Shizuoka University held a training seminar on Terahertz measurement
As part of the RCBE (Research Center for Biomedical Engineering) activities, we have started training seminar on "Terahertz spectroscopic spectrum measurement practice" from this year. The seminar was held by Professor Tetsuro Sasaki of Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University. The seminar was face-to-face style and conducted for five days from December 5th (Monday) to 9th (Friday) under sufficient considering against COVID-19.
Three graduate students from Tokyo Institute of Technology and Hiroshima University joined in this program. They attended the lectures of properties and characteristics of terahertz spectrometry, and made and evaluated their devices for practical applications. On the final day, they measured and analyzed the samples related to their own research themes using terahertz spectrometry. We believe that it was a valuable experience for them.