K. Kawashima |
Prof |
T. Kanno |
Assist Prof |
T. Miyazaki |
Assist Prof |
T. Kawase |
Assist Prof |
Research Theme
- Surgical robot system
Propose the control method for the surgical robot system
with force display and evaluate its performace with in
vitro and in vivo experiments.
- Haptic device using biological
and visual information
We proposed a hatic device using biological signals and
visual information
- Forceps manipulator for
minimally invasive surgery
We have developed a pneumatically-driven forceps
manipulator with a simple flexible joint for the distal
- Development of power assist
devices using pneumatic actuators
A grip amplified glove and a jumping assist robot using
bi-articular mechanism using pneumatic artificial rubber
muscles were developed.
- Takashi Takizawa, Takahiro Kanno,
Ryoken Miyazaki, Kotaro Tadano, Kenji Kawashima:
Grasping force estimation in robotic forceps using a
soft pneumatic actuator with a built-in sensor, Sensors
& Actuators: A. Physical, Vol.271, pp.124-130 (2018)
- Kengo Watanabe, Takahiro Kanno, Kazuhisa
Ito, Kenji Kawashima: Single Master Dual Slave Surgical
Robot with Automated Relay of Suture Needle, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.65, Issue 8,
pp.6343-6351 (2018)
- Hongbing Li, Kenji Kawashima: Bilateral
teleoperation with delayed force feedback using time
domain passivity controller, Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.37, pp.188-196
- Daisuke Haraguchi, Takahiro Kanno,
Kotaro Tadano, Kenji Kawashima: A Pneumatically-Driven
Surgical Manipulator with a Flexible Distal Joint
Capable of Force Sensing, IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.2950-2961 (2015)
- Kotaro Tadano, Kenji Kawashima: A
Pneumatic Laparoscope Holder controlled by Head
Movement, The International Journal of Medical Robotics
and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol.11, No.3, pp.331-340
- Takahiro Kanno, Daisuke Haraguchi,
Masayoshi Yamamoto, Kotaro Tadano, Kenji Kawashima: A
Forceps Manipulator with Flexible 4-DOF Mechanism for
Laparoscopic Surgery, IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics (TMECH), Vol.20, No.3, pp.1170-1178 (2015)
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