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2020年度 業績


Characteristics of MSCs in synovial fluid and mode of action of intraarticular injections of synovial MSCs in knee osteoarthritis.
Sekiya I, Katano H, Ozeki N.
Int.J.Mol.Sci. 2021 Mar; 22(6):2838

Characteristic kinematics of floor-sitting activities after posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty determined using model-based shape-matching techniques.
Watanabe T, Gamada K, Koga H, Sekiya I, Muneta T, Jinno T.
Knee. 2021 Mar; 29:571-579

Inhibition of fibrotic changes in infrapatellar fat pad alleviates persistent pain and articular cartilage degeneration in monoiodoacetic acid-induced rat arthritis model.
An JS, Tsuji K, Onuma H, Araya N, Isono M, Hoshino T, Inomata K, Hino J, Miyazato M, Hosoda H, Kangawa K, Nakagawa Y, Katagiri H, Miyatake K, Sekiya I, Muneta T, Koga H.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021 Mar; 29(3):380-388

Arthroscopic Centralization Using Knotless Anchors for Extruded Medial Meniscus.
Koga H, Nakamura T, Nakagawa Y, Ozeki N, Ohara T, Shioda M, Kohno Y, Amemiya M, Sekiya I.
Arthrosc Tech. 2021 Feb;10(3):e639-e645

Knee laxity, lateral meniscus tear and distal femur morphology influence pivot shift test grade in ACL injury patients.
Cui W, Nakagawa Y, Katagiri H, Otabe K, Ohara T, Shioda M, Kohno Y, Hoshino T, Yoshihara A, Sekiya I, Koga H.
KSSTA. 2021 Feb; 29(2):633-640

Synovial mesenchymal stem cells promote the meniscus repair in a novel pig meniscus injury mode.
Ozeki N, Kohno Y, Kushida Y, Watanabe N, Mizuno M, Katano H, Masumoto J, Koga H, Sekiya I.
J Orthop Res. 2021 Jan;39(1):177-183

Surgical treatment of complex meniscus tear and disease: state of the art.
Ozeki N, Seil R, Krych AJ, Koga H.
J ISAKOS. 2021 Jan; 6(1):35-45

Mesenchymal stem cell sin synovial fluid increase in knees with degenerative meniscus injury after arthroscopic procedures through the endogenous effects of CGRP and HGF.
Watanabe N, Endo K, Komori K, Ozeki N, Mizuno M, Katano H, Kohno Y, Tsuji K, Koga H, Sekiya I.
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 2020 Dec;16(6):1305-1315

Two- and three-dimensional optical coherence tomography to differentiate degenerative changes in a rat meniscectomy model.
Kushida Y, Ozeki N, Mizuno M, Katano H, Otabe K, Tsuji K, Koga H, Kishima K, Soma Y, Sekiya I.
J Orthop Res. 2020 Dec;38(12):2592-2600

Relationship between medial meniscus extrusion and cartilage measurements in the knee by fully automatic three-dimensional MRI analysis.
Aoki H, Ozeki N, Katano H, Hyodo A, Miura Y, Matsuda J, Takanashi K, Suzuki K, Masumoto J, Okanouchi N, Fujiwara T, Sekiya I.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Nov;21(1):742

Two-Year Outcomes After Meniscoplasty by Capsular Advancement With the Application of Arthroscopic Centralization Technique for Lateral Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis.
Koga H, Nakamura T, Katagiri H, Nakagawa Y, Ozeki N, Ohara T, Shioda M, Kohno Y, Amemiya M, Sekiya I.
Am J Sports Med. 2020 Nov;48(13):3154-3162

Investigation of association between the preoperative intra-articular anesthetic test and persistent pain after total knee arthroplasty.
Seki Y, Katagiri H, Otabe K, Nakagawa Y, Miyatake K, Sekiya I, Koga H.
J Orthop Sci. 2020 Nov;25(6):1055-1060

