
2023 Guidelines for Collaboration with Research Center for Biomedical Engineering

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The four research institutes, Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Institute for Nanodevice of Hiroshima University, and Research Institute of Electronics of Shizuoka University, have built a Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) to integrate their respective strengths and technologies.

We call for joint research with RCBE as follows.

1. Research areas for application

  1. Basic and applied research on biomaterials
  2. Basic and applied research on bioengineering
  3. Basic and applied research on bio-functional molecule
  4. Applied research in chemistry, electricity, machinery, and materials engineering for above fields

Table 1. Types of application

Types Definition of type Maximum budget Number of adoption
(only as a guide)
Global A · Including institute(s) located in outside Japan
· Number of all institutes is 3 or more
600,000 yen About 20 themes
Global B · Including institute located in outside Japan
· Number of all institutes is 2
300,000 yen About 20 themes
Domestic A · NOT including institute located in outside Japan
· Number of all institutes is 3 or more
200,000 yen Determined by application status
Domestic B · NOT including institute located in outside Japan
· Number of all institutes is 2
150,000 yen Determined by application status

2. Qualified applicant

  1. As of April 1, 2023, researcher at universities / research institutes, companies, or equivalents.
  2. The researcher(s) who belonging to RCBE must be included in your research team.
  3. In principal, only one application is accepted per research representative. When one research representative apply for two or more projects, please clearly indicate the differences of research theme, research organization and so on in the application form.

3. Research period

From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

4. Application process

  1. Applicants must discuss with researcher(s) of RCBE on theme, members, and other matters before application.
  2. Please see the homepage of RCBE (https://www.tmd.ac.jp/ibbc/index_e.html) about the member of staffs, facilities, research outline, and so on.
  3. Please send an application-form (both Word and pdf) to the address listed below. The application-form which is revised for 2023 can be downloaded from “Call for Application” in “News” of RCBE homepage (https://www.tmd.ac.jp/ibbc/index_e.html).
  4. The application form should be submitted to the secretariat of the RCBE researcher who you discussed in advance.
E-mail for submission

Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Secretariat of RCBE in Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering
E-mail: rcbio.adm@tmd.ac.jp

Tokyo Institute of Technology
Secretariat of RCBE in Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology
E-mail: rcbio_adm@first.iir.titech.ac.jp

Shizuoka University
Secretariat of RCBE in Research Institute of Electronics
E-mail: rie-rcbe-adm@adb.shizuoka.ac.jp

Hiroshima University
Secretariat of RCBE in Research Institute for Nanodevice
E-mail: rcbio-adm@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

5. Required budget

  1. We will support you within the maximum budget of each type.
  2. The budgets are determined by each institute of RCBE.
  3. Use of expenses is limited to those related to this joint research.

6. Deadline for submission

February 24, 2023 (Friday) (Strict deadline)

7. Selection and acceptance / rejection notification

The adoptions are judged by RCBE steering committee. The result of acceptance or rejection will be notified after April 2023 to applicant.

8. Submission of implementation report

Applicants who have been accepted should submit a joint research implementation report after the research is completed. We will notify you separately about the format of the report and deadline for submission. The submitted report will be filed in RCBE.

9. Others

  1. For animal experiment research, use of human samples, human gene analysis research, gene recombination experiment, etc. that require efforts for bioethics and safety measures, committees inside and outside the center, etc. based on laws and regulations approval procedures, attendance of education and training, etc. may be required.
  2. The handling of intellectual property rights is in accordance with the handling standards for intellectual property rights of each research institute at this center.
  3. Regarding the use of facilities / equipment, you can use the facilities / equipment of the RCBE required for joint research. Please contact the secretariat for details.
  4. When you present the results of the joint research, please acknowledge as follows.
    “This study was supported by the Research Center for Biomedical Engineering.”
  5. Contact information
    (5-1) Tokyo Medical and Dental University
     Secretariat of RCBE, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
     2-3-10 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 JAPAN
     Phone: +81-3-5280-8059
     E-mail: rcbio.adm@tmd.ac.jp
    (5-2) Tokyo Institute of Technology
     Secretariat of RCBE, Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology(FIRST)
     4259-R2-2 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 226-8503 JAPAN
     Phone: +81-45-924-5965
     E-mail: rcbio_adm@first.iir.titech.ac.jp
    (5-3) Shizuoka University
     Secretariat of RCBE, Research Institute of Electronics
     3-5-1 Johoku, Nika-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka 432-8011 JAPAN
     Phone: +81-53-478-1301 (extension 1301)
     E-mail: rie-rcbe-adm@adb.shizuoka.ac.jp
    (5-4) Hiroshima University
     Secretariat of RCBE, Research Institute for Nanodevices
     1-4-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima City, Hiroshima 739-8527 JAPAN
     Phone: +81-82-424-6265
     E-mail: rcbio-adm@hiroshima-u.ac.jp