
The 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) Held Successfully

The 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE), a core activity of the Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE), was held on December 3 (Tuesday) and 4 (Wednesday), 2024, at Act City Hamamatsu. This year, Shizuoka University took the lead as the host institution, organizing the symposium with great success.

The symposium commenced with an opening address by Shizuoka University's President, Kazuyuki Hizume. Mr. Koji Yanagisawa, Director of the University Research Facilitation Division, Research Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), delivered remarks, followed by an introduction of RCBE's recent activities by Professor Hiroyuki Kagechika, Director of the Laboratory for Biomaterials and Bioengineering at the Institute of Science, Tokyo. Over the course of two days, the event featured 12 invited lectures, including 4 presented by international researchers, and 154 poster presentations.

A total of 236 participants attended the symposium, including 13 researchers from overseas. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, spanning fundamental research in chemistry and biology to cutting-edge applications utilizing AI. Highlights included protein design through deep learning, biosensors leveraging electrochemical reactions, drug delivery systems employing ultrasound, chemical sensor applications of MEMS cantilevers, cellular analysis using microchemical pens, and the synthesis of compound semiconductors using microorganisms.

In the poster sessions, 8 outstanding presentations were selected from 86 award-eligible posters for the Poster Award, with a ceremony held on the final day to honor the winners.

The symposium provided a valuable opportunity for direct exchange between international researchers and center members, fostering closer collaboration and promoting the center's global outreach. The event laid a foundation for future advancements in the field and further globalization of the research community.

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