Kenichi Kashimada, Norio Shimizu, Tomohiro Morio. Cause of acute encephalitis/encephalopathy in Japanese children diagnosed by a rapid and comprehensive virolog-ical detection system and differences in their clinical presentations. Brain Dev. 2017.10;
Yasuyoshi Ishiwata, Masashi Nagata, Kohta Tsuge, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Sayo Suzuki, Kohsuke Imai, Masatoshi Takagi, Hirokazu Kanegane, Tomohiro Morio, Masato Yasuhara. Population Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Busulfan in Japanese Pediatric Patients With Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. J Clin Pharmacol. 2017.10;
M Ratnaparkhe, M Hlevnjak, T Kolb, A Jauch, K K Maass, F Devens, A Rode, V Hovestadt, A Korshunov, A Pastorczak, W Mlynarski, S Sungalee, J Korbel, J Hoell, U Fischer, T Milde, C Kramm, M Nathrath, K Chrzanowska, E Tausch, M Takagi, T Taga, S Constantini, J Loeffen, J Meijerink, S Zielen, G Gohring, B Schlegelberger, E Maass, R Siebert, J Kunz, A E Kulozik, B Worst, D T Jones, S M Pfister, M Zapatka, P Lichter, A Ernst. Genomic profiling of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in ataxia telangiectasia patients reveals tight link between ATM mutations and chromothripsis. Leukemia. 2017.10; 31(10); 2048-2056
Mari Tanaka-Kubota, Koji Shinozaki, Satoshi Miyamoto, Masakatsu Yanagimachi, Tsubasa Okano, Noriko Mitsuiki, Masahiro Ueki, Masafumi Yamada, Kohsuke Imai, Masatoshi Takagi, Kazunaga Agematsu, Hirokazu Kanegane, Tomohiro Morio. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for pulmonary alveolar proteinosis associated with primary immunodeficiency disease. Int. J. Hematol. 2017.11;
Kaoru Satoh, Yoko Wakejima, Maki Gau, Tomoyuki Kiguchi, Nozomi Matsuda, Reiko Takasawa, Kei Takasawa, Masato Nishioka, Masayuki Shimohira. Risk of coronary artery lesions in young infants with Kawasaki disease: need for a new diagnostic method. Int J Rheum Dis. 2017.11;
Masatoshi Takagi, Misa Yoshida, Yoshino Nemoto, Hiroyuki Tamaichi, Rika Tsuchida, Masafumi Seki, Kumiko Uryu, Rina Nishii, Satoshi Miyamoto, Masahiro Saito, Ryoji Hanada, Hideo Kaneko, Satoru Miyano, Keisuke Kataoka, Kenichi Yoshida, Miki Ohira, Yasuhide Hayashi, Akira Nakagawara, Seishi Ogawa, Shuki Mizutani, Junko Takita. Loss of DNA Damage Response in Neuroblastoma and Utility of a PARP Inhibitor. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017.11; 109(11);
Yuji Sugawara, Kohsuke Imai, Ayako Kashimada, Kengo Moriyama, Shimpei Baba, Ryuta Nishikomori, Mizuho Motegi, Yasuo Takeuchi, Tomohiro Morio. Autoinflammatory phenotypes in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome with interferon upregulation and serological autoimmune features J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2017.11;
Federica Barzaghi, Laura Cristina Amaya Hernandez, Benedicte Neven, Silvia Ricci, Zeynep Yesim Ku-cuk, Jack Bleesing, Zohreh Nademi, Mary Anne Slatter, Erlinda Rose Ulloa, Anna Shcherbina, Anna Roppelt, Austen Worth, Juliana Silva, Alessandro Aiuti, Luis Murguia-Favela, Carsten Speckmann, Magda Carneiro-Sampaio, Juliana Folloni Fernandes, Safa Baris, Ahmet Ozen, Elif Karakoc-Aydiner, Ayca Kiykim, Ansgar Schulz, Sandra Steinmann, Lucia Dora Notarangelo, Eleonora Gambineri, Paolo Lionetti, William Thomas Shearer, Lisa Forbes, Caridad Martinez, Despina Moshous, Stephane Blanche, Alain Fisher, Frank M Ruemmele, Come Tissandier, M Ouachee-Chardin, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Ma-rina Cavazzana, Waseem