Dental curriculum based on integration of basic and clinical dental sciences

モジュール Modules
M1: 人体の構造と機能 M1: Structure and Function of Human Body
M2: 生命の分子的基盤と細胞の機能 M2: Molecular Basis of Life, and the Cell
M3: 歯科医療入門 M3: Introduction to Dentistry
M4: 病理 M4: Pathology
M5: 感染と生体防御 M5: Infection and Host Defenses
M6: 生体材料 M6: Biomaterials
M7: 臨床体験実習 M7: Preclinical Chairside Practice in Dentistry
M8: 総合課題演習 M8: Society and Dental Sciences
M9: 学年混合選択セミナー M9: Elective seminars
M10: 課題統合セミナー M10: Integrated topics seminar
M11: 歯科医療基礎 M11: Basic of dental medicine
M12: 研究体験実習 M12: Research project
M13: 咬合回復 M13: Occlusal Rehabilitation
M14: 歯周病 M14: Periodontology
M15: 咬合育成・発達 M15: Growth and Development of Occlusion, Pediatric Dental and Orthodontic Treatment
M16: う蝕と歯髄疾患 M16: Dental Caries and Endodontic Diseases
M17: 臨床情報処理 M17: Dental Informatics
M18: 顎口腔医療 M18: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
M19: 全身と歯科治療 M19: Management of Systemic Disease in Dentistry
M20: 包括臨床実習 M20: Dental Practice and Clinical Practicum for Comprehensive Patient Care

School of Dentistry- for educating future leaders in dental care and dental research

For educating dentists who can provide comprehensive dental care

Clinical Education and Postgraduate Clinical Training


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