Editorial Commentary: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Preparation Methods Affect the Properties of Shoulder Subacromial Bursa-Derived Cells.
Utsunomiya H, Sekiya I, Uchida S.
Arthroscopy 2020 Nov;36(11):2803-2804

The environmental risk assessment of cell-processing facilities for cell therapy in a Japanese academic institution.
Mizuno M, Endo K, Katano H, Tsuji A, Kojima N, Watanabe K, Shimizu N, Morio T, Sekiya I.
PLOS ONE 2020 Aug;15(8):e0236600

Differentiation potential of synovial mesenchymal stem cells isolated from hip joints affected by femoroacetabular impingement syndrome versus osteoarthritis.
Murata Y, Uchida S, Utsunomiya H, Hatakeyama A, Nakashima H, Mori T, Yamanaka Y, Tsukamoto M, Sekiya I, Huard J, Philippon MJ, Sakai A.
Arthroscopy 2020 Aug;36(8):2122-2133

Intra-articular Injection of Pure Platelet-Rich Plasma Is the Most Effective Treatment for Joint Pain by Modulating Synovial Inflammation and Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Expression in a Rat Arthritis Model.
Araya N, Miyatake K, Tsuji K, Katagiri H, Nakagawa Y, Hoshino T, Onuma H, An S, Nishio H, Saita Y, Sekiya I, Koga H.
Am J Sports Med. 2020 Jul;48(8):2004-2012

Morphological changes in synovial mesenchymal stem cells during their adhesion to the meniscus.
Suzuki S, Mizuno M, Sakamaki Y, Mimata A, Endo K, Kohno Y, Ozeki N, Otabe K, Katano H, Tsuji K, Koga H, Sekiya I.
Lab Invest. 2020 Jul;100(7):916-927

Fibrotic changes in the infrapatellar fat pad induce new vessel formation and sensory nerve fiber endings that associate prolonged pain.
Onuma H, Tsuji K, Hoshino T, Inomata K, Udo M, Nakagawa Y, Katagiri H, Miyatake K, Watanabe T, Sekiya I, Muneta T, Koga H.
J Orthop Res. 2020 Jun;38(6):1296-1306

Correction To: Coronal and Sagittal Laxity Affects Clinical Outcomes in Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty: Assessment of Well-Functioning Knees.
Watanabe T, Koga H, Katagiri H, Otabe K, Nakagawa Y, Muneta T, Sekiya I, Jinno T.
KSSTA. 2020 May;28(5):1410

The effect of a centralization procedure for extruded lateral meniscus on load distribution in porcine knee joints at different flexion angles.
Kubota R, Koga H, Ozeki N, Matsuda J, Kohno Y, Mizuno M, Katano H, Sekiya I.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Apr;21(1):205


【早期変形性膝関節症の診断と治療】3D MRIを用いた半月板評価
大関 信武, 関矢 一郎
整形・災害外科 2021 Mar; 64(3):279-283

【再生医療とスポーツ医学 第11回】損傷半月板を温存するための細胞治療
関矢 一郎
臨床スポーツ医学 2020 Nov; 37(11):1334-1338

関矢 一郎
関節外科 2020 Sep; 39(9):962-972

【半月板-Save the Meniscus】縫合困難例に対する治療 修復困難な損傷・変性半月板に対する細胞治療
関矢 一郎
整形・災害外科 2020 Apr; 63(5):701-708

【半月板-Save the Meniscus】損傷半月板の診断と治療の現状 レセプト情報に基づく本邦の半月板単独手術件数の現状
片野 尚子, 関矢 一郎
整形・災害外科 2020 Apr; 63(5):557-564

【整形外科領域のPRP治療:どこまで明らかになったのか】(Part4)半月板 半月板損傷に対するPRP治療の総説
大関 信武, 古賀 英之, 関矢 一郎
Bone Joint Nerve. 2020 Apr; 10(2):225-228