Qasim, Barbarella Lucarelli, Michael H Albert, Ichiro Kobayashi, Laura Alonso, Cristina Diaz De Heredia, Hirokazu Kanegane, Anita Lawitschka, Jong Jin Seo, Marta Gonzalez-Vicent, Miguel Angel Diaz, Rakesh Kumar Goyal, Martin G Sauer, Akif Yesilipek, Minsoo Kim, Yesim Yilmaz-Demirdag, Monica Bhatia, Julie Khlevner, Erick J Richmond Padilla, Silvana Martino, Davide Montin, Olaf Neth, Agueda Molinos-Quintana, Justo Valverde-Fernandez, Arnon Broides, Vered Pinsk, Antje Ballauf, Filomeen Haerynck, Victoria Bordon, Catharina Dhooge, Maria Laura Garcia-Lloret, Robbert G Bredius, Krzysztof Kal′wak, Elie Haddad, Markus Gerhard Seidel, Gregor Duckers, Sung-Yun Pai, Christopher C Dvorak, Stephan Ehl, Franco Locatelli, Frederick Goldman, Andrew Richard Gennery, Mort J Cowan, Maria Grazia Roncarolo, Rosa Bacchetta, . Long-term follow up of IPEX syndrome pa-tients after different therapeutic strategies: an international multicenter retrospective study. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2017.12;
Ryuichi Nakagawa, Kei Takasawa, Tzu-Wen Yeh, Kohsuke Imai, Kenichi Kashimada, Tomohiro Morio. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Activated Phosphoinositide-3-kinase Delta Syndrome, Type 2. J Diabetes. 2017.12;
Aziz Bousfiha, Leïla Jeddane, Capucine Picard, Fatima Ailal, H Bobby Gaspar, Waleed Al-Herz, Talal Chatila, Yanick J Crow, Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Amos Etzioni, Jose Luis Franco, Steven M Holland, Christoph Klein, Tomohiro Morio, Hans D Ochs, Eric Oksenhendler, Jennifer Puck, Mimi L K Tang, Stuart G Tangye, Troy R Torgerson, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Kathleen E Sullivan. The 2017 IUIS Phenotypic Classification for Primary Immunodeficiencies. J. Clin. Immunol. 2017.12;
Capucine Picard, H Bobby Gaspar, Waleed Al-Herz, Aziz Bousfiha, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Talal Chatila, Yanick J Crow, Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Amos Etzioni, Jose Luis Franco, Steven M Holland, Christoph Klein, Tomohiro Morio, Hans D Ochs, Eric Oksenhendler, Jennifer Puck, Mimi L K Tang, Stuart G Tangye, Troy R Torgerson, Kathleen E Sullivan. International Union of Immunological Societies: 2017
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Kentaro Watanabe, Motohiro Kato, Tetsuya Ishimaru, Mitsuteru Hiwatari, Tomonori Suzuki, Yoshihiro Minosaki, Junko Takita, Jun Fujishiro, Akira Oka. Perioperative management of severe congenital protein C deficiency. Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis. 2017.12; 28(8); 646-649
Kazuo Takayama, Naoki Akita, Natsumi Mimura, Rina Akahira, Yukimasa Taniguchi, Makoto Ikeda, Fuminori Sakurai, Osamu Ohara, Tomohiro Morio, Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi. Generation of safe and therapeutically effective human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells for regenerative medicine Hepatol Commun. 2017.12; 1(10); 1058-1069
Masayuki Nagasawa, Noriko Mitsuiki, Yuki Aoki, Toshiaki Ono, Takeshi Isoda, Kohsuke Imai, Masatoshi Takagi, Michiko Kajiwara, Hirokazu Kanegane, Tomohiro Morio. Effect of reduced-intensity conditioning and the risk of late-onset non-infectious pulmonary complications in pediatric patients Eur. J. Haematol. 2017.12; 99(6); 525-531
Tsujita Y, Imai K, Honma K, Kamae C, Horiuchi T, Nonoyama S. A Severe Anaphylactic Reaction Associated with IgM-Class Anti-Human IgG Antibodies in a Hyper-IgM Syndrome Type 2 Patient J. Clin. Immunol. 2017.12;