Held a seminar on medical-engineering
Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) has started the series of web-based medical-engineering seminars with the Medical-Engineering Collaboration HUB Organization of Tokyo Metropolitan. The aim of the seminars is putting the results to practical use and deepen collaboration with industrial companies. Participants in the seminar are about 700 manufacturers and distributors of medical equipment in Tokyo.
This time, on November 30, the latest research results were reported by the members of RCBE. The participants were 75 (21 manufacturing and sales companies, 12 manufacturing companies, 4 clinical institutions, 10 research institutes, 4 administrative and public institutions, 14 persons involved and 10 others).
As introductions, Directors Hiroyuki Kagechika of Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Hidenori Mimira of Shizuoka University introduced the outline of each research institute. After each introduction, Professors Ryo Matsumoto of Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Wataru Inami of Shizuoka University lectured "Forefront on “artificial pancreas just sticking”", and "Super-resolution imaging technology using electron beams", respectively.
Same as last time, a panel discussion was held, and discussed on "The Future of Life Science and Medical-Engineering Collaboration". The panelists are the above 4 researchers and Akihiro Miyauchi, a professor of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Kazuo Tanishita, Chairman of Nippon Medical Engineering Manufacturing Commons, and Toshihiko Kashiwano, Project Manager of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Engineering Cooperation HUB Organization. The importance of material technology and microfabrication in medical equipment, and the balance between expertise and manufacturing were discussed in the panel discussion. Through the discussion, the importance of RCBE activities was reaffirmed.